

Senior FZ6 Advisor
Aug 1, 2008
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My friend Ed invited my son, Jake, and I up to his cottage in Norway, Maine. Boys weekend, that sort of thing. Well Jake drove the RAV4 but I rode the Fizz figuring I'd take a ride or two around the area. Before leaving I oiled the chain and shined him up.




Here he is looking like a predator:


When we got to Ed's it was pitch black. This is a picture of the quarter mile dirt road taken the next day (yesterday). There was even a patch of snow still left which I rode right over. The Fizz and I were shakin' and bakin' and Jake was following me (I didn't want to ride into his dust) laughing but I didn't go down. There were also steep inclines and declines and by today, after going in and out of this road a number of times, I felt like a regular dirt biker. The Fizz, while no dirt bike, is a superbly balanced bike and if you keep your wits about you you can power and twist yourself out of controlled slides. This wasn't the first time I've taken him over dirt and mud but it was the first time I attempted it with a little speed, during the daytime. This part is about the smoothest and cleanest pass.


Having accomplished this I managed to find some more dirt roads in Norway:


Mr. Fizz had never seen cows before so we stopped to let him get a closer look. At first he thought they were Harleys:


He was also intrigued by the guys doing farm stuff:


As we came upon a small lake in Waterford, ME:


I spotted an old stone library with the hours posted as 10 AM to 2 PM Monday to Saturday. To go along with the great hours of operation there was all of about 200 books, give or take...


Mr. Fizz is a sucker for lakes so of course we had to stop again:

and again:


Mr. Fizz tried chasing this other big motorcycle onto the lake:


Of course we had to fill up here:


It was a gorgeous Saturday ride and everybody on a bike was waving like we were all long lost friends. Ed didn't bring his bike up so I rode alone which I love to do as well. I'd say at least a third of my miles were solo rides; keep my own pace, turn where I want, go home when I want, stop to eat, drink, and p...well you get the picture. As I rode I thought about how life is really just a bunch of roads and turns, stop lights and intersections, cruising and traffic jams. You can micromanage every decision along the way or go with your instincts And if you're willing to go it alone sometimes, make your own decisions and live in peace with where those decisions take you, I figure that's a good ride and a good life.
Nice pictures! Looks like a good time! And dont you get hot behind that windscreen?? It was between 70 and 90 all weekend after all.
lol on the windscreen. When I called the owner at Cal Sci and asked about the different sizes he asked how old I was. I said 51. He said "old guys like the bigger windscreen." He was right. If you're looking to throw the wind over your head this is an awesome screen.