My Bike after a winter of work

He could have just said awe I'm just messin with y'all I just bought the bike and I'm thrilled but instead he keeps lying to cover up more lies....
Contradicting a moderator is not a problem.

Lying to the forum members, we kinda don't like that....

I'm on board with that policy. Keep the Internet honest! Well, at least the FZ6 forum. ;)

Edit: To clarify to whom I was responding. And to make sure I could with tapatalk.
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Ouch!!!!! WOW!!!!!

I don't think we will ever see him again....

But if you do come back I have some ocean front property for sale in idaho if your interested
Re: My Bike after I PAID FOR IT!!!

I suppose I'd take him back as we've all done a white lie at some time or another but polished aluminum lies! :spank:

OP - if you can bear it, a good apology would go a long ways about now. We're a pretty friendly bunch and help those who need it so give that some thought. . .
He kind of makes it very clear that he is claiming to have done all the work when a month or so ago he didn't even know what it was when he bought it
What he said...
Most of my work was cosmetic, I am not out to win any races...

He also said that he made the chain guard on a water jet, when it was on the bike when he bought it...

Not trying to take anything away from a great looking bike, but I can't stand when people take credit for something they bought

Just clicked on the FZ6r thread and saw you posted a link to this thread! Hilarious! :thumbup:
Yeah I wasn't even going to say anything here but he just keep going on about it...

There's not much that I honestly can say I hate, but taking credit for someone else's work is one of them
Re: My Bike after I PAID FOR IT!!!

OP - if you can bear it, a good apology would go a long ways about now. We're a pretty friendly bunch and help those who need it so give that some thought. . .

Nice sentiment, but I get the feeling he's got a PHD (Pile it Higher and Deeper) in this sort of trickery.... We'll see.