Ride to Hell and back


Distance Rider
Mar 22, 2008
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Went for a ride to Hell, Michigan to meet some guys from the Sport-touring forum today. I do have a few crappy pics and I'll post them as soon as I find the cord for my camera (posting this thread now will motivate me to look for it!)

The ride there was through some of the best twisties I've ridden. After some dinner with a great bunch of guys (all LD riders), four of us rode together back to Jackson, Michigan though more twisties. A local guy led the group.

So here's where it got interesting. We were riding west into a setting sun so it was tough to see at times, but nothing too crazy. I decided to ride at the back so I can keep some space in front of me. Spirited riding through curves isn't something I have a chance to do regularly and I knew I was outclassed compared with the guys I'm riding with (they've also ridden together a lot). I just told them to go ahead and not worry about slowing down for me. For me this was the first chance I've had to really ride hard on the bike. I figured having experienced riders to chase would help me line up the turns better and keep me from riding into a speed trap. I promised myself to stay within my limits, but I also wanted to push myself a bit too.

I'm about the farthest thing from a squid you can get. ATGATT, my bike is set up for touring. I've had 0 track experience (someday) and I'm prone to wearing out tires only in the center. So we hit the road and WHAM. These guys take off like rockets. In front of me was a Triumph Thruxton (sex on wheels IMO - 900cc parallel twin, stock) and in front of him were two Triumph Sprint 1050s (FULLY dressed and modded). I focused on the ride - immediately feeling a rush that you can only get on a motorcycle screaming hard through 2nd gear.

Some observations....

-these guys were smoooooth. They almost never hit their brakes, looked way ahead through the turns, and trusted their bikes to an extent I never have before. I found myself falling behind BADLY on the turns for the first 15 miles. The guy on the lead Sprint and the guy on the Thruxton was really leaning over and it was cool to watch. One guy hit some gravel once and I thought he'd lose it, but he managed to keep it up.

-Rowing throug the gears, I could easily make up the distance on the Thruxton on the straights, but that was about it. I also found myself braking hard before turns (too hard). I know that rolling on through the turn is better for stability, but I guess I'm just not experienced enough to know how much speed I can carry into the turns. I think the fact that I hammered the throttle to close the gap each time meant that I was going hotter into the turns than the other bikes. Brakes on the FZ6 are brilliant though!

-Another observation. I've always enjoyed the power that comes on at 7K, but at around 9K the FZ6 is absolutely INSANE! Passing power is not an issue. I definitely had to shift a lot to keep the bike in the powerband, but it sure was fun!

-I found myself doing better when I started focusing on smooth shifts. Everything seemed to start falling into place after that. Focusing on keeping a loose grip on the handlebars seemed to help too. I found myself getting tunnel-vision as the ride went on - I've never been so focused on my riding before. I kept forgetting to breathe.

When we finally hit the interstate we stopped for a few minutes. I was relieved to hear that the other guys had found the ride challenging too. Maybe there's hope for me yet! It'll be a LONG, LONG time before my riding skills meet the ability of our bikes. Before I got my FZ6 I rode a cruiser and always rode with other cruisers. It was enjoyable, but certainly NOTHING like the kind of ride you can have with an FZ6.
There's a place called Hell, Michigan? Seems named specifically with the intent of being involved in some usage of the phrase "Hell and back." Sounds like an exciting time, and expanding your horizons a bit. I've never ridden that hard. The only time I've ever ridden with someone, it was an HD Road King, and pretty slow and ponderous. With my meager skills, it worked out fine.

I've always been interested in cruisers (the look, anyway). What did you enjoy about riding a cruiser more than an FZ6? Do you still have the cruiser? If so, when do you use it?
It's good that you got some experience with better riders. I always enjoy riding with people who are at my level and/or better so I can learn more and get more confidence on the bike. I wish I could go on rides like your one to Hell a lot more.

Oh yeah, I think it needs to be said....

I think everybody on this forum should go the Hell.:D
Just starting riding this Summer. Made it a point to make HELL my first road trip! Not as exciting as yours, but a nice ride just the same.

It's really great to be this close!
It's good that you got some experience with better riders. I always enjoy riding with people who are at my level and/or better so I can learn more and get more confidence on the bike. I wish I could go on rides like your one to Hell a lot more.

Oh yeah, I think it needs to be said....

I think everybody on this forum should go the Hell.:D

I rie those roads alot. I feel fortunate to live this close to such good riding. I have a VStrom and a dr200. There is good dual sport riding here too. I am considering getting a sport bike just not sure which one.
Great story D-Mac, thanks for sharing it. The ride sounds great, I'm looking forward to your photos. :thumbup: Oh...gotta like 8500 huh???
I've always been interested in cruisers (the look, anyway). What did you enjoy about riding a cruiser more than an FZ6? Do you still have the cruiser? If so, when do you use it?

I traded in the cruiser when I got the FZ6. I would have loved to have kept it, but my wife had other ideas!

While I don't regret trading for the FZ6 at all (I prefer the FI, quickness, handling, seating position, brakes, power, and storage options on the FZ6) there were some things I liked about the cruiser. I must admit that I like the SOUND of a v-twin more than an I-4. I had aftermarket pipes for the cruiser - they weren't obnoxious and I never took the baffles out, but they had a wonderful meaty growl under power. On the downside, they were a bit loud for long rides and I much prefer the underseat exhaust.

I also preferred the cruiser on group rides. For one thing, EVERYONE in the midwest seems to own a cruiser - mostly HD. While I was never interested in a Harley (I owned a Honda Shadow), I could join in with the HD crowd easily and the sucky handling didn't make much difference riding the speed limit with a bunch of loud bikes. The FZ6 definitely stands out from the Harley crowd, which I like sometimes, but I notice my HD friends aren't anxious to ride with me anymore (and they seem to ride too slowly anyway now that I have the FZ6!)

If I could own 3-4 bikes, one of them would like be a cruiser. If I could get one bike in addition to the FZ6 though it would be a dual-sport. A cruiser would be 3rd or 4th on my list.
Just starting riding this Summer. Made it a point to make HELL my first road trip! Not as exciting as yours, but a nice ride just the same.

It's really great to be this close!

I'm about 45 min away in Albion. Now that I know these roads exist, you can bet I'll be riding to Hell more often!
I rie those roads alot. I feel fortunate to live this close to such good riding. I have a VStrom and a dr200. There is good dual sport riding here too. I am considering getting a sport bike just not sure which one.

I think we could help you pick out a sportbike.....how about an FZ6?:D You could also get a Ninja 250 (old style) pretty cheap. It would make a good track bike too. If you are patient you could find a VFR as well (the pre-V-tec 5th generation is an AMAZING ride).

Which V-strom do you have? If I thought I'd be on gravel roads more often I would have bought a V-strom 650 over an FZ6. I test rode one and liked it a lot. Then I tried an FZ6 and was hooked..... I really wanted something other than a V-twin for a change so I opted for the FZ6 in the end.
Great story D-Mac, thanks for sharing it. The ride sounds great, I'm looking forward to your photos. :thumbup: Oh...gotta like 8500 huh???

Yup. 8500 is ass-kicking. I did another 100 miles this afternoon and it was fantastic.

Still looking for the stupid camera cord. Of course Pentax couldn't use the same style of cord as anyone else - that would be too easy! I'd better find it soon.....kids 4th birthday photos are on there and wife/grandparents are getting anxious.
I think we could help you pick out a sportbike.....how about an FZ6?:D You could also get a Ninja 250 (old style) pretty cheap. It would make a good track bike too. If you are patient you could find a VFR as well (the pre-V-tec 5th generation is an AMAZING ride).

Which V-strom do you have? If I thought I'd be on gravel roads more often I would have bought a V-strom 650 over an FZ6. I test rode one and liked it a lot. Then I tried an FZ6 and was hooked..... I really wanted something other than a V-twin for a change so I opted for the FZ6 in the end.

I have the 650. I got it because I thought it would be a good bike to camp off of. My 18 yr old son bought one also (with my help). I am thinking about a FZ6 especially nekkid. LOve the looks and I heard it handles as great as it looks.
Yup. 8500 is ass-kicking. I did another 100 miles this afternoon and it was fantastic.

Still looking for the stupid camera cord. Of course Pentax couldn't use the same style of cord as anyone else - that would be too easy! I'd better find it soon.....kids 4th birthday photos are on there and wife/grandparents are getting anxious.

Can you pull the memory card out and put it in the PC? I have the same problem with my Casio camera, special cord, and very lost. :rolleyes:
Hell photos!

FINALLY here are a few photos from my trip to hell.

As usual, I didn't take any photos of the actual PLACE. Only of bikes and people. You won't find me in any of these either.

First- My 'old school' GPS...

Gotta gas up for the trip! Note the new V46 topcase!

I was going to put up a pic of the coc*pit (spelled wrong intentionally). Apparently the filter on this website does like certain words (or files containing certain words like coc*!)

Anyway, here's a shot of the folks who attended. I don't know most of their names (only their internet names and bikes they ride!)

A C-14. This guy rides a LOT. Unforunately, I didn't ride back with him.

Gotta include a Blackbird shot! Love this bike (it is dirty though:D) I think it's a 1999 (must be at least a 99 since it has FI).

Finally....here's the Thruxton I was chasing all the way home. You can also see one of the two Sprints I rode behind. Beautiful bike.

I'm getting a mount for my camera so I can take a few pics of the road. That should spice things up a bit.
D-Mac, if you get some time would you mind marking out your trip on google maps. I would like to go on one decent day trip before the end of the year and if this one has some good twisties I think one similar to what you did would be great. I know that area a little bit but have never been down there on the bike. Thanks.
D-Mac, if you get some time would you mind marking out your trip on google maps. I would like to go on one decent day trip before the end of the year and if this one has some good twisties I think one similar to what you did would be great. I know that area a little bit but have never been down there on the bike. Thanks.

I will try. I know how I got there (I rode alone, going east from Jackson on route 106 and then back roads to directly to Hell), but I just followed some other guys back to Jackson so I'm not exactly sure where I was on that leg (we made several turns along the way, but all of the roads were MUCH better than the ones I came in on). I know we went south through the Waterloo Recreation area and came out at I-94 somewhere between Jackson and Ann Arbor.

I'll ask the guys I rode back with and see if I can put together I map....
I'd appreciate it but you don't have to go to that much trouble. I just figured if you knew your route I could check it out. I know some of that area down that and it might be worth a road trip to head down there and ride around for awhile.