Return of the Squid

People that don't wear seatbelts? Yeah - I can't see the logic in not wearing one.

I don't enjoy gearing up/down and riding with it all on is certainly no party but, I literally have too much riding on this. I'm 34, new bike owner, head of household earner, have a fantastic wife and a awesome 5 year old monster that need me to get home.
not wearing gear, to me does not make me stupid, i have common sense, im an intelligent person, i wear my helmet, usually(always on non city roads above 35ish) im youngish 25, i full well know that if/when i fall its gonna hurt, i accept this, it doesn't make me dumb or stupid, it makes me much more aware of my surroundings, much more aware of what people are doing and what i think they will do , i would never wear leathers in the summer, dont like being constricted dont like being hot, but this doesnt mean i dont think ill ever fall, its all preferences, are people who dont wear there seatbelts stupid and idiots? it is all preferences, but then again i have not been down

I have no problem with people riding in a hoodie, t-shirt, naked, whatver it is that they think they want out of the experience, as long as they don't hurt anyone else. All I can say from personal experience is that 35 mph might not seem like all that much perched on your bike, but its a whole different story when you're going down and a couple of inches from the ground. The first time I had a serious slider, and I couldn't have been doing more than 40 on the twistie and lost traction, was how ridiculously fast I seemed to be going when my face was a foot from the ground. Also maybe some people enjoy digging bits of pebble from their skin. I've found out I'm not certainly not one of them.
35 is plenty to kill yourself with out a helmet. Just 2 days ago a friend of mine fell out if the bed of a truck going 25. He hit his head and had a terrible arterial bleed and stopped breathing. Because of that he was brain dead almost instantly and they took him off life support today. He was 22 years old. So I don't care how fast you go without a helmet, it can kill you.

I am here:
I personally don't think people are stupid for not wearing gear, but I don't think it's wise either. Out of all the riders I've met and talked to the guys who choose not to wear gear have never been down and are fairly new riders, everyone I've talked to who has wrecked or went down wears gear wether they did before the wreck or didn't but they do now. Yes gearing up and down can be a pain but I've been doing it so long now that I feel "naked" if I dont even put my riding pants on. For those that don't wear gear I'm sure by now you've herd the expression, it's not a matter of if you'll go down but when, and when it does happen you will wish you at least had a good jacket, and if you decided to keep riding after it happens I'd bet you won't get back on a bike until you have some gear.
not wearing gear, to me does not make me stupid, i have common sense, im an intelligent person, i wear my helmet, usually(always on non city roads above 35ish) im youngish 25, i full well know that if/when i fall its gonna hurt, i accept this, it doesn't make me dumb or stupid, it makes me much more aware of my surroundings, much more aware of what people are doing and what i think they will do , i would never wear leathers in the summer, dont like being constricted dont like being hot, but this doesnt mean i dont think ill ever fall, its all preferences, are people who dont wear there seatbelts stupid and idiots? it is all preferences, but then again i have not been down

I pretty much agree with you here. I think most of the 'idiots' are the people that do stupid stuff on their bike all while not wearing any gear. If they go down like that, then ride again the same way, that makes them stupid.

I always ride with my helmet, an armored jacket (leather in cool weather/mesh in hot), my cortech gloves, and my icon boots. It's my personal preference to wear my gear on the bike, although I never wear my seatbelt in my
I have friends who are stunters who wear full gear including shin and knee pads but just a pair of chucks on the feet. It boggles my mind, but they have been down so many times and apparently never needed boots lol. I asked one of them why he doesnt have boots, and he said its just much more comfortable doing the tricks. I talked him into checking out some riding tennis shoes. Not the best protection but better then what he has.
All the gear all the time! I saw last weekend a guy and gal with mostly nothing on but helmet basically. I shook my head as they passed me on my fizzer. If they go down OUCH. They will not be too happy. Helmet, Gloves, Jacket, Boots and pants are a must riding a motorcycle these days. Too many idiot cage drivers to deal with any more. You can't be too careful because it's your life or my life which I value highly. ATGATT!
As it goes, if wearing gear is "smart" - and it is by absolutely any objective, rational measure - calling the un-geared "stupid" is a bit harsh.

But, clearly, they are less-smart.

So, own-up you non-gear wearing less-smart people.

Do what you want, no problem with me, but call it like it is. :BLAA:
i ride in shorts short sleeves and shoes mostly around town, pa doesnt require motorcycle helmets(but they require snowmobile helmets), **** id much rather wear helmet on bike and not on snowmobile, im not stupid, i know chances are im going to wreck, if i live and can walk/ride ill get right back on without gear, ive wrecked dirtbikes snowmobiles and jetskis only gear ever worn was a wetsuit or helmets, granted snow is p[pavement, but trees sure as hell hurt when u say stupid, i think its stupid to not wear a helmet at least, but i still do w/o that sometimes, and its not because i dont think 35 is fast, if the bike is moving its not gonna be a vacation when you fall 15 35 or 65 i just dont like my head in a helmet, ill take the chance, btw im the bread winning lead of household with a 7 year old its all about preferences, u can ride responsibly w/o gear, then u get idiots oh man im fully geared with my helmet i can **** around and it wont hurt....uh huh
Saying its all about preferences sounds like your trying to convince yourself that's it's no big deal IMO. But in reality it's all about chances, and what chances a individual is willing to take. And I'll say it again I don't think anyone is stupid for not wearing gear, however I do think it is unwise. This is coming from someone who has pretty much totaled my first bike by a car crossing the center lane in a turn so it doesn't matter how careful you are it's others actions that you have no control over. I slid feet in the air on my right shoulder for about 60ft, I'm 90% sure by the look of the jacket, and how much meat was taken off my shoulder that If I wasn't wearing a good riding jacket I would have lost the use of my right arm. Plus most accidents happen less than 5 miles from home. In the end it's your decision, I've just known too many people who have either been scared/injured for life from not wearing gear and absolutely hate to hear about fellow riders getting injured especially if it was something that could have been prevented.
not wearing gear, to me does not make me stupid, i have common sense, im an intelligent person, i wear my helmet, usually(always on non city roads above 35ish)

Sorry, I highlighted the important error in that statement.

No, unless you're properly protected and wear a full-faced helmet ALL OF THE TIME, then no - you are NOT showing evidence of common sense

i would never wear leathers in the summer, dont like being constricted dont like being hot

Do you like being dead? (or in hospital for months getting excruciatingly painful skin-grafts?)

are people who dont wear there seatbelts stupid and idiots?

Coming from a country where seatbelts are mandatory - yes, those people are stupid.

Isn't it sad that the gubbermint has to enforce a seatbelt law that is just plain common sense?

There's a lot to be said for the American 'Freedom to choose for oneself' message - because you don't HAVE to, people think it's a choice.

Seatbelts are not just an accessory - they are a damn good idea, and a proven lifesaver millions of times over.

But, I'm glad you get to choose whether you'll wear a helmet, and wear a seatbelt - chances are that within 10yrs, you'll be one less Seppo we have to worry about.....


P.S. I apologise to those that may be offended by this, but really - this kind of squid stupidity just irks me. When I was living in Townsville, with only my motorcycle for transport - I would ALWAYS wear full leather, full face helmet, boots, gauntlet gloves etc (despite it being 100°F+) and this saved me from cagers several times (including one off where I slid/rolled for over 525') on the highway after being sideswiped.
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last night I jump started my sons bike,I had taken off my lid and gloves when I got home, still had my jacket on, tinkered with my sons bike for a bit then I anticipated a few non-starts and a push back up the hill so didnt bother with the helmet
any way on the third go I had enough speed going that it turned over in 2nd for aabout 10 mteres and fired up, took it for a quick run down the street and back. My son said how was it w/out a helmet.... Freaky is the only word I can use to describe it. I didn't feel free, wind in the (no)hair, just as vulnerable as all F***
next time I''l prob do the same again but I don't like it.... give me a lid anyday

I "approve" this gear :rockon:
I'm all for free choice, and I know it can be easy to say you'll accept the consequences of those choices, but I urge every single one of you to wear gear. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your loved ones that, God forbid, will be caring for you if you do get into an accident. Do it to set a good example for those who will see you, and want to emulate you (my 6yr old nephew for example). And, do it to be the example and save the lives of those who are put in harm's way because of YOUR choice of transportation.

I chose to get a motorcycle instead of fixing up my old beater, and as a result, my wife rides with me almost every day. Nothing crazy, just trips to the grocery, class, church, etc. She's always asking me if we can ride without the heavy, hot gear, and I always give an unbelieving stare and say HELL no! Well this past January we were on our way home from church, just 1.2 miles from home, and a guy next to us merged into our lane without checking. Needless to say, we went down. I was up within seconds, adrenaline pumping, thinking what the hell did I get my wife into! That moment of not knowing if she was OK was the scariest moment of my life. I felt so guilty. In the end, our injuries were minor, a little road rash on our knees (we did neglect to wear riding pants), some bruised hands for me, a broken foot and a minor concussion for her. But the helmet saved her face. She hit the ground head first. I don't think she'll ever ask me to ride without gear again, but I'm glad I never gave in. I don't think I could have forgiven myself if she hit that pavement without a full-face helmet and leathers.
not wearing gear, to me does not make me stupid, i have common sense, im an intelligent person, i wear my helmet, usually(always on non city roads above 35ish) im youngish 25, i full well know that if/when i fall its gonna hurt, i accept this, it doesn't make me dumb or stupid

No, it does not make you stupid or dumb, but it does prove you FOOLISH

makes me much more aware of my surroundings...

yeah you'll now exactly which side is up when you go down, because thats the side that isn't ripping flesh off.

And as for leathers in the summer:
F*** that. they make mesh jackets and kevlar enforced riding jeans for a reason.
F*** that. they make mesh jackets and kevlar enforced riding jeans for a reason.

I agree with that, now....

When I first started riding, in southern Queensland, I was instructed by a family friend who was very ATGATT (long before the term became popular)

After a few years, I moved to Townsville, and not knowing there was a less hot option, I stayed with what I knew.

I wear a textile jacket now, but as I now live near Adelaide (where it gets bloody cold) ironically I now need the extra wind protection of the leather!


You might call it free choice but when you are seriously injured the taxpayer is paying for you being not gearing up or wearing a seatbelt.
That's not fair.
What about your family - is it fair to them that they might lose a husband/wife/father/mother etc because you saw it as your "right" not to gear up?

I don't/wouldn't drive without a seatbelt or ride without ATGATT

Might not save me from injury/death in a serious accident but I have a better chance. In a minor accident IT WILL save me from many, many different types of injury.

My 2 cents...

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Here's my 3 cents. We all know riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity. Based on this thread, it seems like some people take this danger more seriously than others. I personally ride ATGATT. If you don't want to wear the proper gear, I do think it's your own choice as long as you follow the law. But to say that you don't wear the gear because you are a responsible/cautions rider is crazy. You can control what you do on your bike but you can't control the other people around you. That's why we wear the gear; for the unexpected! Be safe.
i ride in shorts short sleeves and shoes mostly around town, pa doesnt require motorcycle helmets(but they require snowmobile helmets), **** id much rather wear helmet on bike and not on snowmobile, im not stupid, i know chances are im going to wreck, if i live and can walk/ride ill get right back on without gear, ive wrecked dirtbikes snowmobiles and jetskis only gear ever worn was a wetsuit or helmets, granted snow is p[pavement, but trees sure as hell hurt when u say stupid, i think its stupid to not wear a helmet at least, but i still do w/o that sometimes, and its not because i dont think 35 is fast, if the bike is moving its not gonna be a vacation when you fall 15 35 or 65 i just dont like my head in a helmet, ill take the chance, btw im the bread winning lead of household with a 7 year old its all about preferences, u can ride responsibly w/o gear, then u get idiots oh man im fully geared with my helmet i can **** around and it wont hurt....uh huh
Here's my 3 cents. We all know riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity. Based on this thread, it seems like some people take this danger more seriously than others. I personally ride ATGATT. If you don't want to wear the proper gear, I do think it's your own choice as long as you follow the law. But to say that you don't wear the gear because you are a responsible/cautions rider is crazy. You can control what you do on your bike but you can't control the other people around you. That's why we wear the gear; for the unexpected! Be safe.
I will never forget (as a kid-80's) watching a guy hauling ass down I-5 on a crotch with nothing but flip flops, nylon shorts and shades...I am sure he thought he looked cool, but even back then I knew something was wrong...

You mean something like this

[ame=]Cool as Ice: The Bike Jump (HD) - YouTube[/ame]

Vanilla Ice -Never Gonna Be Without You. - YouTube

Ah Vanilla Ice.....the first Squid :p