Model specifications?! im new sorry :(


Feb 18, 2011
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Ok so i purchased a 06 fz6 with 16k miles.. ( that's not to many is it? i paid 3k) it's not my first bike, however it IS my first bike with anything close to 100Bhp, im just a bit confused on how they are labeled ive seen lots of people say fazer / fz6 s2, fz6, and i have also seen LOTS and LOTS of diff BHP numbers, now im not gonna lie i HAVE NOT taken the bike past 7k rpm's ( it's loud and im just happy with the power below that ) i ride with an 08 ultra classic harley and i keep up just fine. So HERE are some pics of my bike FZ6
Can someone PLEASE tell me what all these diff models are and possibly tell me what i have heh, i know it' s a silly question but id like to know, and if i decide to go up past the 6-7k rpm range will i see a whole new bike open up? or will it be the same thing just .. longer, as in if i really wanna get up and go will there be some magical boost up in the 8-13k range?
Thanks :))
there was only one HP version sold in North America:

72 kW (97 HP) @ 12,000 rpm

the other HP ratings and designations are for Europe where
they have different models for different levels in the graduated licensing

as for opening it up, yes, the bike is schizophrenic, mild mannered
under 10K, goes like a scared cat over that...but it's not an on-off
switch, it's very manageable
First of all welcome! You have a fz6, in Europe it is the Fazer, a fz6 s2 is a fz6 that is a 07-09 model. You have a stock exhaust, so I'm not sure what you mean by loud, I have stock exhaust right now and it isn't loud at all. Our bike becomes a different beast above 7k, that is the power band. You'll love riding above 7k. You have low miles for a 06, I've had mine for almost 2 years and I still haven't hit 10k yet. I have an 06 and bought it with 4700 miles on it. Enjoy your new ride!
that answered at least one of my questions :)) thank you very much, do you appen to know about the power above 6-7k rpm's?
:welcome: Cookies! No need to apologize for being new. Feel free to roam the forum as pretty much every bit of info you need is here and the members are very helpful and polite!

Now, to answer a few of your questions (and since I also own a '06 FZ6)...

Rest assured you paid a fair price on your bike. 3k for a '06 with 16k miles isn't bad at all, assuming it was in good used condition.

Trust me, we've all been there with the confusion of the naming of the FZ6. Let's see if I can get these all right. :D

The '04-'06 models in the US are the FZ6.
The '07-'09 models in the US and abroad are the FZ6-S2 (the S2 really just denotes that they made some minor changes on the bike...fairing, gauges, making throttle application a bit smoother, etc.)

Now, this is where I may get things a little wrong, but our European and Far East friends should be able to correct me if I

"Fazer" is what the FZ6 is called in Europe (and possibly the Far East). Mechanically and aesthetically, it's the same bike as the FZ6 in the US. It's just got a bit of a different name. Some of us, myself included, actually like the "Fazer" moniker better and tend to use it more than FZ6. I just think it sounds cool.

As far as the horsepower question, it looks like you're in the US, and our models are ALL 98 bhp. Across the pond, there are some countries that restrict how big of an engine a motorcycle can have (I believe). In those countries, the FZ6 or Fazer has (correct me if I'm wrong) 78 bhp. So, your bike has 98 bhp.

Ah, you haven't hit the magical 8000 rpm yet, huh? The FZ6's sweet spot is in the higher revs, so don't be afraid to run it up there (when you're comfortable with it, of course). I won't's gonna make you think the engine is gonna blow up because of how it's screaming, but trust me, that's where it wants to be. The red line on our bikes is 14k rpm, also. And yes, once you hit that 8k mark, it really does become a different animal. You'll feel a big power difference and with a simple twist of the wrist, it becomes a rocket.

Anyway, hope this answers some of your questions. Hopefully if I was mistaken on something someone will correct me, but it's been a while since I went over all this spec

Again, :welcome:
First of all welcome! You have a fz6, in Europe it is the Fazer, a fz6 s2 is a fz6 that is a 07-09 model. You have a stock exhaust, so I'm not sure what you mean by loud, I have stock exhaust right now and it isn't loud at all. Our bike becomes a different beast above 7k, that is the power band. You'll love riding above 7k. You have low miles for a 06, I've had mine for almost 2 years and I still haven't hit 10k yet. I have an 06 and bought it with 4700 miles on it. Enjoy your new ride!

I should have said " been more clear" about loud, im comming from a kawasaki zr-7s ( with a rated HP of like 67 or such, and i had no problems getting it up to the powerband ) when i say loud i don't mean loud like RAWR, mean loud like it's a new person hearing a motor of a bike loud, i have rode before, but not enough to the point im ok with hearing that poor little engine revv, maybe im just lookin for reassurance :) can i haz some plz.

no need to apologize for asking a question here.....our members are very helpful.
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:welcome: Cookies! No need to apologize for being new. Feel free to roam the forum as pretty much every bit of info you need is here and the members are very helpful and polite!

Now, to answer a few of your questions (and since I also own a '06 FZ6)...

Rest assured you paid a fair price on your bike. 3k for a '06 with 16k miles isn't bad at all, assuming it was in good used condition.

Trust me, we've all been there with the confusion of the naming of the FZ6. Let's see if I can get these all right. :D

The '04-'06 models in the US are the FZ6.
The '07-'09 models in the US and abroad are the FZ6-S2 (the S2 really just denotes that they made some minor changes on the bike...fairing, gauges, making throttle application a bit smoother, etc.)

Now, this is where I may get things a little wrong, but our European and Far East friends should be able to correct me if I

"Fazer" is what the FZ6 is called in Europe (and possibly the Far East). Mechanically and aesthetically, it's the same bike as the FZ6 in the US. It's just got a bit of a different name. Some of us, myself included, actually like the "Fazer" moniker better and tend to use it more than FZ6. I just think it sounds cool.

As far as the horsepower question, it looks like you're in the US, and our models are ALL 98 bhp. Across the pond, there are some countries that restrict how big of an engine a motorcycle can have (I believe). In those countries, the FZ6 or Fazer has (correct me if I'm wrong) 78 bhp. So, your bike has 98 bhp.

Ah, you haven't hit the magical 8000 rpm yet, huh? The FZ6's sweet spot is in the higher revs, so don't be afraid to run it up there (when you're comfortable with it, of course). I won't's gonna make you think the engine is gonna blow up because of how it's screaming, but trust me, that's where it wants to be. The red line on our bikes is 14k rpm, also. And yes, once you hit that 8k mark, it really does become a different animal. You'll feel a big power difference and with a simple twist of the wrist, it becomes a rocket.

Anyway, hope this answers some of your questions. Hopefully if I was mistaken on something someone will correct me, but it's been a while since I went over all this spec

Again, :welcome:

that was right on the head, i don't know WHY i just feel like if i push it any more it WILL blow up , i know it won't ive just had bad luck with bikes in the past, i mentioned i drove one other bike.. that's true, but ive OWNED 4 :(
first bike ( started bike ) i was VERY new and just wanted to learn, so ( dun bash me please heh ) i got a 1989 special edition ( gold callipers , dual disks all around, ect ect ) katana 1200 or such.. O MAN BIG mistake, for one i learned that katana's break.. ALOT ( it only had 8k miles on it ) and when it did work, i would do wheelies all the time ( not wanted ) nearly killed myself, this is when i learned INVEST in a padded jacket that costs more than 99 bucks ( $50 ) during sale. long story short, it broke within 3 days.. it was a pos but i knew that i wanted to learn so i tried it.
2nd bike was a 2004 saki 250r ( another huge fail ) besides being underpowered it had oil leaks, idle problems, ect ect , i honestly dunno why it only had 6k miles. i mnaged to just revv it at stop lights to keep it running ( VERY determined to wanna learn ) and i did, :) i hated it but i learned, lost about 1500 bucks on a pos bike though.
3rd bike was the zr-7s pretty solid bike, although it was more power than the 250, it was pretty useless for everyday driving as ( im not to good with mechanics ) it had a knocking noise i assumed was nothing and turned out to be a bent rod. so that was a 3k mistake.. what's funny is it ran rather ok i think that might be why i thought the power sucked :p
NOW i have this bike, and you could see why im a bit on edge with it. i paid ANOTHER 3k, more miles than the rest, and it's SO pretty not one single scratch, and it has black headers ( those pipes down below ) sliders, and a few other little touch ups, i love it. im HONESTLY affraid im going to break it :\ i don't mean to annoy anyone either, im just putting out the truth :) :BLAA:
i can't be a literal girl forever lol, im not affraid of the power, just blowing something up, i have a 40 mile ride every day to class, ill open it up a bit maybe in first or something, if it blows up i blame YOU! haha j/k what's funy, is the guy i got it from, told me to come here haha. so he's a member.. just dunno which one he is...
In 1st and 2nd gear it screams in higher revs, and you'll think it will blow. We have a very durable bike, as long as you maintain it on a regular basis.
about that thing to add...I'd suggest getting
out of first gear before getting up in the revs, the throttle
can feel kind of on/off in first so I get out of it and into 2nd pretty fast
:welcome:cookies! Hahaha!
Great group here! You'll have fun hanging with the FZ6 family!
ok to reassure you. the engine of the fz 6 will not break up if you rev it hard. keep to the maintenance schedule (its not a very high maintenance bike) and you ll be ok. i had it quite a few times screaming to the rev limiter ( in straight lines only of course) and it still runs like a clock.. so dont worry about revving it (remember the engine is an older r6 version so it s made for revving).

oh and welcome of course :D
I got my 53 (still new model shape) with 9k miles on it. Still had it's chicken strips too!
LOL so all of you that replied last night will get a good laugh out of this... so remember when i said if i do it and it breaks i blame you, well guess what, it broke!!!!

j/k the engine is fine, HOWEVER SOEMTHING is indeed wrong now, when i come to a stop it sounds like a bubbling noise.. almost like the rear break pads are out, i don't have much knowlage of how the breaks work or look on bikes, but id assume the thickness would be the same? i unno, anyways when i use the rear break "only" i hear this noise, i checked the roter and the calippers, they both seem fine little bit of wiggle on the caliper, but from what i hear that's normal. it's impossible to describe the sound, it's NOT loud, and it's very annoying, and my back seat rider can FEEL it.. but yeah, anyways just wanted to say i got it up to 10k today :))) im ALMOST there..
I should have said " been more clear" about loud, im comming from a kawasaki zr-7s ( with a rated HP of like 67 or such, and i had no problems getting it up to the powerband ) when i say loud i don't mean loud like RAWR, mean loud like it's a new person hearing a motor of a bike loud, i have rode before, but not enough to the point im ok with hearing that poor little engine revv, maybe im just lookin for reassurance :) can i haz some plz.

I know what you mean - it's not that the engine growls and roars - it's just that for someone from a smaller inline four or any size triple or twin, the engine in this bike SCREAMS when you rev it. Not as loud as a TL1000, not as beautiful a sound as a Triumph 955i, but a damn screamer indeed. Like any mid-large inline four, but definitely worrying when getting used to.
I should have said " been more clear" about loud, im comming from a kawasaki zr-7s ( with a rated HP of like 67 or such, and i had no problems getting it up to the powerband ) when i say loud i don't mean loud like RAWR, mean loud like it's a new person hearing a motor of a bike loud, i have rode before, but not enough to the point im ok with hearing that poor little engine revv, maybe im just lookin for reassurance :) can i haz some plz.

My buddy's got a ZR-7S (He's a Kawi guy, I'm a Yamaha guy). I LOVE the sound of the 7S. It's nice and throaty.

The engines of the two bikes are like night and day. The 7S is more torquey and air-cooled, where as the FZ6, you need to wind it out and shift a bit more often. It's nice not having to worry about the bike over heating since it's liquid-cooled.