My Bike is faster than a Harley


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Sep 21, 2010
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D/FW Texas
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A bunch of D--ks on Harleys tryed to box me in on the highway at 80mph. It cought me off guard, because I thought they where trying to say hello to me.:confused: When I realized they where trying to box me, my FZ hit 10k rpm, and see yaaa!!!:rockon: It was a pack of 6 clean cut looking guys on very big Harlrys.

Man, I love my new bike.:spank::spank:
Good thing you didn't have to get into a fight with them.

They're all lawyers, they would sue you broke. :p
Beside a Harley at a redlight the other day. Didn't think anything about it until he opened his throttle all the way when it turned green. It was a 35 mile zone through a congested area. I don't play that. Just don't feel the need. It was funny because I kept naturally catching up with him at the next several red lights. I had to laugh. I mean, he couldn't have flat footed my bike if his life depended on it, even with his big Harley heels on. Too funny.
That would piss me off! Why would they try to box you in like that? Did you cut them off or something or anything else that might have upset them? Just kinda weird, honestly not sure how I would react if they did that to me, I think I might demo derby or mad max on them (my bike isn't worth much right now where I'm pretty sure theirs would be plus I know I have excellent balance on my bike and ALOT of miles on it do they) Ahh who I'm I kidding I'd prolly just gun it, but if there was no getting out then let the derby begin!!!
Lets play a quick game. What is the over under on the amount of bandana's and leather vests. My guess is 3 bandana's and 2 leather vests. For a bonus point yes or no on if there was a Sons of Anarchy t-shirt there.
u only hit 10k?? redline is there for a reason, dont be afraid to use it :D

I was not boxed in and wasn't left behind either - The fiz gets it in the corners from 10 - 13k. . . The Italian 1090RR did not escape! :D Use the Power!
A bunch of D--ks on Harleys tryed to box me in on the highway at 80mph. It cought me off guard, because I thought they where trying to say hello to me.:confused: When I realized they where trying to box me, my FZ hit 10k rpm, and see yaaa!!!:rockon: It was a pack of 6 clean cut looking guys on very big Harlrys.

Man, I love my new bike.:spank::spank:

Can't really compare a inline 4 engine vs the v-twin.

My Suzuki Boulevard had crazy amount of low end torque. It would have been a different game had you not been on an open highway.

Good for you.

I would on purpose slow down to piss them off. **** those guys.
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Can't really compare a inline 4 engine vs the v-twin.

My Suzuki Boulevard had crazy amount of low end torque. It would have been a different game had you not been on an open highway.

Good for you.

I would on purpose slow down to piss them off. **** those guys.

I have to disagree, maybe until he hit about 6k in first gear on the FZ, the HD may have the initial roll on start(15-20'?), but after that, first and second gear would smoke the HD easily...

If they were truly boxing him him in is pretty crappy AND dangerous.

On the highway, I've seen packs of HD's, usually staying in their pack, in one lane.

There's bikers out there that sometimes take up all the lanes, that's IMHO, somewhat selfish and un-neccessary...
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I have to disagree, maybe until he hit about 6k in first gear on the FZ, the HD may have the initial roll on start(15-20'?), but after that, first and second gear would smoke the HD easily...

Which is why I said that he was lucky that he was on an open high way where he could twist the throttle as much as he liked.

Anyway, it down't matter.

I am glad that he got out of it in a good shape.

I had a similar story where a prick in his brand new "ohh look at my big d!ck" BMW was cutting me off constantly.

I was cruising on my brother's Suzuki Bandit one of these days. So here I am just minding my own business when this ******* is deliberately trying to race me.

I was just cruising in the sixth gear, but the moment I had the chance I dropped to fifth gear and I smoked him. LOL I wish you guys could have seen the little shiets face when he got smoked. priceless.
Stoplight to stoplight a V twin has it on inline 4's. Of course they're just going from one bar to the next.

Fingerless gloves, vests, bandana's or skull bucket (Moe) helmets. It's amazing to me how much image matters to them and they're all clones. Went to a bike night at the local Harley shop a couple of months ago, thought I was in a clone factory. Oh, must have a black t-shirt, preferably with Harley or Sturgis logo.

As for fast cagers, it's the inexperienced ones that don't know they will be smoked by a motorcycle (inline 4) so you have to watch out for them. They'll get mad you wasted them with ease and might try to run you off the road once you slow down. My bike is about 625lbs and has 150hp. Not the lightest but the power to weight ratio is so much more than any car out there, including a Corvette / Porsche / BMW. Some know (more experienced drivers) so won't seriously egg you on. It's the idiots you have to watch out for.
u only hit 10k?? redline is there for a reason, dont be afraid to use it :D

12k is about peak for FZ6. Stay in your power band and shift to keep your acceleration at it's peak if you want to get away.....

What would be funny is to escape the HD's and stay just in front of them like you're their leader, Stick your legs out like you're on a HD. ! LOL! :BLAA:
But the more expensive the bike..., the faster it is!!! After I smoke a harley, I just point to mine, smile, and say liquid cooled!!!!

And 7k brand new ;)
Stoplight to stoplight a V twin has it on inline 4's. Of course they're just going from one bar to the next.

Fingerless gloves, vests, bandana's or skull bucket (Moe) helmets. It's amazing to me how much image matters to them and they're all clones. Went to a bike night at the local Harley shop a couple of months ago, thought I was in a clone factory. Oh, must have a black t-shirt, preferably with Harley or Sturgis logo.

As for fast cagers, it's the inexperienced ones that don't know they will be smoked by a motorcycle (inline 4) so you have to watch out for them. They'll get mad you wasted them with ease and might try to run you off the road once you slow down. My bike is about 625lbs and has 150hp. Not the lightest but the power to weight ratio is so much more than any car out there, including a Corvette / Porsche / BMW. Some know (more experienced drivers) so won't seriously egg you on. It's the idiots you have to watch out for.

Dude, aint that the truth.

When I was in Quebec it's like every Harley riders was being sponsored by the company there. HD logos on everything, jackets, boots, bandanas, etc you name it they got it.

I contemplated getting a 1200 Custom from HD this spring. I went for a test ride. I don't want to expand on the bike itself. It was very nice, but it wasn't refined..

My Suzuki Boulevard was a fine tuned precision machine. i could have put a glass on water on the tank while it idled and the glass wouldn't move. Compared the bike I test rode, it vibrate so much that it felt like the engine is going to explode.

Nice bikes. But I wish HD would use newer technologies. Also their dealership was divided in half. One half for all the bull**** merchandise, lol.

As to the cagers etc

Yeah, pretty common sense that bike is going to smoke most cars there on the road.

I never race nor give the idea to any cager out there on the road that I want to race them but this guy just's wouldn't budge on cutting me off. I had to give him a lesson, lol.
But the more expensive the bike..., the faster it is!!! After I smoke a harley, I just point to mine, smile, and say liquid cooled!!!!

And 7k brand new ;)

yeah my friend on his vrod almost broke down and cried when he asked me what my bike cost
there are a few cars that can still smoke a bike, our shop car (2003 svt cobra w/ 698whp) has blown past me a time or two lol
As for fast cagers, it's the inexperienced ones that don't know they will be smoked by a motorcycle (inline 4) so you have to watch out for them. They'll get mad you wasted them with ease and might try to run you off the road once you slow down.

I had this happen once while riding with a friend who was on a Ninja 600. This guy in a jacked up pickup wanted to try and pass us. Ok, no big deal, then slows down so we pass him. Then goes to pass us again. WTF? So we get fed up, open it up and leave him in the dust. A few miles down the road and what do we see? Yep, a big jacked up truck trying to do a ton on the highway. We both decided enough playing and really open it till we don't see the lights. I don't like to race but I was worried the guy was drunk and I didn't want to find out what it would feel like to be under the tire.