Made my first website!

understandable... but you come and say that its not good, but wont say why.. unless i pay... im not asking you to take over.. but if you have something to say.. just back it up.. im all about getting criticism.. but not if you cant explain yourself... and just say "its boring". I fix computers part time, and if someone has a problem, i ask if they have done this or that... i dont fix it for free.. but i offer suggestions
:) Im self employed.

Look at it this way.
In my line of work all we have to sell are our knowledge.
It does not take any physical skill to do it, - so knowing how, when etc. is what keep you in buissenes.

It would be like asking you to provide the forum with free foot pegs, - be course you can make em in your company.
I haven't seen you volunteering to do anything like that for free .....

You are not the first ones to put a question mark on where I stand on this.
I meet people in planes etc. that have no understanding what so ever of why I can't just use 10 minutes to fix their computer for free while I am sitting next to them.

Again, - It's a commercial site, - so with that in mind (You are gonna make more money if the site i good), - it would be only fair to pay for the help if you wan't it to be better than someone in the company can manage.

I might not be explaining this the best way, - but please try and see the situation from my side of the boat.

I completely respect and understand your position. It's like another restaurant asking for your recipe. It would feel like when I used to detail cars as a business in highschool that people would ask how I do things. I can tell them what products I use, but not how I do it. There's a personal technique to get that unique shine...

for example: I recently detailed my bike. I went to my Ride Night and people thought I had purchased a new bike because it looked so goooooood. I can tell you I used XX brand wax, XX brand polish, and XX brand cotton/terry towels, but it doesn't help with HOW it's done.

So all this ranting...I agree with you. It's your opinion. I'll give my opinion, but that's just how I feel about it.
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understandable... but you come and say that its not good, but wont say why.. unless i pay... im not asking you to take over.. but if you have something to say.. just back it up.. im all about getting criticism.. but not if you cant explain yourself... and just say "its boring". I fix computers part time, and if someone has a problem, i ask if they have done this or that... i dont fix it for free.. but i offer suggestions

OK,- I'll try ....

Boring/standard template: This site looks like something I have seen before. Therefore it does not identify the company on the net. A website is the company's face on the net, - so it need to be easy recognisable.

Slow Menus: The standard menu you are using have a small delay build into it. Makes the menu work "smoother" but slower, - this is just patching up bad programming. I know you did not code the menu yourself, so you are not to blaim. Since you are using a WYSIWYG-DIY tool, it might not even be possible to use the tool to correct it, - but it is still annoying.

Disturbance: If you incorperate technoligies like AJAX (e.i. This forum runs on it), you dont have to reload the entire page every time some contents changes, - hence making the site mor easy on the eyes, and appering more dynamic.
I agree the entire page reloading could be a problem. With the current content and high speed connection it isn't but if you add more content or a person has dial-up (more people than you think) it could become annoying.

As far as the debate "is it too boring or is it just simple and clean"... I think you should answer this based on what you are trying to accomplish and your target market. Lots of times the more visually "attractive" a webpage is then the harder it is to navigate because it confuses your eye. This can be good and it can be bad.

A minor example of this visual confusion on your webpage would be if you go to the homepage the first thing that draws the eye is the shower of sparks but it is wasted because there is no useful information there. My eye gets confused because it goes from there to the picture on the left which is typically backwards. Finally I find the relevant information below that.

If your webpage is designed to give information then I would already be discouraged because my eye is confused (the more flair the more confusion). However if your webpage is designed to keep people on it (trying to make a sale etc) then confusion could be used to keep the person there longer as long as it is giving me value. An example of this is as easy as The menus can get confusing but the eye candy keeps me there longer looking.

I don't know enough about your industry or your clients but I would keep the more classic simple design you are using because it is easy to navigate for information purposes. It has a more personal touch you would get from a family owned business. If instead you are trying to compete with major players then you will need to change your design. Most corporate designs are cold and elegant, think of the building lobby.
OK,- I'll try ....

Boring/standard template: This site looks like something I have seen before. Therefore it does not identify the company on the net. A website is the company's face on the net, - so it need to be easy recognisable.

Slow Menus: The standard menu you are using have a small delay build into it. Makes the menu work "smoother" but slower, - this is just patching up bad programming. I know you did not code the menu yourself, so you are not to blaim. Since you are using a WYSIWYG-DIY tool, it might not even be possible to use the tool to correct it, - but it is still annoying.

Disturbance: If you incorperate technoligies like AJAX (e.i. This forum runs on it), you dont have to reload the entire page every time some contents changes, - hence making the site mor easy on the eyes, and appering more dynamic.
i appreciate that, like i said.. i will take any criticism, but just saying its bad without a reason is kind of @hole'ish. Then saying you dont give free advise is even more @hole'ish.. thats like someone asking thier friend the hairstylist if thier hair looks ok and their friend says it looks bad.. but i cant tell you why unless you pay me... ya know? im not in competition with you, not like you are another sheetmetal company and im asking for advise... just simply say what you just did... the template is nothing special.. might not hurt to change it... no biggy :thumbup:
im not in competition with you, not like you are another sheetmetal company and im asking for advise...

OK,- I see you missed my point on this.
In a way you are (Not me directly, but your local web-designer agencies), - by making this website yourself, you are doing competitive work .... you see?

Im not saying you should not do it, - just stating the facts.

Anyway, glad you could use my comments :thumbup:
My background is a consumer, and a mechanical engineer who often looks for companies to do this type of work. It has the information I'm looking for (aside from what I suggested earlier), and doesn't have unnecessary stuff that wastes my time.

Also as an Engineer, I couldn't agree more. I am on your webpage to get information, not fancy animations and sounds.

The site has lots of info and no annoyances. I like it.:thumbup:
One other thought that jumped out at me; the picture of the guy welding, you might want to pose someone welding, but wearing a welding jacket and gloves, to show that you're safety minded and responsible. It's a subtle thing that may turn some people off if not portrayed right.

That was the first thing I thought when I scrolled down the page. Get that guy a jacket and some gloves. :thumbup:
I will say that I loathe the Do-it-yourself page builder templates. GoDaddy has a better one than most, but you really do lose a lot of flexibility. The more you learn about web development, the more you'll see that GoDaddy is probably not the best host for a really well customized website.

That being said... you did an ok job for a first website. Better than many I've seen.

Try to learn enough to move away from the template based stuff... Even if your websites are awful-looking at first, you need to get through the learning curve of coding your own stuff and not relying on the tools so much. In the long run, the knowledge you acquire will come in handy.

I will say that I loathe the Do-it-yourself page builder templates. GoDaddy has a better one than most, but you really do lose a lot of flexibility. The more you learn about web development, the more you'll see that GoDaddy is probably not the best host for a really well customized website.

That being said... you did an ok job for a first website. Better than many I've seen.

Try to learn enough to move away from the template based stuff... Even if your websites are awful-looking at first, you need to get through the learning curve of coding your own stuff and not relying on the tools so much. In the long run, the knowledge you acquire will come in handy.


thanks, yeah i know basic HTML.. enough to build a site, and enough to know where to go to get more knowledge. I also have dreamweaver, so i have been known to use that from time to time. :thumbup:
Looks very good, the only thing I would change is the pic of the guy welding with his T-shirt on. But thats just me being picky, I'm self employed and very cautious about image. Good job.

Not a bad job, considering you're using a template.

Things I'd think about:
When we present a list of information, either a "ul" or "li" in your html, left-align the content of the list and alphabetize it, putting the items with numbers at the top or end of the list. I'd put them at the top. When we center content in lists like that it just makes it harder to scan the list. When it's all over to the left, the eye can just track right on down the bullets and bob's your uncle...

For that matter, make all text left-aligned. It just makes it that much easier to read. And not to be snarky, but when I see a page with all of its content centered, it just screams "amateur." You may have to play with placement or chunking the data so that you get more paragraphs, but this will improve the readability of the content. And don't go overboard with words if you find your pages suddenly seeming empty. Short, concise, informative bits of text can be scanned and digested quickly. Whereas massive paragraphs (such as what I'm doing here...) take some time to get through. You're better off with short and direct.

On each page you've got a page title, such as "Machines", "Design", etc. Change the type to mixed case (first letter is the only cap). Even on a web site, all caps kinda seems like shouting. Also, ensure that all of those labels are set in the same size typeface. I can't be certain, but it seemed as if on one or two of the pages, the size was different. Worth a check.

Also, in regard to the header element, make is similar on all pages. It feels a little jarring when navigating the pages that the format changes on many of the pages. You'll have the word for the page title (machines) and then an accompanying image -- preferably a smallish thumbnail.

And horizontal rules aren't really all that necessary. Here's a general rule I follow: if there's an element on the page that is not informing the reader/user, then it's not necessary. Some may argue with this but it works for me... It's kinda like a lawyer editing out adjectives... :D

On the history page there's a photo of three guys -- is this the bowling team, the drinking team, three guys you met at karaoke? Give it a caption. (yes, I know that if I read the paragraph below I'll get this info but a caption would be a very good thing...) For that matter, take the time and give all of your images a simple caption. You don't have to write paragraphs, just a quick bit about what's going on.

If you can't give an image a decent caption, if it's not really providing some sort of additional, useful info, then you can ask yourself if the image should even be there. I'd set the captions in a type size just a little smaller than the content on the pages and perhaps use a dark grey for the type. The captions shouldn't shout, but if a reader wants to see them, they should be able to do so.

I only just discovered that I could click on images to see it larger. It might be helpful to provide a small hint that this is possible. Granted, you're using some sort of "mouse-over" indicator on the images which is what clued me in, but if I read it right there on the page, I'd know right away and wouldn't have to hunt.

There might be more but I don't want to come off like a total critical tool. I do software interface design for a living, too, though I'm paid handsomely by a large hardware and software corporation, so I don't mind giving you some freebies. I hope some of this is useful. And finally, remember that if everything on a page is bold, nothing is bold.
:) Im self employed.

Look at it this way.
In my line of work all we have to sell are our knowledge.
It does not take any physical skill to do it, - so knowing how, when etc. is what keep you in buissenes.

It would be like asking you to provide the forum with free foot pegs, - be course you can make em in your company.
I haven't seen you volunteering to do anything like that for free .....

You are not the first ones to put a question mark on where I stand on this.
I meet people in planes etc. that have no understanding what so ever of why I can't just use 10 minutes to fix their computer for free while I am sitting next to them.

Again, - It's a commercial site, - so with that in mind (You are gonna make more money if the site i good), - it would be only fair to pay for the help if you wan't it to be better than someone in the company can manage.

I might not be explaining this the best way, - but please try and see the situation from my side of the boat.

If my friend was a carpenter and I was building my deck, I would expect him to come over and help me build my deck if he really was a friend after all. I would not expect him to come over and say, "Sorry man your deck looks like garbage, but I cant tell you why unless you pay me."

That is essentially what you have done here. Your input served no purpose but to hurt someone's feelings who worked to put together his first site and is proud of his work as it is his own.

So, like the carpenter in my analogy, you kind of acted like a jerk man. Sorry to break it to you like this, what in front of everyone and all....

@ the original poster, one thing I would do (as I make pages semi-professionally as well) that would be simple to change and have a big visual affect would be the background. Try a gradient fading from a pastel-ish colour at the top to a sort of pale cream/silvery? colour at the bottom. The background you have right now looks pretty rough.

Also, if you bring the main rectangular content box right flush with the top and bottom it will give the page a more finished look to it.

For the banner can you blend those two images together? Would make it look more like a banner rather than just 2 pictures beside each other.

In the main nav-bar it would help if you separated the words with some kind of visual aid. Like a vertical portion of a darker shade but burnt into the nav-bar itself so it creates different "buttons" without affecting the continuity of the nav-bar.

Also, for the text, try to use full-block formatting so both sides are always flush so you dont get the edges not lining up. It will look much cleaner that way.

and instead of using "..." try using colons. They are more professional. like on this page for example

and for this page:

id push the text tighter to the images. and full-block again.

Also, personally I would have gone with a different font for most places.

and here again:

the colon is your friend. :

I think with those changes it would definitely give the site a nice face-lift. If I spent more time I could probably come up with more ideas those were just off the top of my head. All-in-all though the site is pretty good man. My first attempt looked like chicken scratch compared to that. In time you will do very well.

Fz6Sa, I'm still disappointed in you.

*shakes head*
I didnt read all the replys so I apologize in advance if this stuff has been covered.

I thought the bullet points should all be aligned in a straight line rather than centered.

On the Manual Machine page perhaps restructure it so that the picture column is the same length as the text column. Perhaps move one pic to the other side?

I agree that the pictures of the guy welding in a T-Shirt are kind of unprofessional.

Other than that I really liked it and was really impressed. I definitely was expecting a lot less when I clicked on the link. Very well done.
It's not a Pro or custom site, but it certainly gets the message across. I would rather see a template site customized than a flash based site running redicuously slow due to the amount of content you need displayed.

I do custom web presence builds and work as a senior engineer for a Networking Firm. We use K.I.S.S. It has worked here.
I'm doing this for a living as well, won't bother you with my portfolio, experience or what I get paid or if I want to get give my opinion...:rolleyes:

My 2c: (only MHO)
1. To be be picky, as mentioned by others, the home page main content block is not centered. It could be on your design page or set to centered, but it does not appears to be - it is all in appearance. On the back side in the code/design you have to bullsh!t to get the appearance to be what you want it to be.
2. All the images through your pages is the actual size. Resize them and link them to the larger image if somebody want to see the original large image. This will speed up the user experience immensely. Any dial up visitor will hate you.
3. Opening page, office/building picture - try to do more with that. Take picture early in the morning, late with sun set, in bright sun light or what ever to make it not look so dull - BTW it is the main entrance.
4. If you can in your dev tool, add picture hover text to some picture, explaining more what's busy happening, description or something interesting.
5. I did not went through to check each page and what I've seen was correct, but ALWAYS check your spelling. It is so bad if you go through a website with spelling errors.
6. No problem with your menu speed on my side, but... I've used that menu before (if it is the same in the back/code) and you can tweak allot in the Java script - if that is available in your dev tool.

For future. Always keep you site 'alive'. Keep changing pictures. It could still say the same thing but in a different picture. Its the same as to watch the same advertisement over and over...

Remember, as with Fazer 600, FZ6, FZ6 S2, FZ6N, FZ6 Wolfman Customs ;) or a girly (FZ6R)...everybody's got different taste and sees thing differently. You'll never satisfy everybody. I think you got spot on with what you've tried to accomplish. You don't want 2000 hits through G:rolleyes::rolleyes:gle a day, you want you customers and potential customers to see what, how, where and who (and brag on FZ6-Forum) :thumbup:.

As with riding (and everything else) there is a starting point and congratulations you're not there anymore. :welcome: Now the basic first question for every newbie - what is your first mods ;)

PS. This is IMHO, somebody that loved my FZ6 S2 Black, respect any other FZ xx for what I know it is, but can't wait for my girly FZ6R black.
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If you can go to 'code' in you dev tool:
Add something like this to your header section, that will be like this:
<title>B&B - Stainless Steel Fabrications</title>

This will add the title to the top of the page and if somebody bookmark the page it will add that by default as the bookmark caption.
thanks for the input all.. i took a few min today and fixed a few of the easier things... centering and bullets... the rest ill have to do tomorrow.. have some techs in today working with our machines so i have not had a whole lot of time to work on... check it out now and let me know what you think...