Learned how to bump start this morning

I had to bump start my Buell a few times, it worked great!
Then one fateful day, I threw it into 1st instead of 2nd. Rear tire locked, I ripped a new pair of jeans on the footpeg, and I threw the clutch WAY out of adjustment.
I replaced the battery and adjusted the clutch, but it turned out that my fancy aftermarket ignition had blown the regulator! :banghead: go figure.....
First gear is generally too low and the rear wheel will lock and slide....been there, done that! GRUMPY

Hmm, not my case.

I was showing off my new projector headlights :thumbup: with the motor killed for too long one night, tried to start and got clicks. My buddy pushed me about ten feet while i had it in first, i eased out of the clutch and it didnt so much as stutter, jump, knock, shake, or nothing....just started right up as if i pushed the button...just rode it on out after it fired...Easiest thing ive ever done.
Hmm, not my case.

I was showing off my new projector headlights :thumbup: with the motor killed for too long one night, tried to start and got clicks. My buddy pushed me about ten feet while i had it in first, i eased out of the clutch and it didnt so much as stutter, jump, knock, shake, or nothing....just started right up as if i pushed the button...just rode it on out after it fired...Easiest thing ive ever done.

perhaps because you didn't pop the clutch, but let it out gently. And I've never heard the term bump start before. I've always known it as a compression start. Hmm, learn something new every day.
To me its a "push start", but all are good. The real trick is being able to push start it by yourself. I used to have a Volkswagon Rabbit that routinely needed a push...so I got used to getting out and pushing it until I was runnung, then jumping in and letting the clutch out.