My 05 tops out at 220 kph?

Well, probably most can comfortably say that the FZ6 is ASSquick. All this talk about do max speed is interesting though. Now, how fast can the FZ6 stop? Anybody care?
That's absolutely right and because it's an FZ6 he wants it to go as fast as an FZ6 should go. Now, if you don't want to use your FZ6 for what it was designed to do why not take out or block 5th and 6th gear because they are "useless" if you wish to ride it as a grocery getter and stay at or below 70mph.

Here in Ontario, Canada (the op is also from Ontario)..... you have understand excessive speed is not tolerated. If you are clocked at 50kph over the speed limit... you will lose your lic right there on the spot... your velicle will be impounded as well. The police have just recently been given this power. I guess I am selfish, because for every guy getting huge speeding tickets, wrecking his bike, or killing himself causes my insurance to go up... I don't know about you, but I don't like paying more insurance.:thumbup:
Wow, lots of different views since I looked yesterday. I don't think the original post was about "being cool". I think it was a genuine question and legitimate. The FZ6 is still a sportbike and many owners would naturally like to know how fast it will go (under the right conditions).

Everyone I ride with is responsible and also likes to improve their skills... which in itself requires an element of risk. When we crack the throttle full open it's always on long, straight, deserted stretches of roads (which we're familiar with and know the pavement is good). I don't consider this irresponsible. When we ride amongst traffic, we keep the same speed most cars are traveling.

Irresponsible is doing 80mph on a residential street or strafing down a road past hidden driveways. As far as increased insurance rates go, the number one cause of motorcycle wrecks.... automobiles. Yes, sometimes the rider should have seen the car and been able to avoid the collision. How many of you out there have been cut-off by a car when you were just riding along at the posted speed limit? The number one killer of riders in the USA... automobiles turning left. Most of these accidents are not high speed. Most of the terrible high speed accidents involve alcohol/drugs, neither of which are in my body when I ride at any speed.

Just my $00.02

I have topped my 05 out several times and, the WIND is the biggest factor, followed by Rider Position. My personal best is 165 indicated. I had a slight tail wind.

Ohh and all the bashing and preaching to people who just want an anwer to thier qestions. If you obey every F-ing law in the book then good for you. but you dont have to throw you holy greatness at anyone who goes out and does something you deam irresponsible or dangerous. I thought this forum was meant to help ppl and just have good fun conversation, and recently all i have seen is a bunch of ppl get thier heads ripped off for nothing. Personaly is getting really F-ing OLD!
So... How fast can a FZ6 go?


Originally Posted by fz6xlr8r View Post
Here's an interesting tid bit for ya. In the book "Total Control" by Lee Parks, he claims "cruisers" are actualy able to stop in shorter distances than "sports bikes" because the curisers have lower centers of gravity and longer wheel bases witch act like a lever to keep both wheels on the ground, giving the crusiers an advantage over sports bikes in breaking. He says the shorter wheel base and higher center of gravity of sports bikes cause the rear wheel to start to lift off the ground under hard breaking and they lose any real stoping power that the rear break could provide causing a longer stoping distance. That's what he said anyway. LOL
I think the logic is solid - except for the fact that for some reason, everybody is riding cruisers now that weigh more than a super tanker.

I used to ride a Kawi Vulcan 750cc (it had plenty of spunk) and I don't understand why the jap cruisers are all 1300 & 1500 cc now. Not to mention what a Harley 1300cc must weigh.

These guys are riding lead anchors around town.

I rode with a guy (he rides with his wife 2-up) on a Honda 1300cc and he asked me what kinda mpg I get. I said 50s when mellow and 40s when gunning for action. He then said nothing - I asked him the same and he reluctantly told me he averages like 23 mpg. 23 mpg???


I don't think he will be stopping shorter than us - even without his wife on the back!
From HavBlue

Distance in terms of shorter could be a mere couple of feet and while it is important to understand how fast the bike will stop it is more important to be able to accomplish this task within the realm of emergencies. The reference to cruisers noted above fails to mention the cruiser has more weight on the rear wheel which quite often loses contact with the pavement in the case of sportbikes hence reducing overall braking capacity.

Now, considering the stopping tests are generally performed at speeds not exceeding 70mph I can see where those test results have shown the cruisers to be very favorable however, add 50mph to the test parameters and the results would likely be quite different. In either case it really doesn't matter as it will all fall back on the riders skill level and ability to pick up the hazard while having the ability to apply said skills in a maximum braking effort. At top speed this would clearly be a matter of life or possible death....

FYI, in regards to fuel mileage, on a good day my 1670 Roadstar will pull 40mpg. On a good day my 1200 Sporty will pull 60mpg and on the best day ever the FZ6 pulled 56mpg. It is rarely close the the Sporty which averages around 50mpg.
Here in Ontario, Canada (the op is also from Ontario)..... you have understand excessive speed is not tolerated. If you are clocked at 50kph over the speed limit... you will lose your lic right there on the spot... your velicle will be impounded as well. The police have just recently been given this power. I guess I am selfish, because for every guy getting huge speeding tickets, wrecking his bike, or killing himself causes my insurance to go up... I don't know about you, but I don't like paying more insurance.:thumbup:

Man, you folks are way behind the times if this is just something recent. Now, if other people crashing and getting tickets makes your costs for insurance go up I would be seriously looking for another insurance company although I do understand that may not be possible. Excessive speed isn't tolerated down here either and the general rule is 20mph over but a lot has to do with where you got caught, your attitude after having been stopped and the mood of the cop that stopped you is in.
he guys, i just moved back to toronto from calgary and i got my fz up to 262 with stock sprockets, airbox mod, drilled out cat/pipe and no fairing. once i put a 14tooth sprocket on the front i red lined in 6th gear no problem. my speedo was reading 293-288 back and forth off the rev limiter but thats without a speedo healer. so im not too sure what the actual speed was. Not to menition i was cought doing 186kms in a 90km/hr in calgary. my insurance went from $1202 a year in calgary to over 10,000 in toronto!!! looks like im going to have to park my baby for a year or two.
he guys, i just moved back to toronto from calgary and i got my fz up to 262 with stock sprockets, airbox mod, drilled out cat/pipe and no fairing. once i put a 14tooth sprocket on the front i red lined in 6th gear no problem. my speedo was reading 293-288 back and forth off the rev limiter but thats without a speedo healer. so im not too sure what the actual speed was. Not to menition i was cought doing 186kms in a 90km/hr in calgary. my insurance went from $1202 a year in calgary to over 10,000 in toronto!!! looks like im going to have to park my baby for a year or two.

Where did you find a 530 14T counter sprocket for the FZ6? I hunted all over the place for 530 FZ6 counter sprockets and only found three available which were 15T, 16T and 17T. I also found the 532 variations used on the R6 offered a far better set of combinations. I'll be going to the 532 15/48 combination when I switch the chain out. I've run the 530 15/46 and loved it but it is not well suited for fuel range on a tour.
"Sprocket Specialists" (is the company). there in the USA somewhere. only thing is i havent been able to ride my bike for almost 8 months now because i didnt use a new dog ear washer when i installed it. I ended up stripping the threads where you bolt your sprocket on. Im lookins at $67.00 in parts and about 11 hours of labour from the stealership....... i think im going to find me a professional welder to tack it back on for me.
I have a 05 FZ6 all stock, it tops out around 220 kph, its a Canadian bike. Is the cat converter slowing it down? It should do 245 kph as far as I have read....

I am also in canada and have found the same thing. Tops at 223 to 224 Kph. I was wondering the same thing, is it because it is a Canadian bike?
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