
Yammi Dodger

Jun 8, 2009
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Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire UK
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Been out this morning on the bike roads were fairly damp, but noticed that there were plenty of Leaves on the roads dew to the change in weather. This is the time of year just before the snow and ice comes that we need to be extra careful. There's nothing worse than wet leaves in the road, so ride carefully out there guys. :thumbup:
leaf covered mini-roundabouts are especially fun

might have to start taking the main roads into work, as all the backroads are getting covered in leaves

need to sweep my driveway too
........ There's nothing worse than wet leaves in the road, so ride carefully out there guys. :thumbup:

Thanks for warning everyone, there are a lot of leaves about at the mo.

Where there are a lot of trees and the leaves get wet they form a sort of mulch all over the road (around these parts anyway), it can also be difficult to see when there's a lot of surface water :eek:

Take it easy guys :thumbup:
Made a change from bugs i spose but got whacked in face by a leaf yesterday whilst rideing ... watch out for em in the air aswell as on the road :thumbup:
+1! Leaves can really suck. We'll be taking a ride into foliage country this Thursday.. LOTS of twisties.. going to have to take it way easy!
My friends where laughing at me when i pulled up beacuse i had a big ass leaf stuck on the chest of my coat, they though i took a shorcut through some trees. Stupid leaves
Ahhh...Desert rat here. Whats a leaf? :BLAA:

They're like cactus needles, only they fall off trees and get all through everything around this time of year. One tree can shed literally thousands of them, forcing people to come up with creative methods of cleanup and disposal. Cleanup becomes especially difficult if they get wet or if it is the least bit windy. See also: pain in ass.
Been out this morning on the bike roads were fairly damp, but noticed that there were plenty of Leaves on the roads dew to the change in weather. This is the time of year just before the snow and ice comes that we need to be extra careful. There's nothing worse than wet leaves in the road, so ride carefully out there guys. :thumbup:

I feel sorry for you chaps. If it's not raining, it's foggy if it's not foggy you have leaves.

How many month of actual nice warm riding time do you guys have?

Here in NYC I ride usually all months with exception of mid December to end of February. That also depends. If there is no big snow storms that makes New Yorkers go overboard with the salt on the roads we can still ride.
This year we have had very little sunshine, but normally we get some nice weather from May through to August. This year as been very wet, so not had as many dry day's as we would have liked. Just hope we get a mild winter now, fingers crossed. :thumbup:
Yeah, it's been crap this year. I've not been on my Fizzer half as much as I did last year. I must take her out this week, she's not set tyre out since a fortnight ago! :spank: