Problems With The Police?

To clarify, per your request Chris, I got a speeding ticket and an illegal left hand turn out of a parking lot ticket. Both were in heavier traffic that I could have easily been stealthy about with stock exhaust, but the officer heard me and turned to look as I made the left turn and/or speeding (I wasn't speeding by much 70 in a 65). Both were BS tickets and I fought both, winning the left hand turn ticket.

I'm just saying, for every pro there is certainly a con to go with it. Given that, I'd certainly put pipes on my bike again given the opportunity.:rockon:
So, your only concern is the cops? You are totally okay with pissing off everyone you pass and generally disturbing the peace? Nice.


Dude are you cool with pissing everyone off that has scorpions or aftermarket exhaust here?

They are not crazy loud like open pipes but they are loud. Not deafining or anything, just loud.
The exhaust may/will get some additional attention. Chances are you won't get an exhaust ticket, but if you do it should be a "fixable" ticket and won't affect your driving/insurance record. If the cop does write you a ticket there are so many other types of "moving" violations (speeding, unsafe turn, etc.) that the exhaust will be the least of your worries. The moving violations are what cost $$$ and go on your record.

For the cop to single you out from all of the other traffic violators out there you are probably grabbing the throttle a little too hard and the speed is what will get you stopped. If the cop wants to give you a ticket, he will. Be polite and don't argue, that will only ensure you get every violation you have committed written on the citation.

To answer the original question... yes the Scorpion exhaust (I have a Scorpion on my bike), and just about any other exhaust, is illegal. Here is the California Vehicle Code entry that answers the question:

27151. (a) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor
vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted
by the motor of the vehicle so that the vehicle is not in compliance
with the provisions of Section 27150 or exceeds the noise limits
established for the type of vehicle in Article 2.5 (commencing with
Section 27200). No person shall operate a motor vehicle with an
exhaust system so modified.
I've almost had my ears blown out on numerous occasions by big ol' Harleys in the parking lot outside the store I work at. I also have yet to hear a story from one of my customers regarding getting pulled over for their exhaust. For the most part I think it's almost considered as a secondary offense. Most cops won't trouble you for it unless you're doing something else that's illegal. I still have the stock exhaust on my bike right now but I can't wait to get me a set of carbon M4 cans :rockon:
While I definitely agree, I'm also pretty sure people have noticed me because of my "loud" exhausts who wouldn't have noticed me at all until it was too late.

People have more than one sense, and sometimes they don't always use all of them. So in addition to being VISIBLE, I like to be AUDIBLE.

Plus, I've noticed and avoided hitting bikes before because I could actually hear them. It's easy to have a close call when you don't even hear a motorcycle until they're right next to you.

Quite right, Soviet, sometimes you may not always be visible, i.e. when they don't use their bloody mirrors but if they can hear something they may look twice. There are enough cars here with straight through exhausts that sound like a jet is taking off and nothing happens about it. I'd be prepared to piss a few people off if it means they have a chance of hearing me as well as seeing me.
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