Michael Jackson died today

He certainly was, and he got an insane amount of publicity generally for the wrong reasons.
We seem to live in a society which loves to rip people down, especially successful people, and I can't help but think that its based on jealousy in large part, people like to see anyone successful brought low.

Keep in mind we all ride motorcycles, how would you (or a loved one) like to be killed in an accident (god forbid) and have people telling your family you where a whacko anyway for riding and make jokes about the dangers of riding, and dishonouring your memory because of the stigma around riding, would royally suck. Especially for your family.
On the lighter side, not to forget MJ taught all of us how to walk on the moon ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tqYUTjQIc0]YouTube - michael jackson - moon walk[/ame]
Rubbish,He was a rock spider,just because he was an entertainer and people liked his music does not make him a saint .

No one made any assertions about what kind of person he was, saint or demon, and there was no proof of him abusing children either.
He was a very strange person, but I at least won't make judgements about something I -know- nothing about (important at some point in life to recognise the difference between an opinion and a fact especially when considering peoples reputation), I mean I could label you a child abuser too, which I very much doubt you would appreciate, and which is probably one of the WORST labels that can be thrown around.
Its all very well being a keyboard warrior who is happy to throw crap, but it shows a decided lack of balls, particularly in reference to a dead guy who can't defend himself.
Just my opinion since we are chucking them around.

I think he deserves respect because in his younger, less weird days he produced some really good music and his music clips led to a real revolution in the production of clips and the special effects.
No ones perfect but I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, rather than piss on their graves.
No one made any assertions about what kind of person he was, saint or demon, and there was no proof of him abusing children either.
He was a very strange person, but I at least won't make judgements about something I -know- nothing about (important at some point in life to recognise the difference between an opinion and a fact especially when considering peoples reputation), I mean I could label you a child abuser too, which I very much doubt you would appreciate, and which is probably one of the WORST labels that can be thrown around.
Its all very well being a keyboard warrior who is happy to throw crap, but it shows a decided lack of balls, particularly in reference to a dead guy who can't defend himself.
Just my opinion since we are chucking them around.

I think he deserves respect because in his younger, less weird days he produced some really good music and his music clips led to a real revolution in the production of clips and the special effects.
No ones perfect but I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, rather than piss on their graves.

So to have an opinion is wrong now. Hmmm, funny I watched the news this morning and was forced to listen to Al Sharpton's opinion. Among others. And probably will for weeks.
My biggest surprise in his life is that no matter how WHITE he tried to make himself, his BLACK folk still claimed him,why? Because he was famous. If any other black man tried to dye his skin white, the black folk would disown him. Tried to and did dye his skin white, tried to get white mans hair, married a disgusting white ho named Presley, had his kid or 2 with another white skank maid, Debra Rowe and hung out with famous white people, Liza Minnneli, Liz Taylor. He had white envy, yet the blacks have always claimed him as black, which is proof that THERE IS A GOD and MJ was NEVER bigger than God !!!
So to have an opinion is wrong now. Hmmm, funny I watched the news this morning and was forced to listen to Al Sharpton's opinion. Among others. And probably will for weeks.

I think you missed the point of my comments.
Its an opinion, and desecrating someones name over it is pretty lame, particularly when they are dead, everyone likes to jump on the bandwagon for pulling people down, I'm just providing the counter-arguement firstly because I don't follow that train of rumour/thought, and secondly because I enjoy reflecting that kind of attitude back on the people promoting it. In turn its only fair that I probably receive my own cutting comments back at me.

On the comment about how those problems go away when you have money? Its so ironic you would bring this up, since money is what attracts cases like this, everyone wants their peice of pie, and to eat it too, just without having to work for it. How often do you see raunchy celeb shots sold to the papers for very large sums of money, if it wasn't of a celeb it would be worth nothing, and probably wouldn't be taken.

On the race issue - yes its ironic that he is once again being claimed by his own race now he is dead, with his transgressions forgotten for now.
Personally I think its a load of useless posturing by people more interested in trying to make a point about race, than actually in any way supporting his memory. He was human just like the rest of us.
I'm pretty cynical though, as you may have noticed.
Crazy but legendary. I find it sad he wasted so much of his time being a recluse instead of doing what he did best, preforming. RIP
Rubbish,He was a rock spider,just because he was an entertainer and people liked his music does not make him a saint .

Let us not forget: We are the world...countless charities for kids and human rights...I could go on and on. He may not have been a saint, but who can say that they are?
My biggest surprise in his life is that no matter how WHITE he tried to make himself, his BLACK folk still claimed him,why? Because he was famous. If any other black man tried to dye his skin white, the black folk would disown him. Tried to and did dye his skin white, tried to get white mans hair, married a disgusting white ho named Presley, had his kid or 2 with another white skank maid, Debra Rowe and hung out with famous white people, Liza Minnneli, Liz Taylor. He had white envy, yet the blacks have always claimed him as black, which is proof that THERE IS A GOD and MJ was NEVER bigger than God !!!

This is just ignorant!
What's wrong with some folks :confused:
I dont own any of his albums.
However, I dont think we will ever know if he really did do anything wrong or if he just got taken for a ride. Both sides have only a tiny bit of evidence etc...

He influenced many good people in this world in a positive way. Thats enough reason to at least be slightly respectful and not say anything cruel. :spank:

Cause of death? Anyone else think its possible his heart was weakened due to his pain killer addiction?
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It's a sad news....I remember listening to his music while growing up...song's like billie jean(although David Cook rendition was personal favourite), black or white, heal the world....

Back then he was like everybody's idol.

Take Care Up there, M.J.
My biggest surprise in his life is that no matter how WHITE he tried to make himself, his BLACK folk still claimed him,why? Because he was famous. If any other black man tried to dye his skin white, the black folk would disown him. Tried to and did dye his skin white, tried to get white mans hair, married a disgusting white ho named Presley, had his kid or 2 with another white skank maid, Debra Rowe and hung out with famous white people, Liza Minnneli, Liz Taylor. He had white envy, yet the blacks have always claimed him as black, which is proof that THERE IS A GOD and MJ was NEVER bigger than God !!!

What an ignorant thought. How much lower can you go? Act your age!!!
My biggest surprise in his life is that no matter how WHITE he tried to make himself, his BLACK folk still claimed him,why? Because he was famous. If any other black man tried to dye his skin white, the black folk would disown him. Tried to and did dye his skin white, tried to get white mans hair, married a disgusting white ho named Presley, had his kid or 2 with another white skank maid, Debra Rowe and hung out with famous white people, Liza Minnneli, Liz Taylor. He had white envy, yet the blacks have always claimed him as black, which is proof that THERE IS A GOD and MJ was NEVER bigger than God !!!

Dude are you a racist? Sounds like it to me. :ban:

This thread is about his death not whether he claimed himself as black or white. Let the guy rest in peace.
My biggest surprise in his life is that no matter how WHITE he tried to make himself, his BLACK folk still claimed him,why? Because he was famous. If any other black man tried to dye his skin white, the black folk would disown him. Tried to and did dye his skin white, tried to get white mans hair, married a disgusting white ho named Presley, had his kid or 2 with another white skank maid, Debra Rowe and hung out with famous white people, Liza Minnneli, Liz Taylor. He had white envy, yet the blacks have always claimed him as black, which is proof that THERE IS A GOD and MJ was NEVER bigger than God !!!

The question really is if you are :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI9OYMRwN1Q]YouTube - Michael Jackson - Black Or White[/ame]