New Bike-New Bike Owner


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Mar 21, 2008
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Hello and thanks for the forum. I purchased my first ever bike yesterday, a 2004 FZ6. Registered it today, recieved my permit, and signed up for a safety class. So far, so good. The bike is fantastic and everything more than I expected.

45 old male in Tucson. Never too late to ride.
Hi Saloman...Congrats on your new bike.

I am 50 in May and am having a great time with the FZ6.

You will enjoy this forum if you come in on a regular basis.

Welcome to the forum! Congrats on your new bike. Post pictures when you can. The MSF course is worth every penny. I am planning on signing up my wife for it to try to get her into riding.
Welcome to the forum and i like to hear when people sign up for the safety course. Thats the best thing to do next to purchasing an FZ6.:thumbup:
Welcome to the forum and i like to hear when people sign up for the safety course. Thats the best thing to do next to purchasing an FZ6.:thumbup:

And especially for a first time rider. Welcome and please stay focused ........
45 years young! Congrats on getting the best of bikes! Great choice!

I am 43 and am picking up my 2nd FZ6 in a couple weeks... I sold the '05 and after looking over all other comparable models, came right back to the FZ6 again... So, it's an upgrade to the '08!!!

Enjoy the bike and drive safe!!
i started last year at 37. Rode 2 months on an old yammie FJ and then sold it and bought a new 07 FZ. Taking the SSF course not only gets your license here in Oregon, but it was the best way to do it too. I am planning on doing the intermediate this year and the advanced next.

Someone here recommended the book "Total Control". Its pretty good not really for beginners but I recommend.
Thank you all for the fantastic welcome. I have been on the bike the last two days and what a feeling. It is true that the FZ6 likes the higher RPMs. I look forward to communicating with a great community. Thanks again, Saloman in Tucson, Arizona.

Great weather right now.
Bought my 09 plate FZ6 July last year after a 26 year break from biking suffering a mid life crisis at 46 years old. I stored it for the winter starting November and dragged the cover off last month, (March). Been enjoying the sunny days ever since, (Fair weather biker at the moment). Best bike I have ever owned which is not difficult to the choice 26 years ago.
I got the urge to ride a bike at 16, but it took until 47 to actually get round to doing it. FZ6 is my first bike, but don't think it will be my last.

PS I still haven't told my mum as she'd have a fit !!
Hey story is almost the same as yours. I'm 47, and have not had a bike for 23 years. Bought my New FZ6 in September 2009 after some research and looking at used bikes. Unfortunatly, too much rain here to ride much this year. I rode for about 7 years when I was younger.