Leaving Las Vegas


get a truck and a dual sport and a snow mobile. Your motorcycling ways will be changing for sure.

Have you ever lived somewhere with a real (and I mean real) winter before?
Congrats on the new job! Sounds very interesting.
I vote for studded tires on the motorcycle!! :BLAA:
You can't ride year round, but Boise winters are mild. You will love the twisties up to Bogus Basin and heading north, the state is beautiful.
Good luck Kenny! Going to squeeze one more epic So Cal tour in before you go?
So, What so-called "So Cal" tour? I haven't seen any hype regarding one. It's already near April and, if you skip May, it's soon going to be June. So, if there is going to be one, I hope plans (even preliminary) for one begin to surface. I'm interested. Anybody else?
So, What so-called "So Cal" tour? I haven't seen any hype regarding one. It's already near April and, if you skip May, it's soon going to be June. So, if there is going to be one, I hope plans (even preliminary) for one begin to surface. I'm interested. Anybody else?

I'm always interested! :p
Congratulations on the new job Kenny.
Idaho is a beautiful state....alot like Colorado actually. :thumbup:
But I do think you'll need to invest in a cage, sooner than later.
A friend of mine posted this on her FB page from Feb 27th:

Ah - no, don't need a cage fir that -perhaps an FZ powered
So, What so-called "So Cal" tour? I haven't seen any hype regarding one. It's already near April and, if you skip May, it's soon going to be June. So, if there is going to be one, I hope plans (even preliminary) for one begin to surface. I'm interested. Anybody else?

Nothing planned yet for this year, but you're right, we should start thinking about it soon. I'm interested too.
Congrats on the new job. If you need to ride year round it can be done, you just need to take precautions. It isn't fun, but it is possible.

It can't be worse than NH in the winter.
Congrats! I did some work for BSU up there last summer. Just a week up there (in summer mind you) and I fell in love. My son and I are planning on riding up there this summer. I will ping you when it gets closer.

Definitely buy a truck.
Congrats Kenny, you'll love Idaho (I sure do!)
If you're passing thru Ogden Utard and need a break, give me a call and I'll buy you dinner, would be great to meet you! :thumbup:
Frost heaves, pot holes, and black ice... learn these things, and buy a car for the winter...

You can ride about 9 months a year if you are crazy and tough it out real cold, but there are probably a solid couple months that you would be stranded if all you had was a bike... Makes you appreciate the summers more though.