I got pinched today...



damn Leos(for my friends across the pond) I was riding home today and came into some traffic. I saw an opening and made a pass just as I cleared the traffic I saw an oncoming CHP and rolled off the throttle, but it was too late.
I had the image of pulling a ghost rider and going for it but I decided to just slow down and see if he made the U-turn and came for me... and he did.
I was 1 mile from my house when he pulled me over, if I had pinned it he never would of seen me again.he ask the typical question, "do you know why I pulled you over?" I told him "let me guess...Speeding???" he asked how fast I was going, I said 75, he said he had me on radar at 97 in a 65. he said he was surprised I didn't run. he said most Sportbikers jump on it when he tries to pull them over. I said I didn't think it was worth it. so he decided to "give me a break" seeing how I didn't run from him, and he wrote me up for 80 in a 65. this is the first ticket I've ever got!!! 17 years of a clean driving record down the drain. I should be able to go to traffic school to keep the rates down.

and the legend begins...
Wow, so sorry about the ticket Bro. Like you said "it wasn't worth it" even though it's so easy to just gun it, especially you were only a mile away. Personally, I like the whole Knight Rider concept, support vehicle with a drop down ramp for a quick get away/hide away.:D
your right. I've been a bad boy!!! maybe you should give me a spanking :D
Ouch, sorry to hear that. It's so easy, even on the FZ6, to pass someone and look down to see triple digits, you just got unlucky.

Glad to hear that you didn't run; it would have been dangerous even if you didn't get caught and you would have been in a lot of trouble if you did get caught.

Do you feel that you're more conspicuous on the R1 than you were on the FZ6?
oh well, I guess it's time to slow down

for a little while
Doesn't she know we like sleeping on the couch, it's like camping.

Seriously, glad you didn't run. May have been just 1 mile, but if you did get caught somehow, the results would be far worse.

I was passed by 4-5 bikes doing close to 150MPH, cruiser on the other side pulled a u-turn and started chasing because he knew the roadwork 1-2 miles ahead (on a bridge) had the traffic jammed solid, somehow he only grabbed one of them. You did the right thing
Ouch, sorry to hear that. It's so easy, even on the FZ6, to pass someone and look down to see triple digits, you just got unlucky.

Glad to hear that you didn't run; it would have been dangerous even if you didn't get caught and you would have been in a lot of trouble if you did get caught.

Do you feel that you're more conspicuous on the R1 than you were on the FZ6?
totally!!! ever since I got it. it attracts way too much attention. the other day I was riding, legal like (speedo indicated 65MPH) this cop on the side of the road just was staring at me as I passed, he then caught up to me and followed me for a few miles before turning around. I never had problems like that on my FZ6, and it was even the faster RED one!!!!
I guess what pisses me off the most is; he seems like he's bragging and I know damn well that if I had gotten a ticket, he would've been flamin mad!!!! Oh yeah, that's right....double standards. :shakehead:

Oh well....now he can't say anything, anymore, about my ticket that I got 8 years ago!
I should be able to go to traffic school to keep the rates down.

When you take the traffic school, the ticket should not even get to your insurance company. That's why so many people pay the extra to take the class so they can get the ticket cleared. So your rates shouldn't get touched. The catch is that you can't get another ticket for 9 months or sometime around there (at least that's how it is in IL). If you do, it cancels out the traffic school and both tickets go on your record (I think that's the way they described it to me when I got a ticket 2 yrs. ago).

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
if I had been on a Zuma, there is no doubt I would have run!!!!:D
You got lucky! Kudos for not running.

Did you know that when a LEO asks you that question, you shouldn't answer? It's self-incrimination. Best answer is "No Sir. I don't know why you've pulled me over." And when he says speeding and "do you know how fast you were going?" Then the answer is, "I was following the flow of traffic Sir." Let HIM tell you who, what, where, when and why. ;)
That could also totally piss of the cop because he knows you're playing dumb and then you get hit twice as hard.

It has never let me down! ;) I am dead-serious about self-incrimination though. Never tell them why you think you were pulled over and how fast you think you were going. NEVER!!! :D