J-Speed Inc. Review


FZ6 n00b
Jul 12, 2010
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On Sunday, July 11, 2010, I purchased a 2005 Yamaha FZ6 from FZ-6-Forum.com user J-Speed Inc., or Josh.

On that day it was my 2nd time seeing the bike in person. I visually checked it over several times. I sat on the bike. I checked the levers, brakes, horn, overall condition, turn signals, etc. Some minor wear and tear. The chain was rusted and I verbally stated it was. I took it for a test ride and everything seemed okay. 1st to 2nd gear stuck a little, but he outright mentioned that to me.

I asked J-Speed Inc. if there was ANYTHING else wrong with the bike and he told me no. So I bought the bike. Signed the title and did two separate bill of sale documents.

Fast forward to this week. I'm buzzing around town and the bike is acting flaky. The throttle completely shuts off and comes back for split seconds at a time as I'm cruising. One night, the bike completely shut down in the middle of driving and luckily I had a nearby gas station to pull over into. Fortunately the bike turned over after a few re-tries and I made it safely home.

The next day, I discover THIS THREAD.

J-Speed Inc. did not tell me at all about this potential engine misfire issue. I was lied to. Now I know it is MY responsibility as a buyer to do the research and I purchased it "as is". Regardless of that, I was lied to and I do not want the same thing happening to anyone else. I would not recommend purchasing anything from J-Speed Inc.
Did you contact J speed and explain the situation yet?

I call him twice and text messaged him twice. No response, so I knocked on his door. We spoke about the issue calmly and he said it's my responsibility. When I asked why he lied to me and did not tell me about the issue, he said "I thought it was fixed. It happened to me too, but when it stopped happening I thought it was fixed." He didn't do anything (himself or any mechanic) to address the problem. He then said he'd call the cops on me and I laughed. Call the cops on me for what? He willingly answered his door when I knocked and I didn't verbally threaten him or anything.

Long story short, I'm going to fix it myself one way or another (myself or Yamaha dealer).
Frig - had to edit that - sounds like the guy is being a bit of a bag

I saw your original post before the edit. It doesn't matter if it's an easy fix or not. The bottom line is that I was never told about it when I asked.
Something doesn't sound right with your situation, you should be able to get something fixed, makes it sound like an AS IS sale.
It was an "as is" sale! That's the risk you take when you buy a 5 yo used motorcycle... if I thought an issue I had in the past was fixed, I would not necessarily have mentioned to the buyer during the sale either. I am not sure what you expect from J-Speed at this time... "as is" sale means you're on your own once the transaction is done.

I sold a Honda Civic to someone last year and 2 weeks later the tranny died on him... it cost him more to fix the car than what I had sold it to him for! Bad luck on his part...
As I agree with Wavex about it being an "as is" sale; it is still a matter of sales ethics (especially to a fellow forum member).

No-one can foresee what is going to happen to the bike mechanically in the future which, i feel, is the reason for an as-is sale. However, problems that had not been remedied but had just "gone away" only days before the sale, would have surely been disclosed by an honest seller. If I were selling the bike, whether I had the problem fixed or not, I would at least say "Hey, such and such had been happening, and I had it fixed/it stopped". That way at least the buyer has the opportunity to make the risk assessment based on all available info.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

My $0.02
It was an "as is" sale! That's the risk you take when you buy a 5 yo used motorcycle... if I thought an issue I had in the past was fixed, I would not necessarily have mentioned to the buyer during the sale either. I am not sure what you expect from J-Speed at this time... "as is" sale means you're on your own once the transaction is done.

I sold a Honda Civic to someone last year and 2 weeks later the tranny died on him... it cost him more to fix the car than what I had sold it to him for! Bad luck on his part...

Of course it was an "as is" sale as I mentioned, but he knew about this problem and failed to mention it. Your Civic story is more valid in my opinion because you did not know about the issue/did not experience it (correct?).
The key statement is the following: "I thought it was fixed. It happened to me too, but when it stopped happening I thought it was fixed."

If that issue happened to him 2 years ago and only once, I'd side with him on not "having" to share that info. If it happened 2 weeks ago, then ethically I agree he should have mentioned it to you.

On the other hand, when you knocked on his door, he could have told you "nope, never had an issue"... and the outcome would be the same.

My point is, I am not sure your attempt to destroy his reputation is fully justified...

Either way good luck :)
Stuff happens... that's just one of the things that can happen when you purchase any item second-hand. Keep the saying "caveat emptor" in mind when buying anything used. It means "buyer beware". I don't think J-Speed had any intentions on defrauding you.

A part puked on a 5 year old bike... so what, stuff happens to new bikes right off the show room floor. Get it fixed and enjoy riding the bike.
The key statement is the following: "I thought it was fixed. It happened to me too, but when it stopped happening I thought it was fixed."

If that issue happened to him 2 years ago and only once, I'd side with him on not "having" to share that info. If it happened 2 weeks ago, then ethically I agree he should have mentioned it to you.

On the other hand, when you knocked on his door, he could have told you "nope, never had an issue"... and the outcome would be the same.

My point is, I am not sure your attempt to destroy his reputation is fully justified...

Either way good luck :)

It happened 2 weeks before he sold it to me. I hopefully found the fix, Yamaha said this recall wasn't performed after giving them my VIN. We'll see. Thanks.
It happened 2 weeks before he sold it to me. I hopefully found the fix, Yamaha said this recall wasn't performed after giving them my VIN. We'll see. Thanks.

I am willing to bet that is your issue then. I had the exact same problem and it was solved after the recall was done.