Not FZ6 related but this is mest up

red dragon rider

Junior Member
Jul 26, 2007
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Yakima, Washington
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Well this is not motorcycling related but I have to vent some how with out hurting. No killing someone. Here is the story.

My wife, daughter(2 yrs old) and I went camping this weekend with my family over to the coast and had a pretty good time. Now I've got to give a little background on my brother-in-law - He's 21 or 22 yr. I can't remember know but his always been pretty good kid. He lived with us for a 10 month before my daughter was born 2yrs. Ago. He HAD(not anymore) access to get into our house because his was our babysitter for a while when we were in between daycare’s. Well he has never entered our house without our permission before this weekend. We got home to find that someone had been in our house without setting off the alarm system. My Brother-in-law is the only one besides my wife and I with a code to it. He admitted he had been drinking and stop by the house to use the bathroom and that he had some friends with him. To make a long story short I go to our bedroom to find that one of my Handguns is missing (second most important thing missing), we had rolls of change that we had been saving for the last 8yrs. and a couple of movies that you can buy at Wal-Mart for $9.99. Now I don't care about the rolled change and I could careless about the movies. But what has me so fired up beside having my home violated is that my wife asked me if I would be upset if she whore the promise ring I got her when we were dating so she would not damage it or lose it while on vacation. Figuring it would be ok I said it would be fine with me.
Know I have to counsel my upset wife and to fix the hole that I put in the hallway wall that I put there when she told me her wedding ring was gone to(most important thing missing). I have called the police and reported what has happened.
I do have to give my brother-in-law some credit (what little he deserves) he gave me names of everyone who was with him and is trying to find our belongings. I don’t think I will ever know what truly happened this weekend or see our belongings again. I’ve told him to stay away from me until I say other wise or he will be going to the hospital and I will have to go to jail on assault charges.

It’s getting late and my body and mind is finally winding down to were I can sleep so I’m going to go and try to get some sleep now.
I'll check in in the morning.

Well this is not motorcycling related but I have to vent some how with out hurting. No killing someone. Here is the story.

My wife, daughter(2 yrs old) and I went camping this weekend with my family over to the coast and had a pretty good time. Now I've got to give a little background on my brother-in-law - He's 21 or 22 yr. I can't remember know but his always been pretty good kid. He lived with us for a 10 month before my daughter was born 2yrs. Ago. He HAD(not anymore) access to get into our house because his was our babysitter for a while when we were in between daycare’s. Well he has never entered our house without our permission before this weekend. We got home to find that someone had been in our house without setting off the alarm system. My Brother-in-law is the only one besides my wife and I with a code to it. He admitted he had been drinking and stop by the house to use the bathroom and that he had some friends with him. To make a long story short I go to our bedroom to find that one of my Handguns is missing (second most important thing missing), we had rolls of change that we had been saving for the last 8yrs. and a couple of movies that you can buy at Wal-Mart for $9.99. Now I don't care about the rolled change and I could careless about the movies. But what has me so fired up beside having my home violated is that my wife asked me if I would be upset if she whore the promise ring I got her when we were dating so she would not damage it or lose it while on vacation. Figuring it would be ok I said it would be fine with me.
Know I have to counsel my upset wife and to fix the hole that I put in the hallway wall that I put there when she told me her wedding ring was gone to(most important thing missing). I have called the police and reported what has happened.
I do have to give my brother-in-law some credit (what little he deserves) he gave me names of everyone who was with him and is trying to find our belongings. I don’t think I will ever know what truly happened this weekend or see our belongings again. I’ve told him to stay away from me until I say other wise or he will be going to the hospital and I will have to go to jail on assault charges.

It’s getting late and my body and mind is finally winding down to were I can sleep so I’m going to go and try to get some sleep now.
I'll check in in the morning.

Mate im gutted for you and your wife. You brother-in-law has been a real wanker. I hope you can claim for some of the things on your insurance. Although it never covers the sentimental value of items like rings. Is it possible that due to the drink he left the house open when he left?
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In my opinion I think your brother in-law has got 2 options:

1. He should do what he has to and get the ring and whatever else is missing (regardless of price) back on his own.

2. Crawl under a rock and hide.

That's my 2 cents worth. No respect.
sorry to hear that!!! I went through a similar experience when I was in the Navy. most of my personal belonging were at my Moms house while I was overseas. when I returned my "step sister" had stole a guitar from me leaving the hard case behind so my Mom wouldn't notice. I never saw it again. it was the only thing I had received from my uncle when he died.
despite the inconvenience, I recommend changing the locks on your house and the code to your alarm. you need to just figure the locks and code have been compromised. as far as the brother in law, I'd press charges!!!:mad:
Dude, that's horrible. I'm really sorry to hear that. No one likes a theif. Your brother-in-law owes you a lot of money....too bad he can't replace the sentimental value etc.

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Sorry to hear that man.
I hope your brotherinlaw mans up, and takes responsibility and makes it right.
The sentimental part of the ring can not be made right though if it was the ring placed on her finger at your wedding. I dont know how I would handle that.

It would be very bad for a brother to take his sisters wedding ring. I dont think that would happen, so it was probley someone with him.

I hope you are able to calm down, and get some sleep. I also hope who ever stole from you, gets 4" long himiroids, and is force fed guatemalin insanity peppers grown by the inmates of the chucazubra hospitol for the criminally insane. That and the peehole fish.
Sorry to hear that. I know how mad I would be if put in your situation, and would have probably freaked out on him. Good luck in getting your irreplaciable items back.

p.s. Change your alarm code!
Dude, I would be pissed if this happened to me. If my Girlfriends brother stole from her she make sure he never came to any family reunions. That is all just freakin messed up!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Thanks for the support from all of you. Well I'm pretty possitive that it was not my brother-in-law who stole from us becuase of his reaction when we tould him about the ring. And yes all the codes for my house were changed within 2 hours. He has been tould that he is not welcome at my house or in my presence. After going through the house peace by peace we have figured out that everything that was taken was out of our bed room and it could all be concealed easily. I don't think we will ever know what truely happened this past weekend and I think brother-in-law hopes that I don't. The good thing is that our insurance will cover everything.
Man, I bet your brother in law is ashamed, and feels like crap. I know what he did was wrong, but I bet he feels betrayed, and hurt as well. I know that your upset, you have every right to be. You might think about giving him a chance to make it right. It would suck to lose a uncle to your kids over something one of his drunk buddies or drunk buddies girlfriends did. I cant read his mind, but I bet if he knew stopping by your house was going to make his sister lose her wedding ring, and lose him both of your trust he never would of done it. I hope you dont take this the wrong way.
I forgot to tell you that my brother and sister-in-law did do a very nice thing for my wife and I by taking us out to dinner to Olive Garden and Payed for everything. My brother proceded to get me a little drunk which did not take much because not much sleep and little food with three beers and shot of tequila I did not ask for. So I was feeling a lot better when I got home last night at 8:00pm and a sleep in bed by 8:30pm. I've been think thst I'll be getting to do some ride every weekend now checking out the pawn shop around town once a week for a while.
Steve, your right about him losing our trust. He may regain it at somepoint in the future. I think that my wife will forgive him sooner than I will a year at the least but I will never forget what he did.

Unbelievable. Really, how low of a scumball do you have to be. Surely his friends took everything and he wasn't aware. If he gave you names of all of them I'd get my 5 meanest friends and go get my stuff back.