new scorpion cans?


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
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Does the new scopion exhaust have the same "Y" pipe as the old version I have heard so much about. In the old version it seems everybody is saying that the exhaust flow is alot more out of one can than the other. Does anybody have any idea if they have corrected this problem?
I have the new ones and there is a noticable difference with more flow out of the left hand can (as you look at the back of the bike).
Just to update this. The new scorps have much more flow out the left side that the right. The right side is cut smaller internally to allow for gas to move to the left side instead of going straight out the right. Its still very unequal though. It might be worth opening the right side up some more until its equal.
It would be easy to fix but I don't know if I want to pull the everything back off to fix it or not. I would have thought they would have made it a little more equal also.
listen here. the scorpion cans have a noticeable restriction on the right can. one. because its cheaper to leave one open and the other more restrictive. two. it gives it a deeper sound(put your hand over the right can right as you start it up in the morning and you can tell) three. and have you ever heard of backpressure? why dont they just cut the pipe off right at the cylinder head?
listen here. the scorpion cans have a noticeable restriction on the right can. one. because its cheaper to leave one open and the other more restrictive. two. it gives it a deeper sound(put your hand over the right can right as you start it up in the morning and you can tell) three. and have you ever heard of backpressure? why dont they just cut the pipe off right at the cylinder head?

I don't believe the right side restriction is in anyway related to back pressure. There is not enough restriction there to make a bit of difference. Its there solely to help divert some flow to the left side. Its slightly overdone though and could probably be enlarged about 1/8" all around to make it even. It the right side restriction was not there then you would have the opposite problem as the flow would go straight out the right pipe the way the y-pipe is made.
right. . .that makes no sense. why would it matter which can had the most flow? left or right? i'm sure there's a reason. i just don't work at scorpion, so i wouldn't know exactly what it is. i just stated the logical choices...because i work at a car shop and i know everything about bikes and
Are you basing your assumptions of flow thrughout the RPM band on the flow at idle? I guarantee the flow will go where it needs to go (through both pipes) at higher RPM and greater CFM.

Is Scorpion shipping the cans wih the CF cones now?