Minnesota Riders? Do any exist?

I live in Woodbury... Since u guys are coming this way, do u want to meet over this side? Hastings? Let me know where and time. Chupakabra has my cell.
I just texted both Jam-Bro and Grainbelt...

Anyone else should PM me before I go check out a sweet 88 GSXR-750 that my friend owns since I won't be back til late this evening.
Great ride today! Good excuse to burn off a tank of gas.

Next time we'll stop for a bite on the way, I was hungry enough to eat the butthole out of a skunk by the time I got home.
Eat the butt of a skunk??? BUHUHAAA...It was a good ride, we must do it again... There is a tasty pizza joint in Wabasha. It's right on the river.
I agree, although I will skip out on the skunk...maybe I'll scoop up a raccoon.

Final mileage for yesterday was 201 for the journey.

And my new rear tire is scrubbed; I'm off the edge on both sides by about 4-5mm.
Damn it was hot and hazy. picture didn't turn out for crap. Anyway, that is Lake Pepin behind us, the birthplace of waterskiing, and about halfway thru the journey.


Route was:

MN 55 S
US 52 S
MN 50 E
US 61 S
Goodhue 7 S (welch village road)
MN 19 E
MN 58 S
Goodhue 3 E
Goodhue 2 N
Goodhue 5 E
US 61 S
Wabasha 4 S
Wabasha 10 E
US 61 S
cross to WI
WI 35 N
YO! I totally was rockin the model pose next to Jamey.

You were right about the heat, although today was even worse. I had to move a ton of stuff around at the dealership today and inside of our building it was 84 degrees. My office/desk was about 85-90 (I get the sunlight for more than half of the day)
I will text Jamey and Mike about getting another ride together.

Sunday mornings work best for me. This Sunday I do have to work, but the Sunday after that might be ideal...August 14th
I will text Jamey and Mike about getting another ride together.

Sunday mornings work best for me. This Sunday I do have to work, but the Sunday after that might be ideal...August 14th

I'm out this weekend, and will be off riding in other states on the 21st and 28th.

I could definitely do the 14th, if that works. :thumb