Painting the Tank


Junior Member
Aug 31, 2010
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Well, after much bog and sanding and bog and sanding, I am ready to etch prime the fuel tank and side cowls.

I've attached a few pics to show the repaired area (although I was spray gun happy and put the first coat of primer on before taking a picture so it is a little hard to see the bog repair)
Going backwards now, but here are some pics of the bike before I did any repairs to it. Nice big dent in the tank. Required a bit of metal work before applying filler/bog.

Followed by a pic of the headlight going on (rather then the fairing).

I'll be hi-filling these parts tomorrow for a final sand and to make sure they are all straight, then ready for final coat during the week after work some night.

Probably be going black again, with a silver stripe. Was thinking about doing the tank white with black stripes but then I need to buy 2 cans of paint, and also that means I have to change the paint 6 times in the gun (3 coats paint).
I realise that i am six months behind, but great job... i am looking at doing the same thing soon, and was wondering if you could step me through the process that you went through, and maybe update with the final outcome?