Janette and Danny? Hello!?!?!


********* w/ Twisted Fate
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Mar 11, 2007
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Dover, NH
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Anyone heard from either of them? J hasn't posted since the 20th.... Hope all is well with them!
Nope, I was thinking about them today wondering what is up. I hope all is well. :confused:
Danny's one of my best friends as you all know, And I have not heard anything either. Thats not like danny to not call me, we usually talk everyday.

They live right around the corner from me and nobody is ever there. I tried to call danny multiple times and he does not answer.
She told me that when they lived in Salton, there wasn't much to do but be on the forum, but in Redlands, she has been busy. Hopefully they will be back after the Holidays.....and there are a few other members that have not been on lately!
Thanks all for the posts... I hope they turn up soon. If they was leaving for any length of time, she would usually put something in the forum though...
I am sure that all is well,
The holiday season is mental anyways, Danny and J are alot closer to family (geographically speaking) this year and are probably just tied up.

We have had less than half the number of happy X-mas posts/ new year posts this year. It has just been a strange year end with global recession and other issues firmly in our minds.

Did you have an enjoyable christmas and new year? cos we miss'd ya.

Christmas was good (for the kids) and new years was just another day. I had decided that I needed some time away from the forum.