Man jumps barriers at Rainham LX


Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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Just came across this, Jez made me jump .What a k**b....:eek:

[ame=]‪Man jumps barriers at Rainham LX‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Is that his shoe coming off? What is the matter with people? I look whenever I go over train tracks even if the barriers are UP! :spank:
The devil's in the details. The first guy crossed like a boss. Second guy must not have been paying attention when his mom taught him to look both ways.
The devil's in the details. The first guy crossed like a boss. Second guy must not have been paying attention when his mom taught him to look both ways.

urban dictionary "like a boss":

What you say to make things soud cooler/more exiting then it actually is.

originated from the song like a boss, by the lonley island.
yeah, i did my homework. like a boss

-thankfully, the urban dictionary exists, otherwise i'd be lost.
How do you not even hear a train rocketing towards you? And he lost his shoe, and just kept running as if a goblin jumped out and tried to grab his leg. LOL!! I wonder if he ever went back to get it?
How do you not even hear a train rocketing towards you? And he lost his shoe, and just kept running as if a goblin jumped out and tried to grab his leg. LOL!! I wonder if he ever went back to get it?

I was wondering the very same thing!! He was probably too embarrassed. What an idiot. :spank:
How do you not even hear a train rocketing towards you?

Uh, not with stock earbuds! lol MAYBE, if he had some really good isolating IEM's, and had the volume at absurd levels. Then again, he probably can't concentrate on more than one thing at a time, so all it took was some tunes and hopping a fence to max out his mind. :BLAA: