Kissed the pavement (but am ok)


Junior Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Not the first time and I am sure not the last but me and the bike met the pavement this morning. While I don't know precisely what happened I know exactly what happened...

I was on my way to work, tired and late, as I was going under the highway I was following another bike (older bike with passenger) so riding pretty tame when a big van came into my lane next to me and behind the other rider despite me laying on the horn. So now I am all pissed off at him and go next to him to let him know this. Eventually I give up on him and continue on my way but clearly am still a little pissed off. I enter onto a very busy four lane road (two each way) with lots of double parkers and intersections. As I am coming to one of these intersections I see a car coming the other direction halfway through the intersection turning but stopped and the car in from of me in the right lane turning but not fully either. So I am paying more attention to these two cars then I should have and failed to see that the light had just turned red. I went to stop and even though I wasn't going that fast must have slipped on something and went down.

Bike is more or less ok - turn signal lens on front came off, frame slider scratched, scratches on rear passenger grab rail and front fairings also leaked out some coolant. As for me my toe hurts but I was able to pick it up and push it to the sidewalk. It started up and seems ok. I did have to pick up my ego and stuff it back in my pocket.

So the lesson here is that a combination of things led up to and or contributed.

- I was tired
- I was in a rush
- I was pissed off at the guy cutting me off
- I was focused too much on the cars in the intersection rather than slowing/stopping to figure out what was happening.
- Intersections are notorious for crap in the road so even though I didn't exceed my bikes braking I did for the situation/conditions
- I have to remember that even with time & miles under my belt I can't take that for granted and remember to practice what I preach to new riders.
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Glad you are OK and the bike is not too badly hurt. I know what you mean about focus. I get really pissed at myself when I let things get between me and my concentration. I try to to reflect on the situation afterwards and make myself remember that luck makes a lousy passenger. When we drop our guard we invite trouble.
Glad you're OK physically and it's pretty much your pride and mental approach that has been hurt. Thanks for posting, it a constant reminder to all of us, whether were new or have lots of experience. If you ride, you just have to accept that vehicles will encroach into are space, even if it's unintentional, so getting upset is useless, a motorcycle will never win against a car, truck or van. Good job on hitting the horn, but was it the stock horn? They are worthless, try upgrading to a aftermarket horn, preferably the Stiebel Nautilus, it sounds like a freight train! Using my horn is my escape to let out my frustration, I may keep it depressed for about 5 solid seconds, I like to let everyone know that some driver F'd up.

Remember, the greatest conflict for motorcyclist are at intersections, so you need to be focusing 100% every time you approach them. Don't just focus what's immediately in front of you under the 3 second rule, but also look far ahead. Yes, as you get closer to the intersections, the road surface begins to deteriorate due to the accumulation of oil, grease, radiator fluids and debris that accumulates from all of the vehicles that have stopped.
Glad your ok...

I've learned to ride like I'm INVISIBLE, and also, stay out of others drivers blind spots.

Either slow down some should they change lanes, or speed up and get AHEAD of them.

Some may disagree, but my open Scorps, 90% of the time, make drivers around me aware of something noisy nearby. It IS a big deterrent and its rare I have to use my Stebel... If behind a texting driver at a light, (even two vehicles back, I can give a rev to maybe 3k, and their going!! (No horn)...
On a related note. My big toe is in a good amount of pain. Not sure if it is broken or just bruised/sprained. Is it worth going to the hospital? I am reading there is not much they can do besides buddy wrap it and try to keep off it.
On a related note. My big toe is in a good amount of pain. Not sure if it is broken or just bruised/sprained. Is it worth going to the hospital? I am reading there is not much they can do besides buddy wrap it and try to keep off it.

X-ray to confirm it's broken or not?
I just noticed that the front fairings got pushed in a little and there is a small crack on the top portion and the tab above the headlight boot is broken. Is there some sort of glue or plastic weld that I can use to repair this?
A wake up call for us all- glad you are ok!

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
I just noticed that the front fairings got pushed in a little and there is a small crack on the top portion and the tab above the headlight boot is broken. Is there some sort of glue or plastic weld that I can use to repair this?

Determine if the metal fairing stay on which everything else attaches, is not bent (very hard to restore to correct positioning/high heat required to bend back) preventing good alignment. Well, if fairing is off alignment but not preventing any clutch or brake level op, you could leave it but just look crooked a little.
Determine if the metal fairing stay on which everything else attaches, is not bent (very hard to restore to correct positioning/high heat required to bend back) preventing good alignment. Well, if fairing is off alignment but not preventing any clutch or brake level op, you could leave it but just look crooked a little.

+1 ^^^^. If it cracked, it very likely bent the fairing stay. If you can live with it crooked AND IF everything lines back up.

***Get that toe x-rayed, your health comes first.

You should know if they'll be any restrictions if broke, or ??? If broke, you don't want that toe healing up crooked, etc...
Important thing - you are OK. And you are positively reflecting on the events that lead to the possible loss in concentration.

If all the distractions were the same, do you think having ABS would have helped avoid the spill?
I too am glad your ok,intersections can suck at the best of times.
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