I was a chaperone today!



My daughter's 2nd grade class went to "The Living Desert" in Palm Desert. We left around 8:30 am and it was HOT (triple digits)!!! The bus was brand new, but the A/C did not work. I had 10 kids in my group and they were kinda wild....I had to yell at them a few times.

They had all kinds of animals there.....we saw; mountain lions, bobcats, wolves, coyotes, meerkats, rattlesnakes (diamond back, sidewinder and many others), foxes, big horn sheep, golden eagles..etc. They also have an animal hospital and we were able to watch the vets give a yearly exam to an owl. It was pretty cool. I didn't take any pics because I forgot my damn camera!

After lunch, I was MISERABLE....it was just too hot to eat and then I had to look forward to the 90 min ride back to the school. I was getting nautious on the bus...whew...I'm glad we made it back before I lost my lunch.

All in all, it was a fun day....it would've been more enjoyable if the field trip had been earlier in the year. Next time I go, I will definitely bring a camera.
Woo. I love animals. I bet you had fun up till it was sick time. LOL

You know its 66 degrees here today? When will you crazy california folk do like Jeds family said and move away from there. LOL

Triple digits in May. Thats crazy.
Woo. I love animals. I bet you had fun up till it was sick time. LOL

You know its 66 degrees here today? When will you crazy california folk do like Jeds family said and move away from there. LOL

Triple digits in May. Thats crazy.

The mountain lion was my favorite...he was just beautiful and he was rolling around on his back staring at everybody through the glass. They also have African Gazelles, Zebras, Camels, Cheetahs, leopards and Giraffes, but there wasn't enough time to see them. :(
I feel bad that Seth (my son) wasn't able to go... I want to take them back when it cools off.

66 degrees? you ba*tard ;)

It's gonna be a stupid hot summer. I'm definitely NOT looking forward to it. I hate the heat. I get really bad migraines and the heat makes it worse (like today.)

We can't move...we owe more on our house than it's worth! :(
Yeah right....I couldn't afford the payment if I didn't have a tenant....also, rent is like $600-$800 here and that would not pay the mortgage.

Interesting, the national standard for your area is 1,476 to 1,827. I did find some rentals in the low 1,200 area but nothing in the 600 to 800 area unless they are renting cardboard boxes.......
Yeah right....I couldn't afford the payment if I didn't have a tenant....also, rent is like $600-$800 here and that would not pay the mortgage.

yeah...If I had brought my camera

You didn't read my whole post, did ya? :D

If i hadn;t been drinking i probably wouldn't have forgotten what you read by the time i got to posting....

and no, i probably missed that line of your post... Sorry
Interesting, the national standard for your area is 1,476 to 1,827. I did find some rentals in the low 1,200 area but nothing in the 600 to 800 area unless they are renting cardboard boxes.......

what area are you looking in? There are brand new houses here for under $100,000....there's no way rentals are $1,200....the owner's would be smokin rock if they asked that much. My house payment isn't even $1,200.
Wow. How do you ride in that kind of heat?
I'm still wearing my insulated jacket, neck warmer, winter gloves, flannel lined jeans, ski socks......
We did have a beautiful weekend rinde in the white mountains this past weekend. It was in the high 50's!
Wow. How do you ride in that kind of heat?
I'm still wearing my insulated jacket, neck warmer, winter gloves, flannel lined jeans, ski socks......
We did have a beautiful weekend rinde in the white mountains this past weekend. It was in the high 50's!

I guess I'm "somewhat" used to the heat. Damn...just reading your post made me sweat; "insulated jacket, neck warmer, winter gloves, flannel lined jeans, ski socks."

50's ahhhhh....that sounds nice right now. Glad you had a nice ride.

There was a kid on the bus that asked me what "snow" felt like.... LOL...it was kinda sad....actually my kids have never felt snow either. :(