Leo Vince Cf - Verdict


Junior Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Well gents i've put a couple of hundred miles on the new pipes, and I have to say, I absolutely LOVE them. I have the baffles in and even so the sound makes my toes curl every time i start her up. Gettin compliments left right and centre on the sound and looks, even from the neighbours!! :D
I know there's always discussion on whether any power gains are noticeable and whatnot, let me tell you, while you're not gettin 30 extra horses or anything like that there definitely is a definite difference. She's slightly smoother, but feels so much less strangled, removing the cat freed her up. The power delivery is more constant i find, cracked her only bout a 3/5 turn from a standstill in first there yesterday and the front wheel came straight up about 1 foot, no joke, i wasn't expecting that at all!!! Noticed a difference at higher speeds too, doin about 120 in 4th wind her on and certainly quicker acceleration than with the stock pipes, it just feels easier. Now obviously here I'm not talkin massive power gains anywhere but definitely a difference. And that's simply just slip on pipes and cat eliminator, no tunin or dyno or commander or anything.
One thing i have noticed though is that if you're in too high a gear for example in 2nd at only 1500 revs comin off a really sharp corner the flat delay, like you normally experience with any vehicle in too high a gear when tryin to accelerate, is slightly enhanced, in that there's a bit more of a delay before the power kicks in than before, but easily avoided it's only in the very low rev range,and if ur in the right gear no problemo.

Basically anyone considerin these pipes, go for it. They sound fantastic not too loud with baffles in (by which I mean they're insane but not gonna have the cops at you around every corner) and I'm assuming screamers with baffles out, they look incredible, great quality, relatively easy to install especially with the guide by a member on this site, and with a noticeable, if not exactly massive (In my opinion anyway) change in how the bike drives.
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Glad you love your new cans. Personal preference is a big thing (Scorpions for me :))

Oh, BTW, not just Gents on this site - girls too ;)
Scorpion vs Leo, blue vs red....:D I've had both and vouch for both being great!:Flash:
Ditch the baffles. You will feel the power. Sounds better too. I Love my Leo Vince's, got them in 08. Hope you enjoy them.