moto slang

I want You to aks about some helpfull links about "us", riders
our culture, lifestyle etc., my work looks like this:

Chapter I:
Theoretical Background: the Culture of Cyclists
(jargon, slang, groups)

Chapter II: Motorcyclists Talk
(jargon/slang Eng/Pol, people, activieties, outfit)
I want You to aks about some helpfull links about "us", riders
our culture, lifestyle etc., my work looks like this:

Chapter I:
Theoretical Background: the Culture of Cyclists
(jargon, slang, groups)

Chapter II: Motorcyclists Talk
(jargon/slang Eng/Pol, people, activieties, outfit)

what is all this for, Magz? and welcome back. it has been a while!
Some of these may have been posted already but here is some bike jargon here in Pennsylvania:

a reckless rider = a squid
a reckless driver = cager
chicken strips = the strips on the sides of your tires that show how far you lean your bike over in turns
going fast = moving, booking, or whipping
a crash = a spill, dive, or wreck
curvey roads = twisties
riding with a passanger = riding 1up or riding b**ch
popping a wheelie = lifting it up, bringing it up
an experienced rider = an oldhead
a group ride = a ride, a cruise, an adventure, or getting lost
releasing the clutch really fast = dumping or popping the clutch
locking the rear brakes = locking it up
breaking the back end loose = breaking it free

there's a few terms used here
I realize this is months late, but, I just had to drop a note and say that for two reasons, this was one of the most interesting posts I have read in a long time.

1.) Reading the “slang” and terminology from different countries was interesting and educational.
2.) Being a rider that splits his time between his ZF6 and his Fatboy, it was very, very interesting reading the slang for cruiser’s and the Harley culture. Riding both bikes, I get to see both the sport bike and the Harley environments, interact with them and see how they interact with each other, the good, bad and the ugly of both.

But, I regress and will get back on topic. Following are the terms we use frequently, most have already been submitted. Remember, some come from 10 years of also riding a Harley.

-Sport Bike = Crotch Rocket, Zip Bike, Bubble Bee, Ninja Bike, Rocket Bike
-Young kid on a sport bike = Donor Cycle
-Sport Bike Rider = Organ Donor, Squid
-Harley = Sled, Hurley Ferguson
-Harley rider with all Harley brand gear = Share Holder, Owns Stock
-Cruiser rider that “tries” to look like a 1%’er = Poser
-Non-Harley Cruiser = a Hardley, rice cooker, Honda Davidson
-Yamaha = YamaHammer
-Suzuki GSXR = Gixer
-Kawasaki – Kaw, Cow
-DOT Helmet = Bobble Head
-Half Helmet = Skid Lid
-Novelty Helmet = Brain Bucket
-2 people on a bike = 2up
-Passenger = Bitch (aka riding bitch)
-Guy that only rides to show off his bike = a Doctor
-Tires = Rubbers, aka need new rubber for the bike
-Crashed = Junked it
-Rode hard = Thrashed, “ I thrashed that rode”
-Ride fast from point A to B = Blast, “going to blast to the shop”
-New Rider = Newbie, BB

Thanks again for letting me play!! :BLAA:
-Guy that only rides to show off his bike = a Doctor
why doctor? what is it connected with?

hehe it's good!
for me doctor is associated with Rossi :p
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Riding= in the wind, wife=ol lady ,motorcyle=scooter or scoot,or sickle, full throttle= grabbed a handfull ...... TRIP=ATE SOME BUGS....
Doctor, could be Lawyer or what every. Just that rich guy you see on the $20,000 PLUS bike and 1000 dollars in Harley gear, that only rides 20 miles at a time and NEVER in the rain. Spends more time putting chrome on the bike than riding it...
Doctor, could be Lawyer or what every. Just that rich guy you see on the $20,000 PLUS bike and 1000 dollars in Harley gear, that only rides 20 miles at a time and NEVER in the rain. Spends more time putting chrome on the bike than riding it...
ok, I got it, just to show that he has got a lot of money, but with motorcycle he has noting in common, fake...
I need also some articles about our lifestyle, because I must quote some sources...

Not sure about the lifestyle part...I consider myself to be a normal 23 year old that enjoys riding a motorcycle. But one thing that many motorcyclists might have in common are being adrenaline junkies. That's why I ride, I get a thrill out of it. If it was boring, I wouldn't do it.

Only one I could think of that I don't recall seeing covered in the last 12 pages:
Wiped out / Eat (ate) pavement / Eat (ate) asphalt = crashing and sliding the bike

But I must say, riding bitch is a term used by almost every person under the age of 30 that I've ever met. It's such common slang that I wouldn't be surprised if I find it in Webster's dictionary soon. I've never thought of it as derogatory but I can see how people could take it that way.
As far as lifestyle, i can include a thing or two.

I noticed I meet a lot of sports bike riders in my daily routine. I work in a resteraunt where there is a fairly young crowd. 3 co-employee's there have motorcycles as well, and coincidentally enough for me - they all have goatee's (or chinstraps) - which i also have.

I also noticed that the vast majority of the riders I see on the road, practice unsafe habits, and display clearcut signs of being inexperienced. Not to say I AM experienced, but I rarely see a rider with all his gear on, practicing safe riding habits.

I attract a lot of intelligent, mechanically inclined people with an extreme appreciation for anything with a motor. Be it at the bike shop, school, work, or WALMART, its the scene I've been "pulled into" if you will. And what we share in common is quirky - powerful engines, loud pipes, big turbos, etc. It goes beyond cars too - these same people share similar taste in music, tastes in foods, activities of nightlife, and much more. Is it a coincidence that we all happen to ride motorcycles too? or is there a correlation behind the thrill of riding and other parts of our personality? I am definitely curious.

To me, riding a motorcycle is about the freedom, the joy, and excitement I get from it. Its the same thrill and freedom others share in common, and by the law of attraction - what you feel and experience comes back to you tenfold, and I see it on a day to day basis - everywhere I go.

I hope this helps you. This is the lifestyle I live, and the people I meet - all through riding my bike.
But I must say, riding bitch is a term used by almost every person under the age of 30 that I've ever met. It's such common slang that I wouldn't be surprised if I find it in Webster's dictionary soon. I've never thought of it as derogatory but I can see how people could take it that way.

Agreed. This term is also used for people riding in the center (between passenger and driver) seat in front of a pickup truck.

Although not motorcycle related, one of my favorite vehicle slang phrases is "riding shotgun" and "calling shotgun". Basically, if there are multiple passengers for a vehicle, the person who wants to sit up front in the passenger seat "calls shotgun" but shouting the word "shotgun" as soon as everyone is outside. The act of riding in the front passenger seat is considered "riding shotgun". :)

Not sure if calling/riding shotgun is USA only, but I wouldn't be surprised....

Riding shotgun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Official Shotgun Rules
Very interesting thread :)
Another one that I hear used in Australia.

Taking it/Going for a squirt = Going for a ride
I'll let you know if I think of more.
It's easy to use them in everyday conversations, but hard to recall them when asked about them.
and what about such custom: while riding and one rider pass another...
do You greet each other on the road?
We greet each other by raising the left hand
or by nodding when the left hand is holding the cluth
thank You Azz, maybe if You read sth on the internet about our habbits please show me that link