Might be trading up for a s1000RR


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Jul 26, 2009
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Well, this has been on my mind since I saw this bike. Also, conveniently, I have a good bud that works at a dealership and can't stop telling my how awesome it is. I do alright as a Registered Nurse, but I would have to change a few things to justify this bike. I have an '07 FZ6 that is minty fresh. I had it custom painted to a slight off-white with blue pearlessence - you can see the slight shadow of shiny blue in the shadows of the white...super awesome. Also a few extras and low KM so I think I can get decent money for her. I also have a 1995 BMW 525i which is also minty with a few nice extra's like M-series rims...

Here's what I'm thinking. Sell the FZ6 and BMW (car), pay off what remains of my car loan, take the extra money and buy a honda civic for a few K. Then put what's left into the BMW s1000RR. I think I could put up with a crappier car again if I knew I had a 1000RR in the garage.

I'm going back to school in September but now that I have a good job to support myself I have saved enough to not even need to work while I go back (starting pre-med). I have already done 7 years of university, and I have been working as an RN in ER for 2.5 years and I'm ready to move on.

So I think it's dooable!! Would you guys do this? I like my FZ6 but I don't looooove it. I loathe the snappy throttle, especially in corners. After riding a few others, I'm much more comfortable on the 1000RR even though it literally has twice the power (193hp and 400lbs). I'm not a throttle happy rider...if anything I'm the slowest guy in the pack, and would still remain so even on this beauty...I work in an ER and I know what can happed first hand...there's nothing like seeing some young dude's hand hanging on by a flap of skin, with mega road rash from head to toe and in many places seeing muscle and bone...*shivers*

I just LOVE riding. LOVE IT. This bike would please me in every way. AND best part is the 3 year warranty. BMW is terrific at warranty stuff no matter how big or small...at least that's what my buddy (who is the service manager says!).

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If I had the cash to drop on one of these, I would do it in a heartbeat. The bike is so awesome. I love it in black. Problem is I can't afford one on my military budget.

I should have a little over $15k saved up by October, but that's going towards a down payment on a house.

Oh well, I'm still young.
This bike would please me in every way.

This is a family forum. Keep it clean. Come on now.

As for the buying decision, only you know if you can justify it or not. If you want everyone to tell you go for it so it makes it easier to do, then maybe you are trying to force the decision? If it feels right and you can afford to do it, then go for it. That bike is indeed superb.

But one thing I will tell you is pay special attention to the TYPE of riding you do. You will be losing points in just about every category going to a supersport. You will gain ball-breaking performance, yes, but at what cost? The allure of a superbike is very powerful. Once you have it, the sheer performance of it will make you feel extremely thrilled at all times. However, to obtain this thrill, you will have to sacrifice:

Ride comfort
---The suspension is not designed for anything other than providing exemplary feedback and holding a line. You will need to strengthen your leg muscles as you will need to routinely absorb shocks in your legs.

Rider position
---This really isn’t so bad and with a tank-bag you can take some of the weight off your back muscles. You would still do well to start some kind of workout regime that also incorporates your back. But there is something to be said for doing a nice and easy pace in the more casual position of the FZ6. That will be a thing of the past on the supersport. You can still enjoy a nice long highway ride, but you will be perched in an aggressive manner. Simply being seated in that manner does to some extent hinder relaxation.

Ease of luggage carrying
---There are options, but all of them are much less effective and more cumbersome than on an FZ6. Superbikes are not designed with luggage in mind. Therefore, you will need to address this.

Those are the big three. You need to figure out exactly what sort of riding you do and intend on doing. It is possible to find a perfect motorcycle for what you want and need. The supersport BMW may be the right one for you. It might not be. But before you can answer that, you need to figure out if FOR YOU the tradeoffs are worth it. If they are not, you can get other truly stellar motorcycles as well. You can get an FJR for that money. God I want an FJR. Maybe I’m just projecting.

Anyway, if the trade-offs won’t affect your riding habits much, the ball-breaking performance is going to leave you beyond pleased.

Good luck with the decision and definitely post a bunch of pictures and a thorough ride report of the bike after you break her in if you end up buying one. That really is a superb machine by all accounts.

And you don't love your FZ6?


What's the matter with ya?!?! It's beyond perfect.
have you checked insurance costs?

the S1000RR is pretty much one of the most powerful road going bikes there is

if you aren't going to ride it to the max, or use it on trackdays then it might be worth considering something similar but a bit cheaper. An R1 in charcoal grey springs to mind :D

that said, i'd love to own one of these too
have you checked insurance costs?

the S1000RR is pretty much one of the most powerful road going bikes there is

if you aren't going to ride it to the max, or use it on trackdays then it might be worth considering something similar but a bit cheaper. An R1 in charcoal grey springs to mind :D

that said, i'd love to own one of these too

But he will ride an R1 to the max???


An S1000RR is for all our intents and purposes pretty much on par with an R1.

As for insurance costs…they won’t be that bad. Mine cost double the insurance for my FZ6 and that worked out to an extra $700. That’s not going to be a big percentage of a $20,000 motorcycle and definitely not enough of a reason NOT to buy one.

He may just want to ride a supersport around town. If he does then all the power to him for it. Why does he have to do trackdays or grind his elbows on the pavement to justify buying one? The performance is wicked fun even if you are only riding the bike to 40% of what it is capable of doing. Hell, I’m sure that the vast majority of board members here ride the FZ6 to within HALF of what it is capable of doing. Anyone here do a power slide and back it into a 20MPH corner, drag an elbow, then wheelie out the other end?

If the bike can meet his practical needs and he wants one, then let him enjoy himself.

Bikes with hyperdrive are wild. LOL. So much fun.
I dragged my knee by accident once. That was the day I broke the end off my footpeg.

Same turn I got on it too hard coming off the turn, it wiggled, the front end hopped, I sh** myself, rolled back on the throttle painfully slow, the the wheel returned to earth, I knocked it up into third, and I rocketed on the freeway going way too fast. I love the clover leaf style on ramps.

That count as pushing the bike to it's limit?

I kept up with the GSXR-1000. Until we were actually on the freeway anyway. I was actually catching up to him till then. Then he clicked into second, I clicked into 4th, I happened to check my speed, thought about how much that ticket would cost, and rolled back down to under 90mph.
Haha, thanks for all the feedback! Sorry, I try to keep my posts PG but it's so hard when you're talking about something as sexy as an s1000RR.

Downrange - wise choice. Having a home is important! I need to stay mobile for the time being. I was pre-approved for a mortgage, but I don't know for sure where I will be living in the next 2-5 years due to school/work. I'm helping fund school and a fun purchase by working up north for a few months...just work my bag off and can tuck away a comfortable amount in a short amount of time because they pay for everything...travel, housing, and even living allowance (it's more of a here's some extra cash cause working in the north sucks).

I can easily justify it, but it's more a matter of me being happy with my purchase. The R1 has always been a favourite of mine. ESPECIALLY the flat back one ... omg. Looks ALMOST as sexy as a black Ducatti 1198 for much less money.

lonsoldier - thanks for the input. This is why I posted, to get this type of feedback; to make sure I'm not missing something in my excitement. This is similar to a fish tank I just bought 3 days ago. I got a smaller self-sufficient tank that came with everything I needed...but I didn't thoroughly do my research...I'm going back today to get a much bigger and nicer one that just happened to go on sale. It's a 36 gal tank compared to my current 10 gal...and costs $40 more and comes with much nicer stuff (super-quiet pump etc).

With regards to the BMW, I don't think there's much I can overlook. I'm going for a test ride first weekend in May. That will be a true test for me. I've sat on it for 30 minutes, I've looked at every single part and fact on the bike. I've ridden many other BMW's and know I love their product. There are a few sacrifices, but I think for the most of my riding they will be worth it.

Ride comfort - most of my rides are day rides at most. That is where I think I would have the most fun on this bike. I live in the lower mainland of BC so there are countless day rides. I will also use it to commute to school and work most of the time. Saves on gas and is must more enjoyable than driving a car around. I want to enjoy this type of bike while my body is still young enough to be able to! hehe

Rider position - It's actually not oober hunched for me. I have a long legs and a smaller torso so I don't hunch over as much as most 6' dudes. I will post a pic to see what it looks like. As you mentioned, with a tank bag, you can take a lot of pressure off the wrists by leaning on that during longer rides.

Luggage - obviously not a strong suite for the bike, but I would buy the luggage for the bike from BMW. it looks pretty good and would haul what I need to haul over 90% of the time with no issue. It's just an excuse to ride to the grocery store a few times per week rather than one costco shop per month! But I day ride mostly, and could manage for weekend trips I think.

Insurance is a non-issue. I have the max discount with ICBC and also qualify for private insurance so that would save me a bundle. My FZ6 would cost 800 for 6 months, whereas the BMW 1400 so it's still reasonable. That's with collision and theft etc. I would also be downgrading my car if I were to get a BMW so I would nearly make that up with insurance savings on my vehicle.

I'm NOT going to ride it on trackdays. I can't afford to fix it if I damage it badly at the track as insurance wouldn't cover it if it were a racing incident. The carbon-fibre replacement parts aren't so cheap!

I know I won't ride this bike to the max. Not many people on earth can. That's not the point in me getting a more aggressive bike. I've ridden a 750 gixxer for a day ride and had a BLAST. Also driven an R6, and a gsxr600 for some shorter rides. I just enjoy their handling and feel. I know this is an FZ6 forum so I know people love the fizzer here! I have enjoyed mine very much, and would miss certain aspects of her. I know it sounds weird, but I've just always felt more comfortable on a sport bike. Once I can't ride them comfortably due to back back or whatever ailment I'll have when I'm a bit older I will go to something like a GS. I've ridden my dad's concours and had a decent time...could dive that thing all day and it's like sitting on a lazy boy. He's since had a BMW RT (police edition) which was also fun, and now a big friggen 900lb LT (BMW). What I'm trying to say is that I don't want a sport bike just so I can go fast, I want it because it is what I enjoy riding. The FZ6 was a great bike for me the past 3 years because it's a bit more gentle. I've been 240kph on it, but I don't slide around corners, or scrape my pegs. I'm not trying to justify the purchase, I just wanted feedback on it similar to what lonesoldier has posted :)

One nice thing about the s1000RR is you can set the engine to different modes depending on your riding comfort or riding conditions. In rain mode you can pin the throttle and it will NOT spin the tire or accelerate too quickly. I've seen similar systems on supersport bikes.

The warranty is a huge selling point for me too...3 years, unlimited mileage. That's probably how long I would own it so that works out nicely! For me, the FZ6 has been the longest I've owned a vehicle. I'm 27 this year and I've owned 17 cars...I'm passionate about all things car and bike related. I wash AND wax my bike after each day ride or at least once a week. I'm an OCD Type A freak that likes taking pride in what I own and don't treat them poorly. It's nice to find a community with people as anal, or at least nearly as anal as I am about things related to their vehicles :)
I want to enjoy this type of bike while my body is still young enough to be able to! hehe

That was actually part of the rationale of my deciding to get an R1 over an FJR. I want a superbike during this time window so I can look back at it and think I got it at the right time. Mid to late 30's I'll have a family and kids and won't be tearing it up on mountain roads etc on a supersport. I've already got two bad knees from multiple injuries. The time is now. I'm 27 btw.

I hope you get it brother. It sounds like it would be the perfect fit for what you want from what I've read.

And if you get it in early May that works out pretty well. I'll be bringing the R1 with a couple buddies also on supersports out into southern BC during May long weekend. I'll PM you about that.

Btw I hate you for living in southern BC. Seriously. I hate you more than words can adequately describe.
That was actually part of the rationale of my deciding to get an R1 over an FJR. I want a superbike during this time window so I can look back at it and think I got it at the right time. Mid to late 30's I'll have a family and kids and won't be tearing it up on mountain roads etc on a supersport. I've already got two bad knees from multiple injuries. The time is now. I'm 27 btw.

I hope you get it brother. It sounds like it would be the perfect fit for what you want from what I've read.

And if you get it in early May that works out pretty well. I'll be bringing the R1 with a couple buddies also on supersports out into southern BC during May long weekend. I'll PM you about that.

Btw I hate you for living in southern BC. Seriously. I hate you more than words can adequately describe.

Haha, yes, it is awesome living here. We'll have to see how work pans out...I will know within a week if I will be up north for a few months. I would probably upgrade sometime mid to late summer ... maybe there will be better financing rates then too! Either way I will be rockin the FZ6 for most of the season. But really, either way I'm just happy to be out there on a bike :)
Awesome bike but I would never buy a 1000CC supersport unless I was planning to track it. You can never use that power on public roads safely and the fuel economy will be much less than the FZ6.

Then there is much higher insurance, much higher cost of replacement parts on BMW (at least in the US) and the nagging desire to twist that throttle when I shouldn't would make me more likely to have an accident.

But that's just me.

She is a beauty!
Awesome bike but I would never buy a 1000CC supersport unless I was planning to track it. You can never use that power on public roads safely and the fuel economy will be much less than the FZ6.

Couldn't agree with this more. The BMW is a beautiful bike and in the right hands defies physics around a track. But other than bragging rights, why bother with a 1000cc supersport bike for the street? It would be a great track bike, but as mentioned above, you'll never be able to exploit it on the street. A CBR600 or R6 would be a lot more appropriate step up from the FZ6 than to jump onto a liter supersport, unless you plan on using it for the track.

Either way, congrats on going pre-med, good luck on school, and be safe out there on whatever new bike you decide to buy.
Only for bragging rights? Hardly. WOT in gears 1,2, and 3 make you go weeeeeee.....

You have to grip hard with your knees or you will seriously fly off the back of the bike it is the most amazing thing.

Couldn't agree with this more. The BMW is a beautiful bike and in the right hands defies physics around a track. But other than bragging rights, why bother with a 1000cc supersport bike for the street? It would be a great track bike, but as mentioned above, you'll never be able to exploit it on the street. A CBR600 or R6 would be a lot more appropriate step up from the FZ6 than to jump onto a liter supersport, unless you plan on using it for the track.

Either way, congrats on going pre-med, good luck on school, and be safe out there on whatever new bike you decide to buy.

Thanks! It's not at all about bragging rights, just a nice machine to ride. I've driven the R6 and find it a bit cramped. The CBR is pretty similar and the GSXR600 is maybe slightly more comfortable. I just fit the litre bikes better. There is more room for both performance and my long legs. The GSXR750 has always been a favourite of mine and probably my second choice for a slightly cheaper bike than the BMW.

I just bought a Scorpion slip on from a forum member and this may renew my love for the FZ. The 2 main things that I didn't like about the bike are the snappy throttle response in mid-high RPMs and the exhaust. This will certainly add a bit of sex appeal :)
Awesome bike but I would never buy a 1000CC supersport unless I was planning to track it. You can never use that power on public roads safely and the fuel economy will be much less than the FZ6.

Then there is much higher insurance, much higher cost of replacement parts on BMW (at least in the US) and the nagging desire to twist that throttle when I shouldn't would make me more likely to have an accident.

But that's just me.

She is a beauty!

I know what you mean. Not everyone can reel it in and ignore the temptation to pop the front tire up through the first 3 gears doing 100mph, but riding the bike isn't about speed for me, it's about the experience of exploring new roads and sights; seeing beautiful landscapes and enjoy the riding experience rather than pushing the bike to the limits. :rockon:

A trip through Washington:

CDE, you said:
I'm not a throttle happy rider...if anything I'm the slowest guy in the pack, and would still remain so even on this beauty...
So, you're basically buying a fine tool that does a job that you won't be doing on it, at a pretty high cost while you're still in school. Sexiness and pride of ownership are great qualities, but they don't always last very long. Granted I've inherited/learned my Dad's "lived-thru-the-Depression" frugalness (although I don't take a vise-grip to the end of a tube of toothpaste to get the last bit out, like he did :rolleyes:).
But, that's just me. You're obviously not afraid to paint your FZ (its beautiful, btw) so why not just glop some Bondo around one headlight, paint some red and blue stripes on your FZ, and call it good? It'll fool most of the chicks, anyway... ;)