I Saw Her Naked...


Elite Member
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
Ventura, CA USA
...and I can't get the image out of my head.

It all began when I decided to give her a little spa treatment, you know, the works. I took her out front and slowly began undressing her, this was new territory for me as I had never seen her bare before.

Layer by layer I stripped her down, I was so intent on the task at hand that I was unaware of the beauty that was unfolding before me. Many a curious passerby glanced our way, some even pausing to admire with a slight smile on their face.

After maybe 30 minutes I removed the last item and lovingly layed it aside. I turned to reach for the soaps and oils in preparation of giving my lady a well deserved treat. That's when I caught site of her from the corner of my eye...

I was astonished! I had often imagined, nay, fantasized about her naked, I had even gone so far as to, guiltily, view photos of others, naked, right here on this very site. But never had I expected to see what lay before me now.

There she stood, bare to the world, shameless, flaunting herself to any who dared cast a glance our way. The strong sturdy lines of her front end, the prominent swell and curve of her back, her proud, haughty, rear-end, upturned and firm.

I blushed, trying to avert my eyes, ashamed, knowing down deep that she was more than I could handle. But her sensuous lines beckoned me. Her siren song, calling in my ears. I grew bold and lifted my gaze upon her.

Standing there looking upon her in all her glory, I could envision her leaping, wild and free, unfettered by the restraints from which she had just been released. It was then that tempation was at its strongest.

I could here her whispering to me, 'leave it, I don't need it.' I reasoned with her, 'the elements, there so harsh, we need the protection.' She gazed back sadly, 'It's your decision, it always has been, I will love you either way.'

The moment passed, she grew silent. I proceeded, massaging her with exotic soaps and rare oils until we had completed what we started. I delicately redressed her, gave her a long, loving caress and covered her for the night.

But the image...the emotions...they still haunt me...what will I do...

I'm giving you a week to go from "what will I do?" to "which headlight should I get?" :)
:) Thank you for your descriptive if not poetic description of your moment :) I enjoyed it very much.

It brought to mind my father practically humping his Honda 919 in the show room. I'm pretty sure he violated the gas tank while my cousin went to get the key to crank it up for us.

I have to admit, I too toy w/the idea of a naked FZ. But my blueskying goes a little farther I'm afraid. I want a naked and still keep my Betty. Two bikes...mmmm ;) hehe
Looks Good! I am pretty sure if they sold the naked version in the states that I would have bought it instead. Would be nice if there was a way to make a quick connect system so you could easily switch back and forth between the two looks. Two bikes for the price of one would be nice!

Not sure which is more disturbing... what you wrote or that I read it twice.:rof:
...and I can't get the image out of my head.

It all began when I decided to give her a little spa treatment, you know, the works. I took her out front and slowly began undressing her, this was new territory for me as I had never seen her bare before.

Layer by layer I stripped her down, I was so intent on the task at hand that I was unaware of the beauty that was unfolding before me. Many a curious passerby glanced our way, some even pausing to admire with a slight smile on their face.

After maybe 30 minutes I removed the last item and lovingly layed it aside. I turned to reach for the soaps and oils in preparation of giving my lady a well deserved treat. That's when I caught site of her from the corner of my eye...

I was astonished! I had often imagined, nay, fantasized about her naked, I had even gone so far as to, guiltily, view photos of others, naked, right here on this very site. But never had I expected to see what lay before me now.

There she stood, bare to the world, shameless, flaunting herself to any who dared cast a glance our way. The strong sturdy lines of her front end, the prominent swell and curve of her back, her proud, haughty, rear-end, upturned and firm.

I blushed, trying to avert my eyes, ashamed, knowing down deep that she was more than I could handle. But her sensuous lines beckoned me. Her siren song, calling in my ears. I grew bold and lifted my gaze upon her.

Standing there looking upon her in all her glory, I could envision her leaping, wild and free, unfettered by the restraints from which she had just been released. It was then that tempation was at its strongest.

I could here her whispering to me, 'leave it, I don't need it.' I reasoned with her, 'the elements, there so harsh, we need the protection.' She gazed back sadly, 'It's your decision, it always has been, I will love you either way.'

The moment passed, she grew silent. I proceeded, massaging her with exotic soaps and rare oils until we had completed what we started. I delicately redressed her, gave her a long, loving caress and covered her for the night.

But the image...the emotions...they still haunt me...what will I do...


LMAO!!!! Do you write for a living? It sounds like it. Yes, I think your scared for life now and will be looking for a new head light VERY SOON.

Great Post....thanks..
LMAO!!!! Do you write for a living? It sounds like it. Yes, I think your scared for life now and will be looking for a new head light VERY SOON.

Great Post....thanks..

No, I do not write for a living, but thanks for thinking that.

I was just surprised by how good the bike looked without the fairings. I've seen the pictures, but they don't do justice, seeing it in real life is a totally different experience.

I was hoping to convey some of that difference through an amusing little tale, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it :D
nice bike and nice write up of your emotions....now... go sell her clothes on e-bay and buy a headlight and do her proper!
With regard to the headlight.

I am currently working on another project for the bike, but, if I do decide to go naked, I am looking at two options, just have to figure out how I would mount either one.

The first is:

The second is:
Yea - my SV650 was a naked bike and the long distance was pretty brutal...stepping up to the faired FZ6 was great for touring!

Perhaps you could take off the fairings and take a quick jaunt down the 101 to see how it feels?