
I personally won't be part of a group ride unless 1. everyone is willing to do the speed limit or over! 2. stay semi together. It looks like that situation was bad all around, however if you notice just before he turns to the left the person behind him in the group almost rear ends him..... regardless big group that slow on road= potentially bad situation! I have come across numerous group rides and personally I think it is wrong 99% of the time its cruisers.... 99% of the time they are going way under the speed limit and 99% of the time they have a helmet, tshirt, and jeans on if your lucky!!!!!! My girl and I came up on a group here around home last year it was roughly 20 bikes could have parked 3 bikes in between each one, thus meaning the stretched a huge distance! It took me 4 passing lanes to get around them...... open road middle of the country and 55mph zone we were lucky to be doing 45mph. Most passing zones aren't very long or they had a car coming.... I finnally saw my opening however I had to do it at a very high rate of speed and I know the road like the back of my hand! Passing zones were running out for a distance of roughly 25 miles.... then once passed they all speeded up.... So I said I dont think so and the found out their tiny cruisers dont come close to the fz6.... moral of the story is group rides put a false confidence in people..... and usually leads to people not paying attention! im not saying when the guy did is right but if same situation was present with this i can understand why.....
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That guy was going WAY to fast for the circumstances.
Mass ride, pedestrians, etc.
If he had been still fast, but reasonable, he could have avoided that other bike easily.
As to the guy who got nailed, it's called an indicator, would have given that second's worth of head's up.

We ride a lot marshalling cyclists, and i often do high speeds next to those monkeys (cyclists), and have had a few close calls (favourite was a cyclist who blindly crossed 3 lanes of shut down highway, into the fast lane us marshalls and emergency crew were using, took him about 3 or 4 seconds to cross 3 lanes, i was doing about 140km/h when i saw him on collision course for me).

This guy was just too fast for the road and traffic. And his own skills apparently.