
after reading some things about it I think it's nothing more than a giant iphone. And that really sucks, another thing you can't take the battery out of. And with it being a full on computer I see that being a problem after a year or so
I like it. I think it could be pretty useful for those of us who have long commutes on the train or spend a lot of time traveling. IMO it's all about comfort. There are those of us who would still buy the biggest piece of **** of a car that they can find simply because it will do the same job as any other car - get you from point A to B. Others, however, care about the overall package, the ease of use, interface, looks, and generally - all the little details. I'm saying that because, yes, the iPhone will display news and your laptop will allow you to do work but I find a computer that has the interface and battery life of a mobile device far more appealing.

I like how the iPad combines the portability, compactness, 3G connectivity (no contract required) and battery life of cell phones with the power, display, functionality and practicality of laptops.

It's definitely not a necessity but I like it for what it is. The tablet PCs I've seen so far had all been laptops with touch screens. I like that the iPad is a simpler more-powerful mobile device with larger screen :)
for me there are a bunch of why did they not include this on it.
1. a removeable battery is key and wouldn't necessarily add to the size or weight of it.
2. no flash support, alot of websites require flash support.
3. no multitasking, can't even pull up 2 seperate pages in safari.
4. durability, way too fragile and will need a case to protect the screen which takes away from it being so thin.
for me there are a bunch of why did they not include this on it.
1. a removeable battery is key and wouldn't necessarily add to the size or weight of it.
2. no flash support, alot of websites require flash support.
3. no multitasking, can't even pull up 2 seperate pages in safari.
4. durability, way too fragile and will need a case to protect the screen which takes away from it being so thin.
I agree with the things you have mentioned. My current mobile device has limited flash compatibility. It can be frustrating.
The Ipad is unable to be used as a phone either. I would still like one though lol.

I definitely wouldn't get this revision but the promise is very good.

From the early specs released its running a 1ghz processor and runs much quicker than the iTouch/iPhone. And while it doesn't run flash or multitask, those features are said to come in with the iPhone 4.0 software. There was a lot to be left hanging in that it has hardware that wasn't even brought up during the keynote.

To me it seems like Apple is looking to hit the segment of the market which the "average" user falls into in terms of PC use.

Word Processing

All these things, when ironed out in future updates, the iPad will do and will do very very well.
I'ma big Apple fan but this kind of disappoints me :(
I expected something revolutionary but instead we got giant iPod Touch. Ouch :(

iBook stuff and Kindle-like functionality is nice, iWork also and I can see how it can be useful but I would probably never buy one. Not at those prices...
I like it so far but the few issues pointed out in previous posts make it another annoying Apple product showing Apple as more on the money hungry side than the technology innovator side.

Don't get me wrong, I have been delighted by the Apple products I've bought but as the years have gone by, that delight is interrupted by more bugs and issues than ever (I'm sure they're under far more pressure these days to get product out the door to the salivating fans than fix the bugs and delay shipment -- then the bug fixes get trickled out in numerous software updates that follow).

But, if I see that iPad is available, I will make a special trip to Best Buy just to fondle it and play. I suspect in the end it will be a cool looking MEH device -- but one that opens up the door to more devices like it (always exciting :D). As the prices start to drop, then, just maybe then, I may take another bite of Apple and purchase one.

You'd think they could come up with a better name for it! Jeez! :spank:

There were obviously no women in on the naming discussions!! If they decide to come out with different sizes, maybe they will have the mini-iPad and the maxi-iPad. Add some handles to the sides and it can be the iPad with WINGS!! :spank:
There were obviously no women in on the naming discussions!! If they decide to come out with different sizes, maybe they will have the mini-iPad and the maxi-iPad. Add some handles to the sides and it can be the iPad with WINGS!! :spank:

LMAO! :rof: I knew another woman would understand!
3. no multitasking, can't even pull up 2 separate pages in safari.

This alone is enough to shun the thing, What were they thinking? Why get this when you can just wait a couple months and get the Leveno U1 and have the best of both worlds. Even if it ends up costing a couple hundred more you will have a device that can multitask and has flash abilities. Very disappointing from a company that has changed the world in the music and phone area. Seems like no matter what they do they just can't make a big splash in the compter side of things. As nice as Macs are they price them too high for it to become the number one platform. And now with windows 7 there is not much to make you feel you should get a Mac over a PC.