One small step for giant leap for my bike


Junior Member
Oct 12, 2010
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Many threads have been posted like this before...but my thoughts are its not what your forum can do for you but what you can do for your forum. I completed the first baby steps to streetfighter land. I hooked up the targa FE kit. This many seem insignificant but its steps forward!
You'll get there. Believe me, the worst (seemingly) lies ahead. For me, the two most stressful moments of doing my conversion were (1) removing the fairing and (2) wiring the new headlight in. It was the only time I'd ever taken the fairing off, so I was super nervous about what I'd find under there and I'm a hack electrician, so I was scared to death about shorting the entire bike

In the end, in fact, it's one of the best things I've ever done. After I got it finished, I really felt like I knew my bike inside and out and you feel a sort of kinship with her that you didn't have before (yes, mine is a "she"). :D

Good luck, and just ask if you need any directions! :thumbup:
just take your time, and if your worried about something not working right ask questions, and really take your time to do the wiring correct, i bought my bike already done and had to redo all the wiring and mounting brackets because of someone rushing throgh it, although i went overboard soldering the wires together heat shrinking and wire looming but it was deff worth it in the end, and i will say this too, the farther you push the new front end out the better wind protection you will have, for me i found a happy medium between it looking good and protection by extending my mounting brackets.
just take your time, and if your worried about something not working right ask questions, and really take your time to do the wiring correct, i bought my bike already done and had to redo all the wiring and mounting brackets because of someone rushing throgh it, although i went overboard soldering the wires together heat shrinking and wire looming but it was deff worth it in the end, and i will say this too, the farther you push the new front end out the better wind protection you will have, for me i found a happy medium between it looking good and protection by extending my mounting brackets.

I wish i knew how to do anything like that but i do not have the technical skills to fabricate my own extended mounting brackets! Im still working on getting the headlight conversion kit. Next Step!