If you were me?

Whats your choice?

  • "Look, use the car are you Completely thick"?

    Votes: 56 67.5%
  • "Grow some, just adapt" (Aussie votes not counted)

    Votes: 8 9.6%
  • Slow downDrive the bike like a cage and get there in the end.

    Votes: 19 22.9%

  • Total voters
Well Ant between you and me, I brought a car yesterday just for me. I have got to the point now where the enjoyment (bearing in mind, I road back from Brighton in the pi55ing rain with using Cloogy as my brake light) out weighs the risk. Last night was the worst riding experience I have ever had . The rain was so thick and misty I needed to travel at 65kph to keep my visor clear. The down side was if I traveled at that speed I had no forward vision greater than a hundred feet. When I slowed down to a safer speed the cars were on my arse.
I just wanted to see what other people thought. Don't tell, and we can keep the poll going.

There's a reason that little voice is telling you to consider your options.... it's best to listen. Is that the voice of maturity, or reason, or what? :rolleyes:

If you think it's unsafe to maintain the speed required by the cars around you because you can't see; that's a sure invitation to become a sh*t sandwich. Who's at fault, in that scenario? You'd be riding too fast for conditions, regardless of whatever else could be said. I don't like to ride faster than what I can do, to stop in the space I can see. You're clearly exceeding that sort of pace.... that sucks up some of your safety margin. Add in wet pavement, low temps, and drivers who are not expecting to see a rider..... how much margin is left?
I simply don't get the "I have to ride or I'm a pussy" mentality. There are certain times that a bike is simply not the best choice. There are actually MONTHS that a bike is no the best choice for me. If you are questioning it then IMO you should take the cage. You're family needs you more that that bike does!

I voted for the cage, but frankly I'm surprised the poll is going that way too. Who knew FZ6 riders were so rational?
I ride for fun and there are times when road or weather conditions are just too crappy to enjoy the ride, or worse risk property and life.
I ride for fun and there are times when road or weather conditions are just too crappy to enjoy the ride, or worse risk property and life.

That's my take as well. I ride for fun, which ends up making me a fair weather rider. Riding in the cold and wet just isn't fun to me.
Well you made a wise decision Nelly, if people don't see you wearing this stuff:


then it's time to get in the car :thumbup:

Even on the way back from Brighton in the pouring rain (when your electrics were playing up) I could still see you very clearly due to that high vis suit.

BTW I could really have used some high vis gear this morning as it was a real pea souper over here.
What a great picture Martin. Actually I am also wearing a workman’s vest on top of that gear now. It has extra scotchlite panels.

That's my take as well. I ride for fun, which ends up making me a fair weather rider. Riding in the cold and wet just isn't fun to me.
Cold and wet I don't have a problem with mate. It's the increasing danger that is pi55ing me off.
I can't pick the car up until Friday as I am on nights at the moment.
Tonight was really 5hitty riding in to work. I am looking forward to chilling in the cage.

I voted for the cage, but frankly I'm surprised the poll is going that way too. Who knew FZ6 riders were so rational?
I ride for fun and there are times when road or weather conditions are just too crappy to enjoy the ride, or worse risk property and life.
I am also suprised by the level of maturity lol.

Well Nelly i was going to vote #1 then like Oz read #2 :spank: :spank: :Flip: so i voted #3 just to confuse you :D..... Seriously though mate , i work with an Irishman and i've seen him drive :eek: PLEASE take the cage :thumbup:
Cold and wet I don't have a problem with mate. It's the increasing danger that is pi55ing me off.
I can't pick the car up until Friday as I am on nights at the moment.
Tonight was really 5hitty riding in to work. I am looking forward to chilling in the cage.


And everyone's tolerance is different. I was simply saying that I don't ride when I won't have fun, which for me is cold and wet.

Its better to give up a bit of riding now, for lots more later.

Whats the point of getting hit by a car, if you arent even enjoying the ride before hand.
Oh just take the cage will you... you wimpy girl lol

Is that more like the reaction you wanted, but seriously take the car, I nearly always take the bus to work now, too many idiots around in rush hour for my taste.
Oh just take the cage will you... you wimpy girl lol

Is that more like the reaction you wanted, but seriously take the car, I nearly always take the bus to work now, too many idiots around in rush hour for my taste.
My dear,
One could not possibly entertain public transport. Oh I need to lie down....................


Yes, it's great to ride year round, but, the first thing on your mind should be safety. Sure you can adjust your riding but when people can't see you when the weather turns really bad it's not wise to continue riding.

Pick and choose the days to ride, that way you're not totally placing your riding on hold.

Safety First. In in safety gear, you got to thing safety!
Transport update,

I brought a car, it was lovely for two weeks. The day before yesterday coming home from my last night shift (4 in a row). I was awoken by the airbag going off. I rolled it into a ditch.
I have written the car off and have a bruised sternum and ribs.
I have never fallen asleep on the bike lol. Never had a car accident before either. I am wondering if the bike is safer?

Transport update,

I brought a car, it was lovely for two weeks. The day before yesterday coming home from my last night shift (4 in a row). I was awoken by the airbag going off. I rolled it into a ditch.
I have written the car off and have a bruised sternum and ribs.
I have never fallen asleep on the bike lol. Never had a car accident before either. I am wondering if the bike is safer?


OMG, Neil, that's not good mate.
Hopefully the injuries aren't too painful, (strenum and ribs... don't cough mate... That'll hurt).
Sounds like the bike might be safer... Can't win mate.

Heal up fast mate.

OMG, Neil, that's not good mate.
Hopefully the injuries aren't too painful, (strenum and ribs... don't cough mate... That'll hurt).
Sounds like the bike might be safer... Can't win mate.

Heal up fast mate.

Thanks Dave,

We have just had a run of crap luck (or good luck) depending on how you look at it. Last week My wife was hit in our SUV by a tractor unit. So that's in the shop to.
I am really gutted because the little car I got was a real beaut. My dad is coming over from Spain next week. I am taking him to the "Top gear Show" for his x-mas pressie.
I am screwed for transport now.

Ohh crap Neil :eek: , lucky you got out of it fairly lightly.... Being an Ex Interstate trucker i know all to well what its like to fall asleep at the wheel and how fast thats stuff wakes you up :D

I to have never even got to the point where ive been "noddy" on a bike so i think you better take the safe option :thumbup: , heal fast and stick with the bike :)
sorry to hear about your accident, pleased to hear you're OK. It's a real bummer about your other car as well, especially living out in the sticks as you do. I hope the bruised ribs don't stop you riding your bike, otherwise public transport is your friend for the coming few weeks :eek:

When I ride to work it totally wakes me up, whereas in a car I still feel drowsy when I get there.
I hope you heal up soon, take it easy Neil .