I'm sick of Charlie Sheen

Don't Hate on Charlie!! The dude is truly insane now there is no doubting that,but the dude has produced some Quality entertainment since the mid 80's and i've seen every Two and a Half Men episode at least twice.He has a Major drug problem,and I agree He needs to STFU!! but i'm not gonna ostracize Charlie because he has hit rock bottom.thats just not right. :spank:

Not Hating on Charlie, someone just needs to get him off all these interview shows until he can sort through his life and get himself together again. these interviews are killing him...
If we want Charlie Sheen interviews to stop...we have to stop watching. I think his publicity train is ingenius....afterall, we are talking about Charlie Sheen on an FZ6 Forum...ingenius!!! Now beer bread recipes on this forum is one thing, but Charlie Sheen? :)

it just goes to show that great talent turns into a big douchebag.

Unfortunately, charlie thinks he's the shizzle and he's not. Well, at least we know why he plays the part so well in 2 1/2 men but he fails to realize that one role is fake and the other is real...he just chose to pick the fake one as a real one...
I think he's more normal than 99% of of us. That he does a 7 gram plate of coke just shows he can put it away just like some cowboys can put the whisky away. Am I right? Okay, so he beats his wife, etc., but has that been substantiated? I saw him really get interviewed yesterday on a TV gossip show and he sounded....really okay. Charlie Sheen: he's completely NORMAL for somebody making 1-2 million dollars per TV episode, right? If you made that much, you'd probably go off the deep party end now and then, too. This is a completely serious post? BTW, some of his facial expressions make him look like a crazed, bizarre, high octane type of individual.
"When you can pass Manson as the craziest Charlie, you've really accomplished something."
- Bill Scheft on Charlie Sheen
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