Photo albums - how to create?


Mar 28, 2007
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Hey guys!

A little help for the damsel in distress. My photos are all mixed up in my photo gallery. Can I create albums afterwards and arrange the photos in them?


Sorry, can't answer your question, but you sure take great pictures! You have great skills. I always look forward to seeing what you will post next.
Thanks everyone.

A few questions still:

- How do I create the albums first? When I'm uploading photos I can only select from the main categories -> I have selected 'member galleries'.

- Call me stupid, but I can't seem to find the edit button. There's a clip of the photo page. Are those the icons mentioned?

I guess I just haven't found the right place to make the changes. After I've uploaded a photo in the gallery, I haven't even been able to reply the comments. (Wonderchild of technology strikes again...)
Thanks, Dennis!

I actually read that just a few moments ago, but I haven't had the time to try it yet. For some reason I have the feeling I ought to be doing something quite different than hanging online the web. Maybe because I'm at work... :ban:
I've got My photos and My favourites, no mention about albums. But don't despair, I can manage without them. Though from my profile under statistics I found a place to edit the photos. In there I can delete a photo or change their category.

Oh, and about the comments. I checked from the users manual where a new comment can be added. I don't have that link either. I marked the place where I was expecting the link to be according to the manual.

Maybe I just should let this be. :rolleyes: