My 911 call...


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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So, I was at the store that I work at having a conversation with my boss and suddenly I see a group of people surrounding something. I couldn't see because there was a car in the way. Luckily the car just moved so I wouldn't have to run out there.

There were about 3-4 girls our there surrounding a little 10-12 year old girl flat on the ground. I noticed A COUPLE of them had cell phones, so I figured probably don't need to call 911. So I waited a few minutes to listen for anything.....nothing. The girl was not moving or anything, she is laying on a concrete with no shade at like 95 degrees. I pulled the trigger and called 911 and let them know and I was waiting for the response "Has already been dispatched" they knew nothing of it....

I was quite surprised to hear that none of those girls over there called 911, they just had there phones out surrounding her and seeing if she was awake. After I noticed they picked her up (10 minutes later) they were taking her to her van. The people that were picking her up were her family. I had already called 911, so, I ran out there to notify them and tell them to wait.

The mother than says this ignorantly...
"Your supposed to wait 15mins! before calling an ambulance, she has epilepsy!"

I told her off after she said that....I pretty much said all I saw was a little girl out cold/dead laying on the ground with a heat index of 110 for like 10 minutes. I had no idea she had epilepsy and I could of cared less what she had, all I saw was she was not moving. (few bad words were in there too).

Epilepsy or not, I would be sh** scared if my kid zonked out on me all the time especially if she just collapsed on concrete. She made it seem like no big deal. GAR! people annoy me..

Pretty much what happened a cop and an ambulance came and checked her out, I stayed out of it soon as they got there, so I dont know the story after that.
You definitely did the right thing! I can't believe the mother responded like that, you would think she would be grateful that a complete stranger cared enough. Even if she has epilepsy (my grandson does too), in those conditions and the fact that she was unconscious so long, a 911 call was definitely the smart move!
I've never heard of a 15 min wait for something like that, and how were you to know she was that way? I think you did the right thing by calling I would have done the same.
Oh and by the way, my grandsons doctor told us that we should call 911 for any seizure that lasts 5 minutes or longer..........
I wonder how that mother would have felt if that girl went into seizures, choked on her tongue and was dieing and she did nothing. You would have saved her life bro. good job with your quick response. 2 Thumbs up :thumbup::rockon:
It just amazes me how some people think, and thanks for the call on the 5 minute thing, it was well over 5 minutes.
I had a roommate in college that had epilepsy. He was also forgetful about taking his meds and liked to play Call of Duty all freaking night... needless to say I had a pretty good system setup on how to get the paramedics into the tiny room with all their equipment. If i remember correctly I had to make the call 8 times in 5 months. It got to the point where he said i should "let him flop" he recovers fine... and he couldn't afford the ambulance rides anymore. I am glad that I never neglected to dial 911, especially since on #7 his heart stopped beating for about a minute and a half before they brought him back with a defib. Even though I hated the guy... I don't think I could have his death on my conscious. If in doubt call 911. Get professionals on the scene to take care of things properly.
I used to work at a grocery store and there was a girl who worked there that had epilepsy. She would just all of a sudden start screaming really load and then fall out on the ground. You could hear her screaming clear across the store. The first time you experience it, it is supper weird, but I guess like anything else you learn how to react.

What you are suppose to do, and I am no doctor, is make sure when they fall they don’t bust there head open. Then turn them on their side support their head and let it take its course. If you leave them on their back it is possible they could swallow their tongue. It is usually over in a minute or two.

When they are having the seizure they are totally unconscious and have no idea what’s going on.

You did the correct thing calling 911 because you had no idea what was going on. Better safe than sorry:D
Good job Geoff! Probably the mom's frustration you're dealing with so don't take it to heart. One of the little ninkumpoops shoulda said something.

Had something similar happen in a parking lot with a person that had epilepsy and had crashed into someone else's car with his car. He was out and banging his head bloody on the ground as I came on the scene with people just watching. Instead of getting the crowd soda/beer, hotdogs and popcorn, I got down and held him in my arms so he couldn't do anymore damage. He had already bit himself up pretty good. Just amazing how much lack of compassion and thought we can have for each other as citizens.
I'm just waiting for a Saber Tooth Tiger to eat me cuz it seems like the people around me lately, just came out of caves! :eek:
And what if you had done nothing????Did her family check her airway and put her in the recovery position??? No i thought not, so you did the right thing by calling the emergency services well done
My sister has cerebral palsy and has epileptic seizures. You did the right thing, Geoff. They made the mistake of allowing her to LIE ON THE CONCRETE! That really pisses me off.

To those of you around the country, there is a pronounced stigma associated with people that live in Jefferson County, Missouri and it is people like this that give the stereotype its footing.

Being an import from Illinois, I suffered a bit of culture shock when I moved here. Lots of home made tank tops that used to be either regular t-shirts or flannel shirts and more mullets than you can shake a stick at!

It is beautiful here, though, and the roads pretty much rock.
You did right.

You did not know what was happening, you only saw a kid on the ground surrounded by her friends.
It is sad that none of her friends called 911 before, that is an emergency situation and they should know better.

Under extreme situations you never know what would people do. It is also sad for her mother to have that reaction even though.
Okay, completely setting aside the fact that this girl had a seizure (and maybe the mom and friends are "numb" to it after seeing it so much), WHY would anyone let a person lay on burning hot concrete on a 95+ degree day??? :eek: That action alone shows what an idiot the mom is.
I'm glad you called 911, it was the right thing to do. Too bad there isn't a test to take before someone becomes a parent. :ban:
Well Done Geoff , regardless of the mothers attitude you did the right thing :thumbup:.... It must of been the day for emergency calls yesterday , my 13yr old Son was witness & 1st at the scene of a fatal accident (nearly hitting him) on his way to school yesterday :eek: He was the one to call emergency services & the Police are praising his actions & composure under the horrific circumstances..
This thread really DOES prove that no good deed goes unpunished!:D...........dude, ridiculous. I think you did the right thing, regardless of the other people's behavior.:thumbup:
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