I need some good advise, seriously


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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I'm not going to beat around the bush, here these last 2 months I've been super squid, to the point it's starting to scare me, but that's the problem I thrive off that feeling. I've always like to have my fun but normally maybe once a week, well now it's like I've forgot how to ride normal, hell my bike sounded like it hit 17k this morning when I slammed it in 1st goin like 60ish. Since I've got this bike for the most part I've been good, I haven't gotten a ticket in over 2yrs (knocking on wood) when the 5yrs prior I lost my license twice a yr but at the rate I'm going ill be locked up again very soon...

So my fellow forum members I want some advise, how do you control yourself when you get those squidly urges? I couldn't be more serious about this, so I don't need no bashing, I've beat myself up over it enough. I want some good ideas, not "just slow down", not "don't ride the bike for a while" if those worked I wouldn't be asking lol

Maybe I need to get busted again....
I think about my fiance and our kids...What would their life be like if I was not around due to being in jail or dead. Granted, there are days went I need to let loose but keep in check also.
I'm not speaking from personal experience, but from reading all the forums / magazines / books: take it to the track!

Many riders say that when they go properly fast on the track, they no longer feel the need to ride aggressively on the street.

One of the things we teach in MSF is to always consider the consequences, but I know this is very difficult to do.

Think about what really concerns you about the kind of riding you're doing. Put it in print and place it on your gas tank, so you see it every time before you head out.

I really should do the same!

Be safe out there!
I understand the feeling. How close is your nearest track? It might be still open for a little bit. My closest one is like 3 hours.

You have the gear, get some friends together on a warmer day and go for a spirited ride.

At one point I had 20+ points on my license. (All car tickets).
You have to think about your family. It's what I did not to long ago when I met a cop motorcycle doing 50 in a 35 (a no school 4 lane road) I threw him the dueces, look down and saw I was speeding. He hit his brakes and lights and started to bust a u turn, I hit about 120. And thought to myself wtf are you doing????

Well I slowed and he finally caught up trying to run me off the road. I played dumb like I wasn't trying to run and how I could got away if I wanted. He said your right, so I took my 50 in a 35 ticket. We all have urges. It's just best to take a chill sometimes.

We all "grow horns" when we ride sometimes, you just have to know when and where you can open that throttle.

You just have to think of the poor emergency service staff who might have to scrape you off the road. Your family having to identify your body. Never a nice thought but it might help.

Personally, I love the feeling when I ride, my husband loves riding and riding with him makes me so happy. I don't want to ruin that feeling.

Chev, the fact that you're asking this on the forum means you know you're being naughty :spank:

Behave yourself. We kinda like you here :)
increase your observations, make a note of everything that's going on, you will find it's more difficult to speed and do this
As a 22 year old man... I know the feeling. While I don't have any speeding tickets, I got a wake up call thanksgiving morning when I low sided her.

I think the reason I'm going so "fast" is because the FZ6 is quite tame under 7k RPMs, and 7k RPMs in 1st is ~35, and in 2nd is ~55 (If I recall correctly)... So the start of the powerband in 2nd is basically the speed limit save for on the expressway... Well that's no fun... This is why I want to go to the Daytona 675 or back to an SV650. That low end grunt was just so much more enticing and fun around town and on country roads.

I know for a fact I won't drive the fz6 as hard as I was after I fix her up... But I got a wake up call and luckily, it ended a lot better than it could have.

We like having you here Chevy, stay safe out there bud.
Family first keeps me in check. The thought of the pain and economic hardship a wreck would cause, second.

It's better to have many future successful rides than to have one epic, yet FINAL, run. Enjoy the scenery. Find your adrenaline rush elsewhere. Jump out of a plane (with a parachute). :thumbup:
Wow, good luck taming the "beast" within, it can be a struggle for sure, have you thought about another outlet for that rush? anything else that can give you that high without endangering others or your self? Take a martial arts class? Work out a little before a ride to release some of those endorphins? Base jumping? lol Make a list of pros & cons and look at it each day...who knows, something may help.
+1 for the track. I did my first track day a couple of weeks back and it was just an absolute blast. The biggest difference is that I could go fast and just focus on the riding, I didn't have to worry about all of the morons around me - it was the absolute best. Seriously, you have to try it at least once.

However, it can be quite expensive... luckily for me I happen to know a regular and used his bike and track pass. :X
Lots of good ideas, a couple things keep popping up, the track, and family. There's a couple tracks I could go to and a bunch of the guys I ride with have pretty much begged me to come with em I just keep finding some excuse not to go. I guess I might have to give it a shot. But family, of course it's always in the back of my mind I guess I need top it on top...

But I just got a call about 30 min ago that almost brought me to tears. Earlier this year one of my real good friends was killed while riding, well his sister called me. Apparently I blew past her this morning on my way to work, and she let me have it! I got a ear full that's for sure but I think that was just what I needed to hear.....
But I just got a call about 30 min ago that almost brought me to tears. Earlier this year one of my real good friends was killed while riding, well his sister called me. Apparently I blew past her this morning on my way to work, and she let me have it! I got a ear full that's for sure but I think that was just what I needed to hear.....

I guess that's sort of timely...!!!! :eek: Sorry about your friend and we'd be sorry to lose or see you hurt.

Yup we all get on the edge a bit. Be safe and happy bro! :)
Lots of good ideas, a couple things keep popping up, the track, and family. There's a couple tracks I could go to and a bunch of the guys I ride with have pretty much begged me to come with em I just keep finding some excuse not to go. I guess I might have to give it a shot. But family, of course it's always in the back of my mind I guess I need top it on top...

But I just got a call about 30 min ago that almost brought me to tears. Earlier this year one of my real good friends was killed while riding, well his sister called me. Apparently I blew past her this morning on my way to work, and she let me have it! I got a ear full that's for sure but I think that was just what I needed to hear.....

sometimes it takes can only sink in when coming from one person specifically.....

I have been so disheartened lately because I CAN'T remember the last time I went to the redline.....Maybe if you ride with someone that is slow or just super careful for a few rides that will help? Im not sure what did it for me because I still get pulled over....my last was 58 in a 55, this a$$hole called for backup before he even hit the lights because I "looked like I was goin to run" with all my lights on, on a sunday night with my backpack strapped onto the back and full gear......yes im serious....I get attention when I am chillin.....