Look what was on my door today

Good looking butt pad!

Never heard any good on Corbin, hard as a rock and crappy customer service.

A custom seat is must for long distance riding.
Me Likey:thumbup:

Did you buy it from their website or from a US distributer? If from within the US, who and what is their website
Of course its raining AGAIN on the weekend here :disapprove:

Tomorrow at least only looks cloudy, cause I really need to get the hell out of the house...plus I want to try out the new seat for a day ride :D

I ordered it right off thier website. Easy as could be :thumbup:
Of course its raining AGAIN on the weekend here :disapprove:

Tomorrow at least only looks cloudy, cause I really need to get the hell out of the house...plus I want to try out the new seat for a day ride :D

I ordered it right off thier website. Easy as could be :thumbup:

Can you please share the material codes you use? It looks like it won't be slippery but we'd like to hear all about it.

With the dollar gaining, now is the time to consider an order. At the worst point, it would have cost us nearly $650 US to order but not now! :D

Maybe I can convince the wife and kids to get my B'Day present!!! :thumbup:

Damned fine looking seat! If it wasn't so cold, I'd consider coming down there and riding with you. Or, I should say, if I had better cold weather gear!
Well...the seat had its breaking in ride today WOOT :D

I went 350 non ass numbing miles :thumbup: I didn't feel the need to get off the bike and give my ass a rest...more so just shift position a bit and I was good to go. Stock seat...nothing was better for me as far as getting more comfy, other then off the bike and resting.

The seat does sit you up a bit higher. I can see over my Garmin now, and don't have to rely on it for speed anymore. Can see my tach too. Didn't notice it before, but I am definately up higher, which put my mellon in a bit cleaner air too.

The material I used was all the SEL03, and the stripes are SEL06. It is a bit slippery though...but if your a tank gripper with your knees, you don't notice it too much.
Well...the seat had its breaking in ride today WOOT :D

I went 350 non ass numbing miles :thumbup: I didn't feel the need to get off the bike and give my ass a rest...more so just shift position a bit and I was good to go. Stock seat...nothing was better for me as far as getting more comfy, other then off the bike and resting.

The seat does sit you up a bit higher. I can see over my Garmin now, and don't have to rely on it for speed anymore. Can see my tach too. Didn't notice it before, but I am definately up higher, which put my mellon in a bit cleaner air too.

The material I used was all the SEL03, and the stripes are SEL06. It is a bit slippery though...but if your a tank gripper with your knees, you don't notice it too much.

You say a bit slippery. How much more so than the stock seat? Has it gone away at all after riding it a bit more? I really like it... Want one...
Its a hair worse then the stock seat..but I have almost 500 miles on it now, and it seems to be getting better now. Don't know how much riding I'll be getting in now that its 30f here :(
FYI the exchange rate is the highest it's been in the past 2 years right now. Might be a good time to buy if you're interested. I just made a really big non FZ related purchase so unfortunately I don't have the cash anymore but if you take a look at the premade "bargin" deals you can get one for about $385US with a base shipped. Corbin is $425 before shipping and tax.
Mine is ordered but no idea when it will arrive. I ordered last week and it was $319 and change shipped. Looks like it cleared customs on the 12th over there? The wait is killing me! :D
It took 4 days to get mine. Finally tested it out this weekend and it was incredibly comfortable.
Has anyone chosen a seat material that may be less 'slippery'? The website shows how the different materials will look, but doesn't really mention what they are. Or perhaps the seat materials are the same, just different textures? I am definately interested in one of these TS seats. Right now there doesn't seem to be any premade ones available.
Thanks for the web site, sucks to be Canadian though, just worked out the price for my new seat and nearly fell over, all in with taxes and shipping $735.24 CDN. they are having my pants down on that:spank:

Think I will have to make do with a sore :spank:for now ouch!!
Wow that sucks. Might pay off if you know someone in the U.S. to buy it and then ship it to you.
Wow that sucks. Might pay off if you know someone in the U.S. to buy it and then ship it to you.

Yeh I know but the $CDN sucks against the $US as well :(, it's a lose lose situation until the rates change in our favour, that's not likely to happen for a while.

I could always sell stuff on E Bay in $US then pay for the seat with my $US Pay Pal account, hmmmmmm there's a thought, Scorpion or Leo Vince exhaust anyone??LOL :thumbup: