It's official- I've lost everything!

Ohh my... I hate to see/hear someone in our community going through this situation. Time is rough especially in our neck of the woods. But hang in there. It appears it's turning around. I don't know your profession before but have you tried a recruiter? They have better connection and resources.

Well, if there's any help we/I can provide, just shout.
So are you guys going to try to live within your means the third time around? I mean, how many cars and motorcycles did you have????

No work is one thing, over-extending is another. Seems like both came into play here.

That's my tough love, J. Wish you all the best. I admire your comments about not moving for the kids....that's important. I had to move a couple times growing up and hated it.
You didn't really miss anything....

I can't find a freaking job....I've filled out about 100 apps. Danny's hours keep getting cut. We still have this guy in our house in the desert and we've been using that money towards bills, but I think it's getting close where the mortgage company is going to "take" the house. I absolutely hate my dad and want out of here before I beat the sh*t out of him! He's been "trying" to steal from me. :mad: Yeah, because he's a f**king thief and it doesn't matter if you're family or not, he'll f**k you over.

so... why does your $$ situation have to do with your Dad? What did he do?
but Danny won't leave california because of the weather.

Without trying to sound callous, that might be a good thing, if he ends up homeless. There are more important things in life than the weather, for God's sake!

it's $2000 to file

Pretty ironic huh, you have to pay to register that you can't pay.
Deeply sorry to hear of your situation J. I've been very close twice, but had the help of family, so I can imagine what a betrayal getting kicked in the teeth while you're down by your family would be.

I hope there's some light at the end of your tunnel very soon.

Hang in there.

very sorry to hear about this, kinda weird, I just started my new job 2 months ago,
we're not having half the problems like in the US in holland..
What a terrible situation. My recommendation? Get the hell out of California. I never liked the place. Not the people; it's just the system gone wrong. Go to Arizona. Go to Texas. Go to Washington. Go anywhere. Get the hell out of California.

I must second, third, forth, fifth, sixth, seventh and on to infinity this statement.

Get the hell out of California.
i realize this is kinda personal but how much do you need to keep you afloat? Basically What im thinking is there are probably enough forum members here that we could all spare a few dollars and make a big difference!
Good luck to you and everyone else who is facing hard decisions. Although my job is steady I have taken a 75% loss on my 401k and I owe over $100,000 more on my home than it is currently worth. I just count myself lucky that I still have a job.

My best advice is keep your head up and don't dwell on the problems but focus on the solutions. If you get stuck dwelling on the problems it is going to make things a lot worse. Think about what you need to do to get things right and be happy about the little things.
My best advice is keep your head up and don't dwell on the problems but focus on the solutions. If you get stuck dwelling on the problems it is going to make things a lot worse. Think about what you need to do to get things right and be happy about the little things.

I`m so sorry to hear that J & D! I was close once after contract work in my profession dried up but I agree with necrotimus 100%. Concentrate on what needs to be done. Start with your minimal `monthly survival` budget on paper so you can see it, cancel the `don`t needs`like newspaper subscriptions, cell phone`s, internet, cable, coffee at the Java Jive, the fancy foods you might be eating, etc., it`s short turn, not forever, you`ll manage until things turn around.

Good luck. :hug:
We are very sorry you have to go through this. Life is pretty rough some times. Generaly it makes you stronger and things work out. Good luck and God bless.
I'm sorry to hear this J. Good luck, keep working hard and you and Danny will get through this.

+1 on the living within your means. No more 21% interest on a new vehicle, thats just crazy...time to be smart about things. Also if the unemployment is so bad where you are you really should consider moving again, the kids may not like it but they will adjust, you have to look out for their best interests.

We are all here for you.
So are you guys going to try to live within your means the third time around? I mean, how many cars and motorcycles did you have????

No work is one thing, over-extending is another. Seems like both came into play here.

That's my tough love, J. Wish you all the best. I admire your comments about not moving for the kids....that's important. I had to move a couple times growing up and hated it.
We only have 2 cars and 2 bikes. At the time I could afford it. The economy f**ked us over (like many others). Does it really matter how many I had? The bottom line is, what I could afford for several years, I can no longer.

so... why does your $$ situation have to do with your Dad? What did he do?
If you read my post, you would see that my money situation has nothing to do with my dad. As I said, I hate my dad, but I had no other options, but to move here. He's a thief and he treats my kids like sh*t. I had a rough childhood and I really don't want to get into that.
i realize this is kinda personal but how much do you need to keep you afloat? Basically What im thinking is there are probably enough forum members here that we could all spare a few dollars and make a big difference!

Basically, going bankrupt I will be saving $1050 a month.

EDIT: We're not leaving CA and I'm not taking the kids out of school again. This is their 3rd school within 6 months.

Why would I move elsewhere when Danny already has a job and he wouldn't make anything close to what he's making now (if he was even able to find a job).
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J, I am sorry to hear this. I hope this helps other people realize how fortunate they really are.... You know we love you guys and if you need anything, just ask.

and when he is sleeping ( on the day you move out) hit your dad in the knees with a ball bat. tell him I did it. thieves suck.