Not the best of weekends...


Junior Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Paris, France
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Me and the missus left Paris on Friday night to travel down to Lyon to visit her mum (it was her birthday on Saturday). It's a fairly long trek in our old car (a Peugeot 306) of about 550kms. Now our old car doesn't really do much above 120kph so you can imagine it's about a 5 hour journey.

After about 60kms it starts making a hideous vibrating noise from the front right wheel. It's not the first time it's done it but we never got to the bottom of it last time. I'm thinking seized brake caliper or wheel bearing perhaps. Anyway...

We turn around and decide to take the TGV (fast train) instead. As it's last minute (and a bank holiday), the tickets cost a fortune, but well it's mum in law's birthday :rolleyes: manage to drive to the station and parked the car there.

Had a lovely weekend, eating too much and enjoying the beautiful French countryside and weather. Took the train back, and upon arriving at the station we discover the car had been stolen! Not sure the thieves would have got too far with the brake/bearing problem... called the neighbours to come and pick us up (they're lovely!). Had to go to the police station to report the theft. Get home to find the missus forgot the papers at the police station :spank: had to go back on the bike and pick them up.

Looks like the Fazer is going to have a bit more work to do for a little while! I'm not too annoyed about the car (just hoping the insurance will pay out it's value), but what is really annoying is we'll need to buy another car and the money I've been saving to get a KTM 990 SMT will probably be wiped out now. All because some thieving ***tards think it's ok to take something that's not theirs.

Rant over!
There's no sense in stressing over the past. When stuff like this happens, I play the karma game... Try this one: The thieves got on really well until the brakes melted, and the car erupted in flames. They got out in time, but only to be maimed by pack of wolves, urinated on by a pack of dogs, then eaten whole and alive by a pack of zombies.
Indeed it sucks!!!!!
The good thing is that now the insurance will give you money for your old car that was not doing well!!!! If you would have kept it, some repairs were requires (your money) and would still have an old car.

I hope the insurance will give you money to get a decent replacement vehicle and your KTM funds do not suffer much from this.

On the meantime enjoy spending more time using the FZ6

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Davey, Sorry to hear about your car being stolen :(, hope your insurance sorts it out swiftly.

At least you can take a bit of consolation whilst riding your bike :thumbup:.
I had my jeep stolen and realized after 15 minutes that my life and happiness as well as my friend's and family's are worth a lot more when I could smile and greet the situation as part of life not allowing them to steel anything more from me but the vehicle. I could get another car, I have friends and family that love me but they always always get a cell, bad food and worse company! :eek: :D
Or you could buy a cheaper car and take the extra cash and upgrade to aluminum paniers and bash plate on the SMT.

Am I the only voice of reason here?

Still, sorry to hear it man.