I was Busted too!!!


Published FIZZER
Feb 14, 2008
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Rochester, NY
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After reading Pete's thread, I thought I should share my own BUSTED experience from yesterday. I was leaving the gym @ around 7:00pm feeling pretty good, the sun had just come out after being cloudy all day, perfect time to ride. I pull on to a two lane road where the speed limit is 45mph, the road is completely empty so I hit the throttle. I slow down to turn onto a side road after about a 3/4 mile. I would say I topped out at about 85 for a fraction of second before I started to slow for the turn. After pulling onto the side road I hear a siren, and a voice tells me to pull over to the side of the road. SH@$!

I pull over and the cop pulls his cruiser in front of my bike, apparently thinking I would attempt to run. He gets out and immediately asks if I'm licensed. I say "Yes sir." He then asks for my registration and license, doesnt say anything else. I give it to him and he goes into his cruiser and runs my information for about 10 minutes, undoubtedly making me sweat it out. He comes back and says, "Just be careful out there, I'm not going to give you a ticket." I was a bit dumbfounded, because the whole time I'm trying to figure where he got me and how fast he's gonna ticket me.

He goes on to say, "It's refreshing to see somebody that took the time to get their license and who actually where's the proper gear when riding. I also ride." :confused::thumbup: Phew!!!

He went on to talk about how most of the people he pulls over in Rochester on motorcycles dont have a license and attempt to run which is why he pulled me over the way he did. We talk for a few more minutes and he then tells me to "Ride safe." and heads on his way. I reciprocate the "Ride safe" and hop on my bike and take off. Not exceeding the speed limit this time, and I dont think I will for awhile. Still kind of shell shocked.

Bottom line:

Wear your gear all the time, not only will it save your life, it may just get you out of a ticket!

and respect police officers, because only some of them are jerks. :rockon:
I live in a town where we only have about 12 cops and the last time i got pulled over i tokk off my helmet and heard the words, "you again"?

Sometimes it helps to get pulled over a few times so the locals will get to know ya. I dont seem to get tickets in my town anymore, just the ussual be careful talk.
Lucky dog! I thought I might get lucky with my Military ID, I always keep it on top of my DL. I was thinking he didn't impound me because I was geared up and had all of the correct and up to date paper work at my finger tips.

As they say AJ, "better lucky than good"! :thumbup:
I live in a town where we only have about 12 cops and the last time i got pulled over i tokk off my helmet and heard the words, "you again"?

Sometimes it helps to get pulled over a few times so the locals will get to know ya. I dont seem to get tickets in my town anymore, just the ussual be careful talk.

Ha! Ha! Ha! :p LOL

"You again" too funny!

OK, let me get this straight:

You got pulled over by a police officer, but didn't get a ticket? Did I hear that right?

In Canada, you get pulled over by a cop? You're getting a ticket. Even if you didn't do anything wrong, you're getting a ticket. It's like, "We spent time pulling you over, so we need to get compensation somehow."

Maybe in BC you'll get away with it, but anywhere else? You're getting a ticket. An expensive ticket. The odds are against you in court.
OK, let me get this straight:

You got pulled over by a police officer, but didn't get a ticket? Did I hear that right?

In Canada, you get pulled over by a cop? You're getting a ticket. Even if you didn't do anything wrong, you're getting a ticket. It's like, "We spent time pulling you over, so we need to get compensation somehow."

Maybe in BC you'll get away with it, but anywhere else? You're getting a ticket. An expensive ticket. The odds are against you in court.

Yup, I couldnt believe it either, he had me dead to rights. I was sitting there trying to calculate how much this would cost me while he was in his cruiser. I thought the only people who got let go were attractive women who play the crying game. As you can see, I was wrong. :thumbup::D

I'm thinking had this been a NY State Trooper rather than a City Sheriff I would have been done for.
I would agree with you on the NY Trooper. I have a class B commercial license and deal with troopers a lot at checkpoints. I also have an inlaw thats a trooper. they tend to give leway for 10 miles and hour but if they take time to pull you over, no warnings. I have a similar(yet stupid) Sheriff story while driving my cage. Was at a local bar mourning a friends father and got pulled over for an obstructed plate. He asked where i was comming from and I said," monroe ave(local bar street). "where on monroe?", he says. "The bar", I slur. After a field sobriety check he says, "here's your ticket, take it to a local Dept. after you fix the plate issue. You seem like a guy that can hold his liquor, have a good night." I was about crapping down my leg the whole time. But being a friendly and respectfull drunk (well buzzed)I just did everything he asked and it went my way. I haven't attempted to not wait a good while before driving after a couple since. Glad he let you off with a warning. What area is your gym at?
I pull over and the cop pulls his cruiser in front of my bike, apparently thinking I would attempt to run. He gets out and immediately asks if I'm licensed. I say "Yes sir." :rockon:

Now what kind of a questions is that? I mean just look at your licence plate.
I don't recall seeing many motorcyclists pulled over by cops. I read once that police are more concerned about dangerous driving that speed - such as sharp lane changes, tailgating. Although I've frequently seen riders blow away the speed limit, maybe the police mentality is that a fast rider is more a danger to himself than others. Bad driving cagers is a different story.

Near my house in some twisties, I did once see an officer pulling over a batch of riders. It's one of those roads where 45mph seems a comfortable jaunt, but the speed limit is 25 - I can exceed the speed limit on my bicycle! So it's like shooting fish in a barrel for the police. Kind of keeps me on edge every time I rid through there.
Now what kind of a questions is that? I mean just look at your license plate.

Vegas, the plate won't tell the officer if you are licensed relative to an endorsement. The officer would have to run 27's and 28's on the bike and rider to get the information.
Vegas, the plate won't tell the officer if you are licensed relative to an endorsement. The officer would have to run 27's and 28's on the bike and rider to get the information.

I know just a mere licence plate is not going to indicate whether he's licenced or not, but being that it's a personal tag about his bike is a good indication that he most likely was.
After reading Pete's thread, I thought I should share my own BUSTED experience from yesterday. I was leaving the gym @ around 7:00pm feeling pretty good, the sun had just come out after being cloudy all day, perfect time to ride. I pull on to a two lane road where the speed limit is 45mph, the road is completely empty so I hit the throttle. I slow down to turn onto a side road after about a 3/4 mile. I would say I topped out at about 85 for a fraction of second before I started to slow for the turn. After pulling onto the side road I hear a siren, and a voice tells me to pull over to the side of the road. SH@$!

I pull over and the cop pulls his cruiser in front of my bike, apparently thinking I would attempt to run. He gets out and immediately asks if I'm licensed. I say "Yes sir." He then asks for my registration and license, doesnt say anything else. I give it to him and he goes into his cruiser and runs my information for about 10 minutes, undoubtedly making me sweat it out. He comes back and says, "Just be careful out there, I'm not going to give you a ticket." I was a bit dumbfounded, because the whole time I'm trying to figure where he got me and how fast he's gonna ticket me.

He goes on to say, "It's refreshing to see somebody that took the time to get their license and who actually where's the proper gear when riding. I also ride." :confused::thumbup: Phew!!!

He went on to talk about how most of the people he pulls over in Rochester on motorcycles dont have a license and attempt to run which is why he pulled me over the way he did. We talk for a few more minutes and he then tells me to "Ride safe." and heads on his way. I reciprocate the "Ride safe" and hop on my bike and take off. Not exceeding the speed limit this time, and I dont think I will for awhile. Still kind of shell shocked.

Bottom line:

Wear your gear all the time, not only will it save your life, it may just get you out of a ticket!

and respect police officers, because only some of them are jerks. :rockon:
I have been stopped a good few times by the Police. I have always found that by stopping, turning my bike off and removing my helmet shows my intent to cooperate.
Being respectful to them always pays dividends. They are used to dealing with so much crap that as you say "It's refreshing" to actually talk to someone resposible.

I know just a mere license plate is not going to indicate whether he's licensed or not, but being that it's a personal tag about his bike is a good indication that he most likely was.

Well, I used to think that too however, about 3years ago there was a new place that opened up in Corona California and the owner wanted to start a bike night. About 200 folks showed up for the opening night and about 10 cops from the CHP and Corona PD came in as well. These guys were writing tickets for all sorts of stuff from loud pipes to non-DOT helmets. Come to find out many of the folks who were there didn't have the endorsement. Go figure, a nice bike and no license. Because of that one incident I now never assume the rider has an endorsement. In the officer's case he too has probably seen a lot of folks that may have their respective cage license but again, no endorsement for the bike. The other thing that follows is the fact that plate does not mean the bike is that riders. Until the officer runs the plate and sees the license he won't know the two are together.
Well, I used to think that too however, about 3years ago there was a new place that opened up in Corona California and the owner wanted to start a bike night. About 200 folks showed up for the opening night and about 10 cops from the CHP and Corona PD came in as well. These guys were writing tickets for all sorts of stuff from loud pipes to non-DOT helmets. Come to find out many of the folks who were there didn't have the endorsement.

We have a similar thing out here, it's called the Laughlin River Run. All they do is write tickets.
We have a similar thing out here, it's called the Laughlin River Run. All they do is write tickets.

Yup, 75,000 bikes and 200,000 people on a stretch of land 2 miles long and a mile wide. Went there for the run in 2005. That was crazy but I spent more time riding places I hadn't been since I had lived in Bullhead as a kid. My son has a time share out at Lake Mojave and lives in Vegas. Them cops at the run will write paper for anything.
Good tip you got there man! Yea, wearing all the gear is really important and respecting the cops too. It's their job to see to it that the road is safe and drivers are following the law when it comes to road driving.

It has always been a cat and mouse chase when it comes to cops and drivers. When it shouldn't be, we should respect each other and be a law abiding citizen so to speak.
Good tip you got there man! Yea, wearing all the gear is really important and respecting the cops too. It's their job to see to it that the road is safe and drivers are following the law when it comes to road driving.

It has always been a cat and mouse chase when it comes to cops and drivers. When it shouldn't be, we should respect each other and be a law abiding citizen so to speak.

I like the so to speak part.