My bike was frozen to the ground...


Apr 11, 2008
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Grand Forks, ND
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Hello all,

Figured I would share my comical first ride of the season. I am currently living in Grand Forks, ND. Today we finally had a nice day of 49F, a lot nicer than the -45F we had this past winter. We have also seen record snow accumulations in the Red River Valley in a long time.

Well, with the warm weather, comes melting snow. The genius who designed my garage messed up big, long story short my garage has 4 inches of water in it right now. My garage is a pond during the day, and an ice rink at night.

So this morning I decide to move my bike to my girlfriends parents house about a mile away because I hate to see my bike sitting in the water and then sitting under ice when the water freezes. It appeared the bike was sitting in water, but when I go to move it, the center stand and tires were all FROZEN to the ground!!! It took about 10min to work the bike out of the ice. I almost tipped it a few times, didnt drop the bike, but dropped a few F Bombs lol.

On the bright side, the bike fired right up and Oh man it was awesome hearing that engine again. Even though it was a little chilly, and marginal road conditions and only a mile ride, it was AWESOME.:thumbup: I saw a few other bikes on the road today as well, but I do not think I would have hit the road if I did not have to, there is still a ton of sand on the road. I had my girl stick behind me with my truck and did not dare go over 25MPH. All in all it was a great day and topper to my 22nd BDAY.

I love my FZ6!

Hope everyone has a great week!
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it pains me to hear of people riding in shoddy weather. we still have snow and ice everywhere. still another 40-50 days or so I think before I can even risk short rides like you had.


I wish I was riding. I bet it felt awesome lmarti. I fired mine up in the garage once when it was kind of warm outside. I was doing an oil change and wow I could ALMOST feel like I was about to get ready to go for a ride again.

Happy birthday tho!!
glad that you got it out of the garage, and as mentioned before it is not good for the tires and ice can actually crush the rims if the circumstances are right...i would make a platform of sorts to put the bike on next year, make sure that you also check the tire pressures when you get on the bike to ride it for real....
Happy birthday man. Warm weather is on the way.

crazy about the garage though.
Happy B-Day.

I do not think I have ever heard of this before in a garage. It is poor construction I guess....Bad Contractor :spank::spank:

Like Reio said, make a platform, then :noworries:

Glad you saved the bike from the ice!!! Have a good one.