PED3 - iPhone mount for motorcycles

Anyone try this out yet? I'd really like to get some type of mount for my iphone, but this design scares me a little. Seems like it could simply slip out of there.


but are any of them waterproof? I've been thinking about getting an ipod touch to replace my 1g 10Gb ipod...if there is a waterproof case it could come in handy on trips, as it is I have to put it on random and hope no enya or anything comes on to put me to sleep on the road.
What do you use them for? Do they have GPS or something?
I normally avoid the use of a mobile cause anything thats taking my attention from the road is bad, and mobiles are notorious!
What do you use them for? Do they have GPS or something?
I normally avoid the use of a mobile cause anything thats taking my attention from the road is bad, and mobiles are notorious!

My i phone has a GPS, and is an Ipod as well, so you can also listen to you can get on the net, and use google maps, etc...very handy gadgets, not just a phone.

Phones phones phones, I go for a ride to get away the things, sure I take it with me but its away in the tank bag and I check it when I stop. The last thing I want is to be distracted by the thing ringing and destroying the serenity. "Hows the serenity" name the movie.
Phones phones phones, I go for a ride to get away the things, sure I take it with me but its away in the tank bag and I check it when I stop. The last thing I want is to be distracted by the thing ringing and destroying the serenity. "Hows the serenity" name the movie.

Thats why I'm looking at getting an ipod touch instead of an iphone. All I want is to play my music while I have a map showing on it. No interruptions. My phone stays in my pocket when I am on the bike or in the car, since we all know they are just as much a distraction in cages. And while I can't remember the exact quote being in there, my guess on the quote is from Serenity.
I dont have an iphone or an ipod touch but I would buy on just so I could get a provault case from pro armor. Their expensive but made from the same aluminum as their skide plates.
Thanks for that ozfazer, exactly what I wanted.

Yeah, just want to have something to hold it for gps, now to watch while riding, but to eliminate the need to pull it out at a stop to quickly check a route.

Thanks again,

I have an iriver MP3 I chuck inside my jacket on the rare occasion I want music playing as I ride. That being said I normally dislike the distraction, and prefer to be more alert and aware of whats going on around me.
My helmet also lets alot of air in which means the music has to almost be deafeningly loud.