No more chicken stripe!!!


Sep 26, 2007
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I went on a ride today with a friend who rides an R1, and i was determined to get rid of the chiken stripe on the rear tire (shiny tread that im to chicken to use because you have to lean hard to use it), my friend took me to a 7 mile strip of road that consists of 40 total turns. outcome..........Used every inch of tread from left to right, no more chicken stripe!!! =)
absolutely, ride was great, i put a total of 146 mile on my bike today, all in all i would say it was a great day!
I will try and upload some pics of my tire within a day or so ( have to go get my camera from my parents house) and im sure i will take the same ride again, i'll be sure to take the camera then as well, as for tires i still have the stock Dunlop SportMax.....
Glad your here man.
I would like you to do me, yourself, and your family a favor.
Please go a buy one of these books.
Total Control, Ride Hard Ride Smart, Profiecent Motorcycling, Twist of the Wrist II, Sport Riding Tech.
Here is why. IF you get your tire to the edge on the street, you are pushing hard enough to have a crash with very severe consquences. If you are a newer rider, you are very apt to push over the edge and usually that means at best a long hospitol stay, at worst, a early grave.
This sport if great. It is dangerous.
Where you are riding if you make a mistake, or someone smeared a groundhog across the road, and you wreck, how long will it be before a abulance can get there? What about life flight?

If you ride like that at the track, the ambulance is standing by, the radio to lifeflight is right there. The surface is clean and clear, there is no oncoming traffic, no animals, no gravel, no gaurd rails, no culverts, no trees, no sharp rock walls, and no sign posts.

I tried to present this so you would maybe see what I am talking about.
I would prefer not to have a big sticky at the top of the page saying we lost a rider today. I hope you understand where I am coming from.

I wore my chicken strips off in a parking lot.
I have been over all the way on both sides on the road. I had saddle bags on, I was going way to fast, at the dragon, and very well could of paid the cost. I was wrong to do it, so thats why I am telling you.