Run into any pricks like this.....

It's things like this that make me think that putting an auto pitcher on the back of your bike would have more purposes than getting rid of chasing dogs.

Instead of loading it with balls....well, use your imagination. ;)
Not lately, but in 1982 while riding in New Mexico a cage tried to run me off the road. Lucky for me the shoulder was hard packed dirt and I was only doing about 45. I guess one incident in 75,000 miles isn't too bad.
I think just about all of us have had to deal with crazy MoFo's in Cars. I have a mate who deals with it by kicking their mirrors off, then giving them the bird! Always thought he was a bit crazy, but he has only been booked for it once in twenty years of riding, so he reckons the $270 fine is a small price to pay for god knows how many cagers thinking twice before they toy with a bike!

But i really just posted to say that this thread has the best title ever!

straight away, you knew what was coming, some crazy road rage story!

Glad your ok.