Lay down pics


Curve Hound
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
Madera, CA
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Okay, you guys asked for them. It'll take a few posts to cover it all, so i apologize ow Dennis.




This last one is why we wear the gear, the elbow pads saved me from a whole lot more pain than I already have.
ouch!!! mmmmmm tasty

how did the jeans hold up?

did it damage the peg?
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Afer that I would need a 12 pack! I'm glad you're ok, and hope you get your bike fixed soon.
OUCH dude that looks like it hurts. You knee and hand look bad too.
Hope you get her back together soon.
Trashed fairing- upper right side - Check
Scratched handlebar end - Check
Broken Turn signal - Check
Scratched frame near the engine bolt - Check
Scratched engine cover (water pump?) - Check
Broken Mirror - N/a
Broken Brake level/pedal - N/A
Scratched passenger grab bar - N/A
Road rash on the knee - Check
Road rash on the hand/wrist - Check
Something wrong with your foot - Check

I don't mean to laugh, but damn, if it wasn't Red, I'd say that was my bike!
Hope you get better man, your RR looks a little worse than mine did! It took me about 3 days to get walking again, and about 2 weeks to loose the limp (mostly because I had the tape waay to tight on the bandages). After about 2.5-3 weeks I was riding again, but now I've got some extra scars to show off :).

Hehe, it even looks like you've got concrete or something ground up around that bolt for the engine. I've poked at mine as much as I can and still cant get that out. She's goin to the dealership next week for a checkup anyway, planned to have them fix a few more items as well.
Man! Glad you're mostlyOK. You and your bike look like you both have about the same amount of rash. I have to give you props, if had that happen to me I don't think I could smile so cheery. That's cool. Hope you get well soon.

Here's my suggestion for the bike: Leave the dent in the tank, lose the fairing, paint the whole thing flat black and go Mad Max style. LOL
Okay, you guys asked for them. It'll take a few posts to cover it all, so i apologize ow Dennis.

Now worries... the server has a huge HD lol... Glad you are ok... Thanks for posting these pics and the write up of what happened.... Get better soon...

Oh great, I was just eating my sandwich when I came across this thread. At least football starts this weekend. You'll have plenty of games to keep yourself occupied rather than riding.. It's a little late, but it would have been neat to have our own FZ6 Fantasy Football League, maybe next year.
Get well soon mate .... Those injuries look 'KIN sore :eek:

A proper man however lol would choose "STELLA ARTOIS" and not "COORS LIGHT" for pain relief ;)

All joking aside, I hope you get the bike sorted and your body heals quickly :D

Sorry about your crash and hope you recover soon. Looking at your jacket, i understand the rip at the first contact elbow. But why did the second rip happen? Was it the slide or the tumble? Is that carbolex? Did it still protect your arms?
#1- Jonac, Anything in a pinch, I needed beer, and I needed it fast;)

As for the jacket, I'm not really sure, it is a Fieldsheer jacket, and the armour is what saved most of my torso, in the one picture of my hip the jacket had slid upwards a little while I tumbled. Lesson learned is to keep the side straps tighter than you would think!
My arms and and the rest of my torso are in perfect condition other than having a sprained left wrist and a strained right shoulder, being torn off the bike with my right hand and right foot probably had something to do with that:D

As for the rest of me and the bike, I am mostly okay, a little sore but that is it, I am going to work and all, thank God for being stuck at my desk for the week.
I may have a line on a donor bike that was totaled due to being hit on the left side, the right side is in perfect condition, even similar mileage:rockon: I'm gonna be riding again probably tomorrow.

THank you all for the well wishes, and if any of you go down,....

I WANNA SEE TOO! So I don't feel like the only ***hat:D
Wow, I hate to see that. Hope you get to feeling better after you feel worse.

I guess I missed the discussion of the actual crash. I take it you were wearing an armored jacket and helmet. How about armored pants, gloves and boots?
