Motorcycle Advice from a Harley Rider


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Mar 30, 2012
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Wilmington, DE
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Uploaded in September so it may be a repost.

[ame=]Motorcycle Advice: Harley Davidson Rider Gives a New Biker Some Tips - YouTube[/ame]
Is this really the first time this video has made its way onto these forums? It has been around for a while and gets me cracking up every time.

Rev the sh*t out of it at stop lights....

lol :rockon:
no wonder Harley motors only last 15,000 miles....they get revved more then a wannabe jap crotchrocket bike. :BLAA:
Okay, nail me for stereotyping but this video reminds me soooo much of a HD "real bike" rider that I know. He has actually come out and made it a point to to trash talk (yes, and in a serious manner) me riding my Yamaha. I think that he wanted me to respond in a barfight attitude but I, instead, took notes. It was my first real introduction to the mainline HD crowd and how it thinks.

As for the waves, I have matured now so that I don't initiate waves any more to oncoming Harleys (unless maybe it's a solo rider on a 500 miles desolate stretch). I am confident t there are a significant number of HD riders who fit the video profile very well.

When I first bought my Yamaha I was naive and thought that all motorcycle riders waved to each others in a friendly way. I quickly learned that, no, HD riders (exceptions exist) are way too much into themselves. It's amazing because it's now so obvious to me.

Truly, an entertaining video.
Yeah, this is a repost, but it's well worth reposting. I like the matter-of-fact electronic lecturing tone of the bonehead. As someone pointed out a while back, you could easily substitute 'gixxer' for 'harley' and have only a subtly different video. With a wardrobe change, perhaps.

As far as waving goes, I always wave at cruisers. I'm fine with somebody being too cool to wave back, but I don't want to have them think I think I'm too cool to wave at a cruiser. (I am pretty cool, though...) they wave back MOST of the time. About as often as 'Busas or Gixxers when I have the sidecases on. Some of them don't wave at touring bikes, I guess. Or people who like buying groceries?
The only reason people on other bikes don't wave at me is because they're too deep into SEE mode for danger. This is the only logical explanation.
The only reason people on other bikes don't wave at me is because they're too deep into SEE mode for danger. This is the only logical explanation.

^This. I do notice people waving at me sometimes when it's too late to wave back. I was more focused on the idiot car driver (female about 80% of the time) that was too busy texting to drive in their own lane. But I still feel bad that I didn't wave.

Not that I'm going to stop focusing on the road either though... And when HD riders don't wave at me, I just assume they're too busy trying to not get killed on the roads in Jacksonville.
"Hot chics with fat rolls and cottage cheese that the chics you are talking about?....."

"Ok, now you are really starting to piss me off..."

This video is so true! I actually had a real motorcycle rider tell me that I should be riding a Harley Davidson instead of my Yamaha.

I politely told him that I would ride an inferior piece of 1940's technology that is heavy, slow and highly overpriced when he goes to the Harley dealer and buys one for me. If that wasn't enough, I further stated that my Yamaha can do more with 600 cc's than his HD can do with 1500 cc's.

That shut him up, and we haven't talked since:Flip:
I've gotten the finger from riders on sportbikes when I'm on my brothers Harley! I've never gotten the finger from Harley riders on any of my sportbikes! What gives? Im not a fan of Harley riders or the bikes at all but still...

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I rode a Victory Hammer for 4 years and have had my fz6 for a couple months. I always wave and so does most every one else. But I dont really ever go to "biker hang outs" so all I ever see is on the road
ive been to several motorcycle events in the last few months were a freind and i were the only riders on a "crotch rocket" with 300 other harleys and cruisers there. when we left one of them we noticed how the harleys were burnig tires and screaming down the road leaving the event. so i decide to ride a 1 gear screaming wheelie as i leave and before i lay the front tire down a state trooper through his lights. sorry for adding to the crotch rockets are idoits list.........

ps i was one hell of a wheelie. just saying
I've gotten the finger from riders on sportbikes when I'm on my brothers Harley! I've never gotten the finger from Harley riders on any of my sportbikes! What gives? Im not a fan of Harley riders or the bikes at all but still...

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2 reasons I can think of:

1. Harley Riders for the most part feel superior to other riders because we all know that a harley is the only REAL bike so they don't feel the need to show their disapproval of your ride of choice, we already know that.

2. In general the most assholish guys are those who are 18-25. Young guys tend to have a testosterone driven ego complex which causes them to hate on anyone who has something nicer then them or has a faster machine, so these guys go out and buy the fastest motorcycles possible even if they can't afford it so they can be faster than others on the road and feel superior. Most men actually "grow up" a bit finally in their late 20's and don't feel that need to "prove themselves" as much anymore. So the biggest A-holes are those who are 18-25 years of age and that age group happens to predominantly favor sport bikes.
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2 reasons I can think of:

2. In general the most assholish guys are those who are 18-25. Young guys tend to have a testosterone driven ego complex which causes them to hate on anyone who has something nicer then them or has a faster machine, so these guys go out and buy the fastest motorcycles possible even if they can't afford it so they can be faster than others on the road and feel superior. Most men actually "grow up" a bit finally in their late 20's and don't feel that need to "prove themselves" as much anymore. So the biggest A-holes are those who are 18-25 years of age and that age group happens to predominantly favor sport bikes.

So you have a problem with 25 year old men? :mad: :spank:
We're not all alike :rolleyes:



So you have a problem with 25 year old men? :mad: :spank:
We're not all alike :rolleyes:



:thumbup: I used to be a 20-25 year old a$$hat myself. Compared to how I am now at age 33, yes I was an idiot at 25 even though I was still more mature than most guys my age.