Questions for the opposite sex!

Also , Why is it that all my female friends "must" have been my girlfriend at some stage ????

I am going to get so bashed for this but I absolutley believe 100% that in a guy/girl friendship one of them has wanted the other at some point. There is always some kinda attraction there on one side or the other. Girls can say all day this is not true but they are only speaking for themselves not the guy.

As far as the do these pants...issue, we know how we look, we wanna see if you are gonna tell the truth and I personally will not ask these questions unless I want to hear the truth. Sometimes I am not feeling it and I say babe does this look ok and he will tell me the TRUTH. However if I feel I am having a crappy day (looks wise) there isnt a damn thing he can say to make me change my mind.

And truth be told I as a female am after looks just as much as the next GUY. I just have enough self-confidence to watch myself and not be ran over. I believe if you lay there and are a doormat you will get walked on. Yes I can absolutely love a guy for his humor wit charm etc etc but if the physical chemistry isn't there (and you almost know imediately) for get it.
...However if I feel I am having a crappy day (looks wise) there isnt a damn thing he can say to make me change my mind.

Now, therein lies the rub. WE don't know what's swirling around in the girls mind -- is she "just askin'", is she testing us, is she in a good or bad mood. Ugh. You may as well whip out a gun and point it at my head when you ask this. It's that uncomfortable...just stop.

And I agree with the notion of just being one's self -- like boo said, if you don't love yourself, you've got no business dragging someone else into a relationship.

This is gettin' all Oprah and stuff. I gotta go find something manly to do.

Great thread by the way.
Now, therein lies the rub. WE don't know what's swirling around in the girls mind -- is she "just askin'", is she testing us, is she in a good or bad mood. Ugh. You may as well whip out a gun and point it at my head when you ask this. It's that uncomfortable...just stop.
This is why I say just tell the truth cuz unfortunately for some guys they are screwed either way. If we look like crap we know it so just tell us the truth. When we see a pretty girl and ask you think she is pretty and you say no or she is ok, why you gotta lie? Just tell the truth and deal with it. We know you arent Gay or blind!! I do not do this! There are a million beautiful women out there and I do not need to know my hubbys opinion on them. I know when they are prettier, skinnier etc....

Mstewar thanks. I love debating on this stuff and hearing peoples answers including yours. I am so glad there are men on this planet!
OK - I have a question:

Why do guys complain about high maintenance women who treat them like dirt, but those are the ones they chase, while women like me who are happy, cheerful, easygoing and fun are left wondering wtf?

They never start out that way. They always start out care free and loving and understanding and independent. Then comes the ring. Now you have to submit a detailed itinerary of where you're going, with who, to do what, for how long, and EXACTLY when you're coming back. In between you have to call when you get where you're going, call before you come home, and also check in every 12 minutes in between. If you're someplace loud and you can't hear her, its your fault for letting all that noise happen. If you're late (for any reason, medical emergencies not excluded) you're irresponsible and lied about when you're coming home. Then once you finally get home, listen to everything you've done wrong, apologize for being the worst husband in the world, its time to rub her feet while you watch The Millionaire Matchmaker reunion for 3 hours.

Believe it or not, I really do still love my wife though. Figure that out! :thumbup: