light turns red. 2 bikers stop. car behind doesnt.

the guy behind just REALLY wanted to get thru the intersection even after the light went red and everyone was more than able to stop safely. the guy in the car was pushing up on the bikers hard as he ASSUMED they would not stop and keep going as some people do when the light goes yellow-red.

if i am coming up to a light turning yellow/red i will go thru it unless it is extremely dangerous to do so to prevent that very thing from happening. seems like EVERYONE here is riding your ass i swear.
the guy behind just REALLY wanted to get thru the intersection even after the light went red and everyone was more than able to stop safely. the guy in the car was pushing up on the bikers hard as he ASSUMED they would not stop and keep going as some people do when the light goes yellow-red.

if i am coming up to a light turning yellow/red i will go thru it unless it is extremely dangerous to do so to prevent that very thing from happening. seems like EVERYONE here is riding your ass i swear.

My eyes are always in my mirrors when i'm on the brakes. Be it in the car or bike, it's just a habit of mine.
Only 4% of motorcycle fatalities are rear-enders, though. Someone recommended that when you stop at a light, try to sit near the edge of your lane, so if a cager doesn't see you till the last moment, there's a spot for them to swerve into. Plus, get those damn irritating Hyperlites that flash for 5sec when your brake is applied. That gets people's attention.
Only 4% of motorcycle fatalities are rear-enders, though. Someone recommended that when you stop at a light, try to sit near the edge of your lane, so if a cager doesn't see you till the last moment, there's a spot for them to swerve into. Plus, get those damn irritating Hyperlites that flash for 5sec when your brake is applied. That gets people's attention.

those are illegal here in NY...
I think the 5sec flash that mine have is illegal in CA also. There are other versions with less blinking that aren't illegal. The Hyperlite website said that most police don't know that law, and for those that do who also ride motorcycles, they tend to get the longer blinking ones.
My eyes are always in my mirrors when i'm on the brakes. Be it in the car or bike, it's just a habit of mine.

That's habit that I picked up on the bike which carried over to the car. It's good habit no matter what your riding/driving.

Also, as somebody mentioned, staying to one side of your lane at a stop is always a good idea. Preferably the side opposite an available opening for the guy behind you to swerve into.
I wonder what kind of helmet the dude was wearing(the guy on the bike closest to the camera) He just gets up and pulls it thinks that in a higher impact collision, that helmet will go flying
If at all possible when I am going to slow down for a turn or stop, I feather the brake light. I try to feather it like that hyperlight thing. By doing this I am trying to let the people behind me know my intentions before I actually brake.
i wonder why they felt the need to point out that it was a female driver. personally, i didn't see the car driver well enough to make a gender assumption. must be because whoever was driving wasn't paying attention. darn sexists....

regardless, i am always way on the side of a lane at a stop for precisely this reason.
This is my worst nightmare. Car or bike. You can do everything right and some person can still run you over.
This is my worst nightmare. Car or bike. You can do everything right and some person can still run you over.

Yeah, I know. Plus, I'm sure that if I had one second notice that I'd be rear ended at a light, that I my panic reaction would not be the right thing. Starting off without stalling requires more concentration for me than I'd be able to muster in a panic situation. If I was able to get moving at all, I'd probably lurch out into the middle of the road and get t-boned by cars coming perpendicular who had green.