Parking lot mishap

yamaha rider87

Junior Member
Jul 22, 2008
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sparks, Nevada
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Hey guys was on my way to my bank inside a small shopping center with a grocery store, couple misc. shops, etc. As I pulled in a guy had his truck in reverse so his backup lights were on but he wasn't I pulled into the lot on the main straightaway where I obiviously had right-of-way, he started rolling slowly. I was pretty sure he didn't see me so I pulled the clutch in and rev'd the engine a couple times, right as a did that he was jumping on the gas to back out of the spot hastily. By reving my engine he stopped and looked around until he saw me preventing him from running me over and with less of a sour note (at least in my opinion) than me honking at him to accomplish the same thing. Plus I got to hear my engine wind up, which is a sound i love anyways lol :rockon:
Glad you avoided him! :thumbup:

Sour note or not, I think I'll still use my horn, as it can be heard over a truck's rumble better than a revving engine.
Good to hear you got lucky.

I had my first parking lot mishap today too...I laid it down on her side....I didn't really understand what happened, I just remember not putting my foot down properly before losing my balance. Oh, yeah and my friends laughed with me IN MY FACE :D I was lucky too though since the only scar left is unnoticeable and it is on the slider. The bike is completely undamaged.
Forget about leaving a sour note, next time use your horn. It's your bike and most importantly your life at risk.

Keep the engine revving for the ladies :thumbup:
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I'm confused, you stopped right behind him to rev the engine so he would see you? :confused:

It takes more time to pull in the clutch and rev than it does to use your horn.
Okay, can't help myself. This is a classic example of when you should use your horn. You have identified a potential threat ahead of time, and if you would have used the horn immediately, you wouldn't even had to hit your brakes. Situations like this, and not using the horn, you have no business riding a bike, as using your horn should have come instictivley rather than thinking. Put this in fast motion, and the time you use to think may be the difference of crashing, or not.

Reving your engine will work to, but this was not the time nor the place to use this type of corrective action. I too have used this method, but only to clear pedestrians out of the way. As I'm one of the three vehicles that have the pole position on a triple left hand turn lane on the Las Vegas strip on a Saturday night. The light turns green but there is still a gigantic crowd of pedestrians jaywalking across the street, not allowing any cars to go through. The taxi drivers are honking their horn, but it's useless. I rev my bike with my Remus Pipes with no baffles up to 12,000 RPM's and they all go scattering like it was life or death situation.
I'm confused, you stopped right behind him to rev the engine so he would see you? :confused:

It takes more time to pull in the clutch and rev than it does to use your horn.

no i was still coming up behind him probably 20 feet away or so but I wanted to notify him as a preventative measure to keep him from backing out in front of me thus requiring me to stop when I had the right of way. Sorry for the lack of clarification
Okay, can't help myself. This is a classic example of when you should use your horn. You have identified a potential threat ahead of time, and if you would have used the horn immediately, you wouldn't even had to hit your brakes. Situations like this, and not using the horn, you have no business riding a bike, as using your horn should have come instictivley rather than thinking. Put this in fast motion, and the time you use to think may be the difference of crashing, or not.

Reving your engine will work to, but this was not the time nor the place to use this type of corrective action. I too have used this method, but only to clear pedestrians out of the way. As I'm one of the three vehicles that have the pole position on a triple left hand turn lane on the Las Vegas strip on a Saturday night. The light turns green but there is still a gigantic crowd of pedestrians jaywalking across the street, not allowing any cars to go through. The taxi drivers are honking their horn, but it's useless. I rev my bike with my Remus Pipes with no baffles up to 12,000 RPM's and they all go scattering like it was life or death situation.

I like that as a method to get pedestrians moving lol and from the times I've been in Vegas I know exactly what your talking about. As far as this situation I was in a parking lot going slow and (fortunantly) had plenty of time to think about a course of action....had it been out on the street I would have used my horn. On that note I wanna see about doing that 140 db airhorn mod that a couple of members have done because maybe its just me but it seems our beautiful bikes have a scooter horn on 'em. :(
What you need is to install a Stebel Nautilus air horn. My favorite modification. I love watching people spill their coffee when they get a blast from my 139db horn. They must think a train is coming that they didn't see. I've even had groups of teenagers scream as I gave them a blast from road to sidewalk. Hahahaha. Practice with your trigger thumb on that horn, as you will want to be on the quickdraw side of situations. I won't ride a bike without! Try to hear that wimpy stock horn from inside a car at 85mph with the radio blasting. Nope. Stebel Nautilus only. :thumbup:
What you need is to install a Stebel Nautilus air horn. My favorite modification. I love watching people spill their coffee when they get a blast from my 139db horn. They must think a train is coming that they didn't see. I've even had groups of teenagers scream as I gave them a blast from road to sidewalk. Hahahaha. Practice with your trigger thumb on that horn, as you will want to be on the quickdraw side of situations. I won't ride a bike without! Try to hear that wimpy stock horn from inside a car at 85mph with the radio blasting. Nope. Stebel Nautilus only. :thumbup:

Yea thats the one I'm looking at getting, just forgot the name lol....hey when you bought yours did you also buy the plug and play kit to eliminate the splicing of wires and such? if so how well did that work out? Also if you ordered a bracket with it, which kind did you get because I noticed they have several different brackets for sale and I wasn't sure which was the best one?
I do wish the owner of the parked Goldwing I hit today had some noise available.

Yep! I just took out a Honda Goldwing in the Burger King parking lot. Ran right over that expensive bike - well not over but enough to kick the crap out of it.

Tip: Parking lots are dangerous for bikes when you park where people can back over them.

How did I not see that big bike...? I was distracted for a second and that was all it took. I didn't see it in the mirror and I obviously wasn't paying attention.