New college grads in the house?


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Apr 20, 2008
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Northern Kentucky
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Any new or about to be new college grads on the forum? Just curious. I'm graduating tomorrow with my B.A. in Middle Grades Education. Yes, I'm going to be a middle school science or math teacher.
Next Thursday I'm graduating with an Associates Degree in Mechanical Drafting.

I won't be a student anymore. I'll just be unemployed.
No grads but my wife and our daughter are on their way back this moment from her last semester.

Congrats! I hope you have the greatest luck in seeking employment in your chosen field! :steve:
I'll be walking across the stage with an MEd in School Counseling on the 21st.....and still no job.....
My last final coming up on Tuesday in Occupational Therapy...

6 Months of free work then I might walk next May, but hopefully working by then
Could of graduated but im eligable to play rugby for 5 years so I picked up a chem minor. Ill end up with physics major and math/chem minor. Theres no jobs out there anyway so why not enjoy another year of fun.
I'm a prof - watching my students graduate is very cool - especially the ones who struggled, but made it through.

My wife is finishing up her Master's. Can't wait for that to be done!
None yet here. My youngest has three more years at Ohio State. Thank God I've already got the bikes paid for.

Congrats to all the grads. You've done well!!!
I grad in December of 2006 with an associates in Graphic Design. I searched for a decent job then.... Gave up and now work for a photography company that pays better than most Graphics jobs with a Bachelors... My g/f will be graduating in December of this year with a Bachelors of Early childhood and Childhood education. (dual major). And she is planning on finding a teaching job around here and then she has 5 years to get her masters. Hopefully finding a school to pay for it!:thumbup: Best of luck with the job search. To be honest with the current situation i would say go on with school! Of course if the financial aspect is there!
Yeah, I graduated on April 25. Bachelors of science degree in aviation flight science. It's been a long road, but a fun one. Good luck to all of you were still in college.